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How can I monitor a MedPro card? 4

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Technical User
Jan 31, 2011
I'm having some odd issue with my Medpro card TN2602AP FW054. It keeps loosing connectivity. I have to busy and release the card. Avaya has already replaced it once.

What command in ASA can be used to monitor the board for activity? Is it "Test board xxxx"?

Is the test command service affecting?
Have a look at your ethernet switch, and see if your port bounces.
If it does, fix the port speed. Certain combinations of ethernet switches and medpro's can make a port go up and down due to speed/duplex mismatch.
That is what Avaya noticed, they saw port switch at half on the switch and changed it to full.

The board was fine for several hours then it went out again, then came back up on its own.

I escalated this to tier III.
There are many tools built into the switch, some are only available on cm5.2.1 - You did not mention your hardware platform or Definity / CM software version

list measurements ip dsp-resource summary today-peak
list measurements ip dsp-resource summary yesterday-peak
status media-processor all
status media-processor board 2a14
C:\avayadoc\Aura CM5_2\CM5_2_avayadoc\CM52Reports.pdf

Avaya Aura Communication Manager Reports
Issue 8
May 2009

display system-parameters ip-options
Enable Voice/Network Stats? y

Voice/Network Statistics reports
The Voice/Network Statistics feature provides you measurement data to resolve
voice quality issues within your network. You can view the measurement data
through the SAT interface in the form of reports, which is helpful to
troubleshoot threshold events (packet loss, jitter, and round trip delay) duringcalls.

The media processor board gathers data on a per call basis, based on
SAT-administered threshold events that have been exceeded. Then it supplies this
data to Communication Manager that in turn generates the voice/network
statistics reports. These reports help you to determine the cause of a voice
quality issue.

The SYSTEM PARAMETERS IP-OPTIONS form and IP INTERFACES form provide information
on Voice/Network Statistics. In the IP-OPTIONS SYSTEM PARAMETERS form, a Voice/
Network Stats field is added to the System-Parameters IP-Options Report and in
IP INTERFACES form, the VOIP/Network Thresholds fields are added to the
IP-Interfaces Report.

Voice/Net Stats Field on System-Parameters IP-Options Form
The Enable Voice/Network Stats? field in the change system-parameters ip-options
form, enables/disables Voice/Network Statistics at the system level. When the
Enable Voice/Network Stats? is set to y, Voice/Network Statistics for threshold
events are recorded on the media processor boards. However, Voice/Network
Statistics feature has to be turned on at the media processor board level as

Thresholds Fields on IP-Interface Form
The change ip-interface form includes Voice/Network thresholds at the media
processor board level. The threshold fields and their default values are
displayed only when the value in the Enable Voice/Network Stats? field on the
change system-parameters ip-interface form is y and a valid TN2302 or TN2602
media processor board is used, and has also been entered on the change meas-sel
media-processor form.

change ip-interface 1A03 Page 3 of 3

Enable VoIP/Network Thresholds? y
Packet loss (%): 5
Jitter (ms): 50
RT Delay (ms): 500

Table 77: IP-Interfacse Form for Media Processor Threshold Options

Field Description
------------ -----------
Enable VoIP/ Enables/disables the recording of Voice/Network Statistics at a
Network single media processor board level (applies to both TN2602
Thresholds? boards, if duplicated).

Packet Loss Unacceptable packet loss coming into the administered media
(%) processor board.
Note: "xxx" indicates 100% packet loss.

Jitter (ms) Unacceptable jitter coming into the media processor board at
which point data is captured to send up to Communication Manager

RT Delay Unacceptable elapsed time for a packet to reach remote location
(ms) and revert. (Round Trip Delay
Status Station report

A page on Voice Statistics is added to the Status Station report. This page
allows you to view real time Voice Statistics for the calls in progress, which
may or may not exceed the administered Voice/Network thresholds.

To display the Status Station report:
1. Type status station 1201 press Enter.
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly jitter <net reg #> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly rtdelay <net reg #> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly pktloss <net reg #> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly data <net reg #> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly jitter <medpro location> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly rtdelay <medpro location> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly pktloss <medpro location> press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats hourly data <medpro locatio> and press Enter
Summary Voice/Network Statistics reports
The summary reports can be obtained for yesterday-peak, today-peak, or last-hour
interval. The summary reports provide measurement data on the calls during the
peak hour per board over a 24-hour period.

Summary Jitter report
The summary jitter report summarizes up to five worst jitter calls for the
corresponding peak hour for a given media processor board in the network region.

list measurements ip voice-stats summary jitter ['yesterday' | 'today' | 'last-hour'] press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats summary rtdelay ['yesterday' | 'today' | 'last-hour'] press Enter
list measurements ip voice-stats summary pktloss ['yesterday' | 'today' | 'last-hour'] and press Enter.
Type list measurements ip voice-stats summary data ['yesterday' | 'today' | 'last-hour'] and press Enter.
Change measurement selection forms

When you specify a specific network region or media processor in a list
measurements ip voice-stats report and that network region or media processor is
included in the ch meas-selection form, then the system shows a list measurement
report, otherwise the following error message is displayed: Not a measured
resource. For more information, refer to Voice/Network Statistics reports.

There is a major inter-dependency between ch meas-sel media-processor form and
the ip-interface form. For example, you have to have the media processor on both
of these forms in order to collect data. In addition, the board has to be
Voice/Network Statistics-enabled and Voice/Network Statistics-capable
(correct firmware version on the media processor board). You cannot enter Y in
the Enable Voice/Net Stats? field unless the board location has been entered
on the ch meas-sel media-processor form and that media processor's firmware is
Voice/Network Statistics-capable. For more information, refer to Thresholds
Fields on IP-Interface Form
Type change meas-selection network-region [schedule]and press Enter.
Type change meas-selection media-processor [schedule]and press Enter.

The validations for the command are as follows:
- If media processor board is not a TN2302 or TN2602, do not allow it on this
form. Communication Manager performs this validation.

- If TN2302/TN2602 is physically inserted, perform a capabilities exchange to
confirm that the board can support this feature. Communication Manager performs
this validation.

- When a media processor board is removed from the ch meas-sel media-processor
form, Communication Manager must verify that the Voice/Net Stats feature has
been disabled on the ip-interface form, otherwise the following error message is
displayed: Must first disable voice/net stats on ip-interface form. Also, you
must check the same, that is, Voice/Net Stats feature is disabled on the
ip-interface form, with duplicated TN2602 media processor boards, if your are
going to/from duplicated, simplex or load balanced media processor boards.

- In addition, if a board location or network region is moved or deleted, all
previous data for that board/network region and measurement hour is lost. If you
attempt to move a network region/media processor board from one position to
another, the following warning message is displayed: Moving a board/NR from one
location to another will result in the loss of existing data.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


37 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 27 years and counting
Regarding the Voice/Network Statistics reports on CM : as per the CM reports document, "Voice/Network Statistics feature has to be turned on at the media processor board level as well."

We donot have medpros in our architecture instaed we have G450 gateways with MM712 , MM714 & MM710 modules.

My query is - will the performance reports work if we enable voice/network stats on "change system ip-options" form only or we need to do more config on G450 gateways media-modules.

please provide the answer. thnx in adv.
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