look up 'access keys' in help menu, this may help. If not you could put 4 buttons at top of each form so when clicked they each open 1 of the other forms!
If you have the following public sub in a module, obviously you can add whatever key combos you want.
Public Sub mOpenForm(ByRef vintKey As Integer, ByVal vintShift As Integer)
If vintKey = vbKeyF3 And (vintShift And acAltMask) > 0 Then
'open form on alt - F3
End If
If vintKey = Asc("A" And (vintShift And acAltMask) > 0 Then
'open form on alt - A
End If
If vintKey = Asc("1" And (vintShift And acAltMask) > 0 Then
'open form on alt - 1
End If
End Sub
on each form set the key preview to true.
and in the Form_KeyDown for each form put the following
You could try using the AUTOKEYS macro (see HELP Autokeys)
This allows you to set up hot keys.
The AUTOKEYS macro runs automatically when the database is opened.
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