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How can I link to an Excel SS as a Crystal Data Source?

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Technical User
Apr 25, 2011
Below is the response I got from my system database vendor. When I try to create a new data source using their instructions, my version of Excel is not in the list. The choices are Excel 3, 4, 5, or 8. The version I am using is the one in MS Office 2007. Ideally I would like to get this report saved to my desktop, overwrite it daily as the new report of receipts comes in my email. It is an Oracle report that can be sent to me in different formats (Should I choose a format other than Excel?) It has too much information in it, and I need a way to quickly get a report from it with only the fields I need. I had hoped to use Crystal to do this. I have never created a data source, and the screens are unfamiliar to me.

You can link to an xls sheet from Crystal, but you would not be able to run the report from GSS, only direct from within Crystal. I've got no docs on this. All you will do is go to Create New Connection / Access/Excel (DAO) and then browse to the xls file. The xls cannot be open at the time.
I have done that, but when I choose all the different Excel versions in the list, I get a message that says that it is not in the expected format. So from there I don’t know what to do. My Excel version is in Office 2007, and that is the format of the file I am trying to link to. Does Crystal 10 not recognize my version of Excel?
No, it does not. The file must be in .xls format. The .xlsx format came out LONG after Crystal 10 was released.


A computer only does what you actually told it to do - not what you thought you told it to do.
Thank you. I will request the report in the 2003 format and try to create the new data source.
I did get the link to work, but I am still lost. The report is from an Oracle Software manufacturing system. There are column labels in the report, such as Part Number, Quantity Received, Order Number etc. After linking, the field list doesn't show the labels, but shows F3 consecutive numbers through F66 as the field names. I only need about 6 fields, so from counting across the columns, I got some of the data in a Crystal report that corresponds to parts of the correct data. In the Part Number field there exists 8 character numbers with a 2 character alpha suffix. There are also 8 character numbers with no letters. All the 8 character number fields are blank yet have other data in the same row from the other fields that appears correct. In the Sales Order Shipment No field, that column is halfway filled, and halfway blank, although in the actual report there are no blanks in any of the columns. The columns that contain Qty appear correct, but without the other data complete in the rows, not useful. I am unfamiliar with Oracle, and just a bit better than novice level in Crystal. If this is a formatting issue, how would I go about reformatting the cells so that the report fields are filled? Thanks in advance to anyone that is willing to help.
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Part and Inventory Search

