We've seen several outbreaks of backdoor.nibu on our networked computers although we are running websense, firewalls, keeping windows patch levels up to date, but of course we run IE6.
I know all about what backdoor.nibu Trojan does to your machine once it gets infected but I'm trying to find something that actually tells about how exactly it gets into a system in the first place. I know it's through IE (or atleast I'm assuming this) but by which method? I'm thinking it's through activeX vulnerabilities even through we have IE6 locked down pretty tightly as far as it's builtin security settings. I've visited Symantec and other sites but none really actually go into detail about how these Trojans get into the systems. Any links or tips about this would be greatly appreciated!
I know all about what backdoor.nibu Trojan does to your machine once it gets infected but I'm trying to find something that actually tells about how exactly it gets into a system in the first place. I know it's through IE (or atleast I'm assuming this) but by which method? I'm thinking it's through activeX vulnerabilities even through we have IE6 locked down pretty tightly as far as it's builtin security settings. I've visited Symantec and other sites but none really actually go into detail about how these Trojans get into the systems. Any links or tips about this would be greatly appreciated!