I would like to add a filter to a trigger but I am not having any luck at getting it to work.
Here is the filter. It uses the Table Absence and column CurrentYear. I don't know the correct SQL terms to use in the formula but what it does is provide a year based on todays date minus 3 months. Example the dates between 4/01/2005 and 3/31/2006 would return the year 2005.
Abs.CurrentYear = Year(today()) - CHOOSE(MONTH(today())<4)
Here is the trigger....
CREATE TRIGGER [UpdateVacUsed] ON [dbo].[Absence]
Update Employee
Set Employee.VacUsed = T.VacTaken
from (select EmpNum, sum(VacTaken) VacTaken from Absence Where EmpNum in (select EmpNum from inserted) group by EmpNum) T
Where Employee.EmpNum = T.EmpNum
Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated
David Shaw
Here is the filter. It uses the Table Absence and column CurrentYear. I don't know the correct SQL terms to use in the formula but what it does is provide a year based on todays date minus 3 months. Example the dates between 4/01/2005 and 3/31/2006 would return the year 2005.
Abs.CurrentYear = Year(today()) - CHOOSE(MONTH(today())<4)
Here is the trigger....
CREATE TRIGGER [UpdateVacUsed] ON [dbo].[Absence]
Update Employee
Set Employee.VacUsed = T.VacTaken
from (select EmpNum, sum(VacTaken) VacTaken from Absence Where EmpNum in (select EmpNum from inserted) group by EmpNum) T
Where Employee.EmpNum = T.EmpNum
Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated
David Shaw