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How can I create 2 different A:link attributes 2

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Jul 15, 2002
I'm new to CSS. here's my situation. I have my Styles.css file and i have my attributes for hyper links and link buttons
A:link, A:visited, A:active, A:hover
color: #DD4B03;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: underline;
I have now been asked to create a second look for a small group of hyperlinks that show up on every page.

How can I go about creating a second set hyperlink attributes in a CSS so only specific links use them? Thanks for your assistance.

Jason Meckley
Database Analyst
Add this to your stylesheet:

A.newlink:link, A.newlink:visited, A.newlink:active, A.newlink:hover
color: #DD4B03;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: underline;
a.newlink:hover {
stuff here...

And then in your html document you would refer to:

<a class=&quot;newlink&quot; href=&quot;blah.html&quot;>
Oops, some extra code got in there.

You only need this part:
A.newlink:link, A.newlink:visited, A.newlink:active, A.newlink:hover
attribute stuff here...
attribute stuff here...

Cheers, Faded
define a style class

a.classname:pseudoclass {

<a class=&quot;classname&quot; href=&quot;etc&quot;>Anchor Text</a>


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
sry for the question but:

A.newlink:link, A.newlink:visited, A.newlink:active, A.newlink:hover
attribute stuff here...

A.newlink1:link, A.newlink1:visited, A.newlink1:active, A.newlink1:hover
attribute stuff here...
I think that this will wokr with 2 differents A's?

You don't need to specify the second one as A.newlink1 because the regular A:link takes care of the first style you want without specifying a classname. So to refer to the two types, you would put the following in your html:

<a href=&quot;link1.html&quot;>this is the first style</a>
<a class=&quot;newlink&quot; href=&quot;link2.html&quot;>this is the second style</a>

Cheers, Faded
What do you mean by 3 links? Three different styles of link? or 3 links with the same style?

You can do both of the above, the first method is like you stated in your above post, specify a different classname for each style of link that you want, and add the pseudo classes :)active, :hover, :link, and :visited) for each. That way you can have completely different link styles at your disposal.
Here's an example of three different style links:
/* Default link style */
a {
attributes here...
a:link {
attributes here...
a:visited {
attributes here...
a:hover {
attributes here...
a:active {
attributes here...

/* Alternate link style */
a.linkstyle1 {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle1:link {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle1:visited {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle1:hover {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle1:active {
attributes here...

* Yet another alternate link style */
a.linkstyle2 {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle2:link {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle2:visited {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle2:hover {
attributes here...
a.linkstyle2:active {
attributes here...

and include them in your html like this:
<a href=&quot;defaultlink.html&quot;>This is the default link</a>
<a href=&quot;linkstyle1.html&quot; class=&quot;linkstyle1&quot;>This is the first alternate style</a>
<a href=&quot;linkstyle1.html&quot; class=&quot;linkstyle2&quot;>This is the second alternate style</a>

Cheers, Faded
thank you very mucht, i hope that the topic starter learned well about it; because this is very easy know. i'm was looking for something like this
This is such an informative thread. It seems a good place to pose a related problem.

I have not been successful yet removing inherited anchored qualities from a linked graphic sitting at the bottom of a css nested ul nav.

Here is hopefully the relevant (summarized) code:

<div id=&quot;navcontainer&quot;>
<ul id=&quot;navlist&quot;>
<li id=&quot;active&quot;><a href=&quot;index.htm&quot; id=&quot;current&quot;>Site Home Page</a></li>
<li><a href=&quot;/papers-articles/index-articles.htm&quot;>Articles</a></li>
<ul id=&quot;subnavlist&quot;>
<li><a href=&quot;/papers-articles/index-articles.htm&quot;>Constitution</a></li>
<li><a href=&quot;/papers-articles/index-articles.htm&quot;>Democracy</a></li>
<li><a href=&quot;contact.htm&quot;>Contact Us</a></li>
<li><div align=&quot;center&quot;><img src=&quot;images/logo.gif&quot; vspace=&quot;10&quot;></div></li>
<li><div align=&quot;center&quot;><a class=&quot;ads, ads:active, ads:hover, ads:linked, ads:visited, ul ads, ul ads:active, ul ads:hover, ul ads:linked, ul ads:visited, ul ul ads, ul ul ads:active, ul ul ads:hover, ul ul ads:links, ul ul ads:visited&quot; href=&quot;/audio/professor.mp3&quot; ><img src=&quot;images/audio-link.jpg&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;></a></div>
#navcontainer { whatever }
#navcontainer ul { whatever }
#navcontainer li { whatever }
#navcontainer a { whatever }
#navcontainer a:hover { whatever }
#navcontainer ul ul li { whatever }
#navcontainer ul ul a { whatever }
#navcontainer ul ul a:hover { whatever }

#navcontainer a.ads, a.ads:active, a.ads:hover, a.ads:linked, a.ads:visited, ul a.ads, ul a.ads:active, ul a.ads:hover, ul a.ads:linked, ul a.ads:visited, ul ul a.ads, ul ul a.ads:active, ul ul a.ads:hover, ul ul a.ads:links, ul ul a.ads:visited
{ display: inline;
width: 196px;
background-color: #369;
text-decoration: none;

Explanation; The html code is based a nested (2-level) unordered list, with hover effects, etc.

This forms a column for navigation 196 pixels wide. At the bottom, after the last item, I added a gif ['logo', non-linking] which sits there just so nice. However, when I added a linked gif of the same size just under it [professor.mp3], I now had to eliminate the active, hover and other anchor-related effects except perhaps for the hand mouseover that reveals a link there.

It didn't seem to work, so in my frustration I took out an elephant gun and added all the link possibilities to the 'ads' [as in advertising boxes] 'a' selectors, covering both levels of ul as well with all variants.

Alas, this didn't help either. I almost fear hearing how easy this is but, nonetheless, it would still be quite relieving.


PS - url is foundation1.org - bottom of nav on the homepage.
I hhink you should take the images out of the <li> and just put them below and add a .nohover classname to your linked image, like this:
<div id=&quot;navcontainer&quot;>
<ul id=&quot;navlist&quot;>
<li id=&quot;active&quot;><a href=&quot;index.htm&quot; id=&quot;current&quot;>Site Home Page</a></li>
<li><a href=&quot;/papers-articles/index-articles.htm&quot;>Articles</a></li>

<ul id=&quot;subnavlist&quot;>
<li><a href=&quot;/papers-articles/index-articles.htm&quot;>Constitution</a></li>
<li><a href=&quot;/papers-articles/index-articles.htm&quot;>Democracy</a></li>

<li><a href=&quot;contact.htm&quot;>Contact Us</a></li>

<img src=&quot;images/logo.gif&quot; vspace=&quot;10&quot;>
<a class=&quot;nohover&quot; href=&quot;/audio/professor.mp3&quot; ><img src=&quot;images/audio-link.jpg&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;></a>

Then add the following to your stylesheet:
#navcontainer a.nohover {

I think that should do it.

Let me know.

Cheers, Faded
It doesn't seem to work. I placed these within after the ul sections, but within the div tags. Don't know how it could work otherwise?!

I'm rebuilding my website and decided to get a new menu. I decided on using a css menu. I looked around on the internet and found this one:

This works fine, but one poses me with a small problem. The hoverfunction also works on all the other links on my page. I tried the alternate link definition in my style sheet as descibed above, but it didn't solve my problem. Can anybody help me here?
I'm not sure what you're asking, but someone from a different forum solved the problem I had by showing me how to use the important function. The site I had a problem with was this one: foundation1.org. You can view the source file for it and see the nav code by the graphics especially. Here is a clip from the css file for the code for the graphics:

#navcontainer a.nohover {
display: block;
padding: 5px 4px 20px 4px;
width: 196px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #369 !important;
text-decoration: none;

I got the basic nav from here if it's also helpful:

Good luck.
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