Ok I am going to try to be clear but it will be hard. I am recreating the game asteroids. What I have done is to "attachMovie" clip (torpedo) to another movieclip (spaceship). The torpedo movieclip is a movieclip of a torpedo firing and in order to get the torpedo to take on all the characteristics of the spaceship (coordinates and trajectories)I have linked (attachedMovie clip from the library) it to the spaceship. It fires fine, and shoots in the right direction, all is well except when I try to perform a hit test on an asteroid (another movieclip). I can't seem to get them to recognize eachother, in order to tell target and explosion clip. Can any of you Flash wizards help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again. By the way I owe David and OldNewbie VOTEs you guys are always on your game. If you solve this one.....WOW!)