Technical User
Hi, I am pretty new to Access, so forgive me if this is a simple problem.:
Here is what I want to do:
I have a equipment database with:
EquipmentTbl – pkeyEquipmentID; pkeyCategoriesID; strCategories; pkeySubcategories; strSubcategories; strItemDescription; strSerialNo; strModelNo; strCurrency; strQtyIssued; strPurchasePrice; strPurchaseDate; strSupplier; strProjectOffice; strLocation; strPurchaser; strStatus;
CategoriesTbl – pkeyCategoriesID; strCategories; pkeySubcategories; strSubcategories
SupplierTbl – pkeySupplierID; strsupplier
ProjectOfficeTbl – pkeyProjectOfficeID; strProjectOffice
LocationTbl – pkeyLocationID; strLocation
PurchaserTbl – pkeyPurchaserID; strPurchaser
StatusTbl – pkeyStatusID; strStatus
I would like to create a form where Access would search for records that match criteria from comboboxes/listboxes I have based on the last 6 Tables from above. I would like that the search can be done from only one ComboBox/ListBox or some or all. However I would also synchronise them in order to limit results. I.E SerialNo being limited by Subcategory, which is limited by Category. I would like the results to be shown in a subform, which is part of the form.
I have tried to do it based on the example by Microsoft Access Database Solutions – Searching Records using a Microsoft Access List Box. However Access doesn’t accept …….. Me!stSearch.Column(0) & “’”
I would really appreciate if anybody can help. Thanks
Here is what I want to do:
I have a equipment database with:
EquipmentTbl – pkeyEquipmentID; pkeyCategoriesID; strCategories; pkeySubcategories; strSubcategories; strItemDescription; strSerialNo; strModelNo; strCurrency; strQtyIssued; strPurchasePrice; strPurchaseDate; strSupplier; strProjectOffice; strLocation; strPurchaser; strStatus;
CategoriesTbl – pkeyCategoriesID; strCategories; pkeySubcategories; strSubcategories
SupplierTbl – pkeySupplierID; strsupplier
ProjectOfficeTbl – pkeyProjectOfficeID; strProjectOffice
LocationTbl – pkeyLocationID; strLocation
PurchaserTbl – pkeyPurchaserID; strPurchaser
StatusTbl – pkeyStatusID; strStatus
I would like to create a form where Access would search for records that match criteria from comboboxes/listboxes I have based on the last 6 Tables from above. I would like that the search can be done from only one ComboBox/ListBox or some or all. However I would also synchronise them in order to limit results. I.E SerialNo being limited by Subcategory, which is limited by Category. I would like the results to be shown in a subform, which is part of the form.
I have tried to do it based on the example by Microsoft Access Database Solutions – Searching Records using a Microsoft Access List Box. However Access doesn’t accept …….. Me!stSearch.Column(0) & “’”
I would really appreciate if anybody can help. Thanks