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How can I edit old Paradox .sc file extension in Paradox 8.... 1

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Technical User
Sep 26, 2001
I have a program written in Paradox 5 (maybe lower version) for windows that has the script file extension .sc and I need to modify the script format. I do not have the older version of Paradox that this was written in. I have Corel Paradox 8. Can I somehow edit this script in Paradox 8? It doesn't seem that Paradox 8 recognizes this script extension. Any suggestions??

Thank you!!

Sorry. You are out of luck. You will need Pdox 4.x for DOS or below to edit .sc script file. Luckily, you could use Notepad to edit Pdox's .sc file. However, you do need Pdox for DOS or Pdox runtime to execute your scripts.
Hello, and thanks for the quick response. I should have re-worded my question a little better. I do have the DOS version of Paradox installed on my computer. What I should have said was I don't have the actual disks of the program. I'm pretty sure it's ver. 3.5. But anyway, I did edit the script in notepad, but when I ran a test, the text that I added and needed to be displayed, did not show up on the report. This is when I turned to this web site to ask my first question. Is there anything special in notepad that I would have to do (besides saving it), or am I not seeing something?
I have the disks for Paradox 4.5 for DOS, and also the Runtime disks, and the program installed. This program can also read and change 4.0 and 3.5 versions (in compatible mode). I also have a home version, a tutorial diskette for 3.0, Paradox 5 and 7, and the books for them. I have done a lot of programming in Paradox 4.5 for DOS.

The *.sc file is a script, when it is compiled and it works a *.sc2 file is created.

I can be reached at:

At people charge for answering questions. Depending on the question and work to be done I may charge a small fee or none at all. You could send me the script and I can change it for you. Usually if you want to change the outcome of a report you need to change the *.r file (*.R1, *.R2, etc) file using Paradox. The *.sc file is the program the could retrieve the data for the report, but usually is not used to change the titles of the reports.
If you are changing the report title or field name etc. you will have to use Pdox for DOS and edit the report in report design.

No sweat! I have been programming in Paradox since version 1, and have installtion disks for ALL versions. Your problem is fairly easy. Email me what changes you want, and the script to RCONWAYARL@aol.com, and I'll fix it for you.
I have found that saved PdoxDos queries ("*.sc") file can be recycled into Paradox for windows queries by changing the extension from "sc" to "qbe". This only applies to the saved queries, NOT scripts, and also assumes that the other conditions for the query still apply.
Given the dates of the original post (and ensuing replies), I suspect the problem has either been resolved or worked around.

-- Lance
I'm with you, Lance. Besides, they can be edited with any text editor as long as they are not password protected.

Mac :)

"There are only 10 kinds of people in this world... those who understand binary and those who don't"

I realize that too, but it's FYI info not discussed originally
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