Oct 14, 2003 #1 AlexKok MIS Oct 14, 2003 2 NL Is there a way to find out the name of the HMC from the command line on an LPAR AIX system?
Oct 14, 2003 #2 risc6k Technical User Jul 23, 2001 47 KR Hi AlexKok! I guess, you can use lshmc -n command in linux command line hope to help~ Upvote 0 Downvote
Oct 15, 2003 Thread starter #3 AlexKok MIS Oct 14, 2003 2 NL The lshmc command does not exist on an AIX LPAR (AIX does not have a linux command line either so this does not help, sorry. Upvote 0 Downvote
The lshmc command does not exist on an AIX LPAR (AIX does not have a linux command line either so this does not help, sorry.
Oct 17, 2003 #4 slamcorp MIS Jan 31, 2003 19 US check your files located in; /var/ct/cfg ctrmc.als should have your hmc server listed so that it can have 'hmc' control. I found my hmc listed in the following files; /var/ct/109214284/log/mc/IBM.CSMAgentRM/trace /var/ct/109214284/registry/local_tree/Data/804393152.0.270470.1052357388.5379677 82.variable.0 /var/ct/109214284/registry/local_tree/Data/804393152.0.270470.1052357388.5379677 82.variable.1 /var/ct/cfg/ct_has.thl /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.acls /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.acls.orig /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.mcptbl this is on a 5.2 system that runs dlpars.. I recommend putting the hmc in /etc/hosts or you won't be able to have dynamic lpars. Adam Upvote 0 Downvote
check your files located in; /var/ct/cfg ctrmc.als should have your hmc server listed so that it can have 'hmc' control. I found my hmc listed in the following files; /var/ct/109214284/log/mc/IBM.CSMAgentRM/trace /var/ct/109214284/registry/local_tree/Data/804393152.0.270470.1052357388.5379677 82.variable.0 /var/ct/109214284/registry/local_tree/Data/804393152.0.270470.1052357388.5379677 82.variable.1 /var/ct/cfg/ct_has.thl /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.acls /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.acls.orig /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.mcptbl this is on a 5.2 system that runs dlpars.. I recommend putting the hmc in /etc/hosts or you won't be able to have dynamic lpars. Adam