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How can I print the table design? 4

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Technical User
Feb 25, 2003
I would like to copy the field, type and description fields of the table design to Word or Excel. I have searched at Microsoft after attempting a simple Ctrl C/Ctrl V. Specifically, I want the description which is not an available option in Tools/Analyze/Documenter.

Do you have any ideas short of retyping. Many thanks!
Description will be printed if you check the Properties CheckBox in the Tools | Analyze | Documenter dialog box
You folks are amazing! Many thanks. It's not what I was looking for, but I can work with it. I dumped the results in Excel and can cut all the other properties I'm not interested in like collatingorder or columnhidden and the like. Thanks again, this will work.

It actually is possible to extract specific properties. I did this with Access 97 several years ago. The problem is that I don't think I still have the database, and I can't remember how I did it. I will investigate over the coming weekend and see what I can find.

The keys are TableDef, Field and Properties

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Check out jrbarnett's documenter. There's a link to his site from the link page of the Access VBA forum (forum705).

Roy-Vidar, I've just had a quick look at that .mda you referred to. It looks very good. My code essentially did something similar (nowhere near as well structured or documented).

The main purpose of mine was to provide structured layout of a module, ie indentation etc. This rest of the program was more of an academic exercise. One thing, from memory, I was not able to achieve was to extract the Macro Actions, I could get the names (Scripts collection, I think) but could not dig any deeper.
I answered a question somewhere else, on how to get information on specific macro actions (sendobject), for someone who'd inherited a "monster-macro" db. Just had a little go at cleaning it up a little, to be a bit more general.

This is in no way fully tested, contains no errorchecking, but tasks like this isn't usually used in production, but as a "one timer", so hopefully it'll do.

It relies on some undocumented features (.SaveAsText), so use with care.

I'm using the Split and Replace functions, which doesn't exist in a97, so I've included som conditional compilation statements to allow for compilation on both a97 and later versions.

Note - I've used the Replace function from RickSpr faq faq705-4342, which you'll need also. Except I couldn't make his Split function work, so a version, at least working on my setup (rvsSplit), will also be needed in a97.

Also note - if there are some restrictions on the scripting libraries, it will fail.

There's a small bug, it cut's of the text when a macro has an action without any arguements (as in Beep, Maximize...)

[tt]Public Sub rvsGetMacros(ByVal v_strPath As String)
' royvidar
' created 2005-04-06
' purpose: get a list of all macros in the project
' parameters: v_strPath - existing path where one wish
' to place the results
' note - all existing files in the directory
' will be deleted
' output: output.txt - contains macro actions
' all macros as text files

' using late binding, no need to set any references
' - will probaby not work in an ADP
' - due to usage of the Split function, 2000+ versions
' unless "replacement split" functions can be used

Dim fs As Object
Dim txtIn As Object
Dim txtOut As Object
Dim strPath As String
Dim fls As Object
Dim fl As Object
Dim re As Object
Dim mc As Object
Dim m As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim db As Object
Dim strLastMacro As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strOut As String
Dim lngCounter As Long

#If CBool(VBA6) Then
Dim strMacro() As String
Dim strMacro
Dim s1
Dim s2
#End If

If Right$(v_strPath, 1) = "\" Then
strPath = v_strPath
strPath = v_strPath & "\"
End If

Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If fs.FolderExists(strPath) Then
If MsgBox("This will delete ALL existing files in" & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbTab & strPath & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Proceed?", _
vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Warning!") = vbNo Then
Set fs = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
Set fls = fs.GetFolder(strPath).Files
For Each fl In fls
fs.DeleteFile (fl.Path)
Next fl
MsgBox "wrong path...", vbExclamation, "cancelling..."
Set fs = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

Set db = CurrentDb
For Each doc In db.Containers("Scripts").Documents
SaveAsText acMacro, doc.Name, strPath & "\" & doc.Name & ".txt"

Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With re
.MultiLine = True
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
End With

Set fls = fs.GetFolder(strPath).Files
Set txtOut = fs.CreateTextFile(strPath & "output.txt", True)

For Each fl In fls
Set txtIn = fs.OpenTextFile(strPath & fl.Name, 1) ' For reading
strText = txtIn.ReadAll
Set txtIn = Nothing

' pattern to retrieve macros
re.Pattern = "Begin(.|\n)*?End\s"

strLastMacro = "Name of macro (db window/filename): " & _
fl.Name & vbNewLine

Set mc = re.Execute(strText)
For Each m In mc
' assigning macro to macro array
#If CBool(VBA6) Then
strMacro = Split(m.Value, "Argument =")
strMacro = rvsSplit(m.Value, "Argument =")
#End If

' doing some rather nasty splits to get at the info
' first - if there's a macro name in the Macroname
' column of the macro
If (InStr(strMacro(0), "Macroname") > 0) Then
#If CBool(VBA6) Then
strOut = "Macro Name (from column within macro): " & _
Split(Split(strMacro(0), "Action")(0), "=")(1)
strOut = "Macro Name (from column within macro): " & _
rvsSplit(rvsSplit(strMacro(0), "Action")(0), "=")(1)
#End If
End If

' then getting the macro action (SendObject, MsgBox...)
' then looping the arguements
If (InStr(strMacro(0), "Action") > 0) Then
#If CBool(VBA6) Then
strOut = strOut & Replace(Split(Split(strMacro(0), _
"Action")(1), "=")(1), vbNewLine, vbNullString)
s1 = rvsSplit(strMacro(0), "Action")
s2 = rvsSplit(s1(1), "=")
strOut = strOut & _
Replace(CStr(s2(1)), vbCrLf, vbNullString)
#End If
For lngCounter = 1 To UBound(strMacro)
strOut = strOut & _
Replace(Trim$(strMacro(lngCounter)), _
vbNewLine, vbNullString) & ", "
Next lngCounter
End If

' writing output
If Len(strOut) > 0 Then
txtOut.WriteLine strLastMacro & _
Left$(strOut, Len(strOut) - 6) & vbNewLine
' cleaning a little before next run
strLastMacro = vbNullString
strOut = vbNullString
End If
Next m
Next fl

' turning off the lights when leaving...
Set db = Nothing
Set doc = Nothing
Set fl = Nothing
Set fls = Nothing
Set txtIn = Nothing
Set txtOut = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
Set m = Nothing
Set mc = Nothing
Set re = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function rvsSplit(ByVal v_strInString As String, _
Optional ByVal v_strDelimiter As String = "|") As Variant
' royvidar
' created 2005-03-09
' purpose: split a string into a variant array for processing
' In this setting, I relax a little on testing, as I'll
' only pass string variables. Use variant and add a test
' with the IsMissing function to use in other context
' parameters:
' v_strInString - string containing text with delimiter
' i e - string to be split
' v_strDelimiter - the delimiter to use in the split
' returns: variant array

Dim lngCounter As Long ' count of delimiters - redim array
Dim lngStart As Long ' start position of string
Dim lngStop As Long ' end postition of string
Dim varResult() ' variant array

On Error GoTo SaxoSplit_Err

If Len(v_strInString) > 0 Then
lngStart = 1
lngStop = InStr(lngStart, v_strInString, v_strDelimiter)
If lngStop = 0 Then Exit Do
ReDim Preserve varResult(lngCounter)
varResult(lngCounter) = _
Mid$(v_strInString, lngStart, lngStop - lngStart)
lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
lngStart = lngStop + Len(v_strDelimiter)
ReDim Preserve varResult(lngCounter)
varResult(lngCounter) = Mid$(v_strInString, lngStart)
rvsSplit = Array()
End If
rvsSplit = varResult

Exit Function
rvsSplit = ""
Resume SaxoSplit_Exit
End Function[/tt]

...and of course, since I don't use Macros, I totally overlooked that macros can also have conditions. In case anyone is interested, I posted a faq on this faq705-5796, which should address that too. It may take a little time until it is approved and available.

Roy-Vidar, excellent.

That has made me even more determined to dig out my old program. Now I can complete it. Thanks. A star for your genius.
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