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hme1 interface not UP at boot

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Jul 31, 2000

I have problems setting up hme1 interface in a Solaris 2.8, Enterprise 220R server. The problem is when I boot the server, the hme1 interface never UPs. Always I must to UP from command line.

I have created /etc/hostname.hme1 and changed /etc/hosts and /etc/netmasks files with correct configuration (I think). At the beginnig the netmask was incorrect and an error occurs when booting, but now with correct netmask no errors occurs when booting, but the starting hme1 config was erroneous, again (it takes the incorrect config when the interface was bad configured).
And, if I unplumb and plumb the interface, the netmask is good but when reboot, was incorrect again.

Any body knows this problem?
Is a patch problem? Our kernel patch is 108528-03. Our hme patch is passed.

Best regards.
well have you looked in the netmasks file? that could be the cause of a bad netmask, as for why it doesn't UP on login, well thats unusual ...

hmm ...
Virtual Interfaces

Before moving on to the configuration files, I would first like to cover virtual interfaces. A virtual interface is one or more logical interfaces assigned to an already existing interface. Solaris can have up to 255 virtual interfaces assigned to a single interface.

Once again, lets take the interface hme0 as an example. We have already covered how to configure this device. However, lets say the device is on a VLAN (virtual LAN) with several networks sharing the same wire. We can configure the device hme0 to answer to another IP address, say To do so, the command would be the same as used for hme0, except the virtual interface is called hme0:*, where * is the number you assign to the virtual interface. For example, virtual interface one would be hme0:1. The command to configure it looks as follows.

ifconfig hme0:1 netmask up

Once you have configured the virtual interface, you can compare hme0 and hme0:1 with the ifconfig command.

hme0: flags=843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:12c:6b:2d
hme0:1: flags=842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask ffff0000 broadcast

Here you see the two devices, both of which are on the same physical device. Notice how the virtual interface hme0:1 has no MEDAIA ACESS CONTROL (mac) address, as this is the same device as hme0. We can repeat this process all the way up to hme0:255. The operating system and most applications will treat these virtual devices as totally independent devices.

Configuration Files

Now you know how to configure your network interface cards. Unfortunately, any modifications, additions, or deletions you make with ifconfig are only temporary, you will lose these configurations when you reboot. I will now discuss what files you have to configure to make these changes permanent.

The place to start is the file /etc/hostname.*, where * is the name of the interface. In the case of hme0, the file name is /etc/hostname.hme0. The virtual interface hme0:1 would have the file name /etc/hostname.hme0:1. This file has a single entry, the name of the interface. This name is used in the /etc/hosts file to resolve name to IP address.

The file /etc/hostname.* is critical, this is what causes the device to be plumbed. During the boot process, the /etc/rcS.d/rootusr.sh file reads all the /etc/hostname.* files and plumbs the devices. Once plumbed, the devices are configured by reading the /etc/hosts and the /etc/netmasks file. By reading these two files, the device is configured for the proper IP and netmask, and brought to an up state. Lets take the device hme0 as an example. During the boot process, /etc/rcS.d/rootusr.sh looks for any /etc/hostname.* files. It finds /etc/hostname.hme0, which contains the following entry.


/etc/rcS.d/rootusr.sh looks in /etc/hosts and resolves the name homer with an IP address of The device hme0 is now assigned this IP address. The script then looks at /etc/netmasks to find the netmask for that IP address. With this information, the startup script brings up interface hme0 with an IP address of and a netmask of It may seem redundant having the script review the netmask of a class C address. However, do not forget that, starting with 2.6, Solaris supports both classless routing and VLSM.

As you have seen in this example, there are three files that must be modified for every interface. The first is /etc/hostname.*, this is the file you create to designate the interface?s name. The second file is /etc/hosts, here you resolve the IP to the interface name. Last is /etc/netmasks, this is where you define the netmask of the IP address.


Farah regal
good luck
&quot;think twice and hit enter once&quot;
Mac people likes to make things simple.
Hey folk do this.

You gotta plumb the interface to make it work!!
Enable TCP/IP stream to that interface.

# ifconfig hme0:1 plumb
# ifconfig hme0:1 netmask up
# ifconfig -a

Viola! To make it appear, follow the gentleman above
excellent guide.

Edit /etc/hostname.hme0:1 (add hostname)
Edit /etc/hosts (hostname assigned ip address to it)
Edit /etc/netmasks (hostname netmask)

Thank you.

I have checked our configuration and now all is running good.

Best regards.
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