Hi all,
Im using gethostbyname() to resolve a domain name or IP but i am having trouble trying to return readable data from the member function h_addr_list[0]. Here is a code snippit of what im trying to do ..
struct hostent *he
if((he=gethostbyname(host))==NULL) {
exit(-1); /*exit on failue*/
my problem is in trying to print the data held in he->h_addr_list[0]. I think im wright in saying that _addr_list[0] is returned in network byte order so no coversion is needed using htonl, i have also tried using inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr_list[0])) with no success.
Can someone please tel me where im going wrong here, and possably point me in the wright direction?
Thanks in advance,
Always know what you say, but don't always say what you know!
Im using gethostbyname() to resolve a domain name or IP but i am having trouble trying to return readable data from the member function h_addr_list[0]. Here is a code snippit of what im trying to do ..
struct hostent *he
if((he=gethostbyname(host))==NULL) {
exit(-1); /*exit on failue*/
my problem is in trying to print the data held in he->h_addr_list[0]. I think im wright in saying that _addr_list[0] is returned in network byte order so no coversion is needed using htonl, i have also tried using inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr_list[0])) with no success.
Can someone please tel me where im going wrong here, and possably point me in the wright direction?
Thanks in advance,
Always know what you say, but don't always say what you know!