I found the following coding in the Index Server 2.0 Sample Navigation Frameset from Microsoft Index Server:<br><br><%<br>Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
<br>Conn.ConnectionString = "provider=msidxs;"<br>Conn.Open<br>Set AdoCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
<br>set AdoCommand.ActiveConnection = Conn<br>Set Recordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
= True<br>AdoCommand.CommandText = "select vpath, filename from scope() where contains('Index AND Server')>0"<br>Recordset.open AdoCommand<br>SearchString = AdoCommand.Properties("Query Restriction"
<br>%><br><%if SearchString <> "" then%><br><BR><br> <%<br> ' Construct the URL for hit highlighting<br> WebHitsQuery = "CiWebHitsFile=" & Server.URLEncode( Recordset("vpath"
)<br> WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiRestriction=" & Server.URLEncode( SearchString )<br> WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiBeginHilite=" & Server.URLEncode( "<font color=""#FF0000""><b><em>" )<br> WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiEndHilite=" & Server.URLEncode( "</em></b></font>" )<br> WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiUserParam3=" & QueryForm<br> %><br> <a href="/iissamples/issamples/Oop/Qsumrhit.htw?<%= WebHitsQuery %>"><b>Show Highlights (condensed)</b></a> /<br> <a href="/iissamples/issamples/Oop/Qfullhit.htw?<%= WebHitsQuery %>&CiHiliteType=Full"><b>Show Highlights (full<br>text)</b></a><br><BR><br><%end if%> <br><br>It's used for Webhits rite? Can everyone explain the meaning of those coding? or is there any site where I can find info about computing the webhits? Thanks a millions!!