I am trying to pass values between three webpages. The first page pulls data from the database and allows the user to select a row by clicking on the hyperlink. I used this code here.
response.write "<TD><a href=EditPatient.asp?Action=" & rsAddComments.Fields("PIDM") & ">" & "Edit" & "</a></TD>"
This redirects the user to the Edit Patient page and pulls the correct information. This code pulls the data
'File Name: EditPatient.asp
PIDM = Request("Action")
Session("PIDM") = PIDM
'SQL Statement
strSQL = "Select * FROM tblIden WHERE PIDM = " & PIDM & ""
'Populate recordset with data
rsAddComments.Open strSQL, adoCon
Here is the problem...I have error checking on the third page (EditPatientAdd.asp) that uses error checking to make sure certain fields are not blank.
ElseIf FirstName = "" OR len(FirstName) < 1 Then
response.redirect "EditPatient.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("***The First Name must have at least 1 character.***")
The problem is the PIDM = Request("Action") no longer exists because it is replaced with the error message....
Does anyone know how to get around this or how to send two messages through the url..
response.write "<TD><a href=EditPatient.asp?Action=" & rsAddComments.Fields("PIDM") & ">" & "Edit" & "</a></TD>"
This redirects the user to the Edit Patient page and pulls the correct information. This code pulls the data
'File Name: EditPatient.asp
PIDM = Request("Action")
Session("PIDM") = PIDM
'SQL Statement
strSQL = "Select * FROM tblIden WHERE PIDM = " & PIDM & ""
'Populate recordset with data
rsAddComments.Open strSQL, adoCon
Here is the problem...I have error checking on the third page (EditPatientAdd.asp) that uses error checking to make sure certain fields are not blank.
ElseIf FirstName = "" OR len(FirstName) < 1 Then
response.redirect "EditPatient.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("***The First Name must have at least 1 character.***")
The problem is the PIDM = Request("Action") no longer exists because it is replaced with the error message....
Does anyone know how to get around this or how to send two messages through the url..