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Hierarchical Menus 1

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Jun 5, 1999
I am working on a table of contents for a web site with five possible selections. As a visitor to the site mouses over each selection, a menu appears with links to other pages. Is this done with DHTML or a Java applet? Can anyone let me know how this is done? Thanks for your help.<br>
I know that this can be done either with DHTML & JavaScript; or with a Java Applet; which would you prefer? (the Java Applet method would PROBABLY be a little more compatible; but I can't help you at all with pure Java; just JS)<br>
Thanks, Robherc. If you know of an example in Javascript that can be used in HTML code, that would be great. Thanks.<br>
A popup menu on a mouseover is a rather simple javascript. You should be able to pop a little coding right into your html to make this happen. Drop me a line and I can give you more specific examples and some source code.<br>
&lt;a href="mailto:bunsenator@hotmail.com"&gt;Phred&lt;/a&gt;
Why not just post some source code here? I would like to see your javascript example, as well.
one possibility (though HIGHLY complicated) would be to move layers (set apart by &lt;div&gt; tags) to the front or back using an onMouseOver="" call.<br>
(like I said though; prety complicated &--since I'm facing the last day of school (tests galore)--I don't really have the time to invest in making such a script for you right now.<br>
Here's a neat little example from a certain, how to put this,"EVIL" website...namely, Microsoft. I took the liberty of removing the useless META tags at the top, but the bulk of it remains intact. This should help you a bit...hopefully...&lt;HTML&gt;<br>
&lt;SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"&gt;<br>
var MSIEIndex = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE");<br>
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") == -1 ¦¦<br>
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") == -1 ¦¦ <br>
navigator.userAgent.substring((MSIEIndex + 5),(MSIEIndex + 6)) &lt; 4) <br>
&lt;STYLE type="text/css"&gt;<br>
A:link { color:#003399; }<br>
A:visited { color:#003399; }<br>
A:hover { color:red; }<br>
&lt;BODY TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" ALINK="#003399" LINK="#003399" VLINK="#003399"&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src='/library/toolbar/toolbar.js'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src='/library/toolbar/en-us/global.js'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src='/library/toolbar/en-us/local.js'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;DIV ID="DownLevelDiv"&gt;<br>
This page must be viewed with IE4 or above, and with Active Scripting enabled.<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt;<br>
DownLevelDiv.style.display ='none';<br>
setICPBanner("/library/homepage/images/bnr_all.gif","","microsoft.com Home");<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src='/library/homepage/homepage.js'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src='/library/homepage/navigation.js'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src='/library/homepage/headline.js'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt;<br>
You might try downloading the actual .js files if you can get them from their server...I'll put up another example soon.<br>

This is great. Thanks, Phred. I appreciate your help.<br>
I'll try to get those .js files downloaded & post them here.<br>
I have a specialized download-only program that allows me to download ANYTHING (ie. CGI scripts, JavaScript archives, HTML pages, Text files...whatever)<br>
Please keep posting in here so this thread will remain marked for me (otherwise I might forget to do all of the downloading)<br>
Hope to be able to offer some more help soon :)<br>
WOW those files were BIG!!!<br>
(soo big that I ended up having to split the code into 3 parts after adding them just so Notepad could handle it!)<br>
Anywise; I'll put the code, with ALL of the .js files already integrated, in here as my next 3 messages...hope someone has the time to look through all of it & sort out the part that's used for what we're wanting.<br>
&lt;SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"&gt; &lt;!-- hide;<br>
var MSIEIndex = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE");<br>
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") == -1 ¦¦ navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") == -1 ¦¦ navigator.userAgent.substring((MSIEIndex + 5),(MSIEIndex + 6)) &lt; 4) <br>
} //end hide--&gt;<br>
&lt;BODY TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" ALINK="#003399" LINK="#003399" VLINK="#003399"&gt;<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt; &lt;!-- hide;<br>
var ToolBar_Supported = false;<br>
var Frame_Supported = false;<br>
var DoInstrumentation = false;<br>
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && <br>
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") != -1 && <br>
navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) &gt; 3)<br>
ToolBar_Supported = true;<br>
if (ToolBar_Supported)<br>
var newLineChar = String.fromCharCode(10);<br>
var char34 = String.fromCharCode(34);<br>
var LastMSMenu = "";<br>
var CurICPMenu = "";<br>
var IsMSMenu = false;<br>
var IsMenuDropDown = true;<br>
var HTMLStr;<br>
var x = 0;<br>
var y = 0;<br>
var x2 = 0;<br>
var y2 = 0;<br>
var MSMenuWidth;<br>
var ToolbarMinWidth;<br>
var ToolbarMenu;<br>
var ToolbarBGColor;<br>
var ToolbarLoaded = false;<br>
var aDefMSColor = new Array(3);<br>
var aDefICPColor = new Array(3);<br>
var aCurMSColor = new Array(3);<br>
var aCurICPColor = new Array(3);<br>
var MSFont;<br>
var ICPFont;<br>
var MaxMenu = 30;<br>
var TotalMenu = 0;<br>
var arrMenuInfo = new Array(30);<br>
// Output style sheet and toolbar ID<br>
document.write("&lt;SPAN ID='StartMenu' STYLE='display:none;'&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt;");<br>
// Build toolbar template<br>
HTMLStr = <br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idToolbar' STYLE='background-color:white;width:100%'&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idRow1' STYLE='position:relative;height:20;'&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idICPBanner' STYLE='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:60;width:250;overflow:hidden;vertical-align:top;'&gt;&lt;!--BEG_ICP_BANNER--&gt;&lt;!--END_ICP_BANNER--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idMSMenuCurve' STYLE='position:absolute;top:0;left:250;height:20;width:18;overflow:hidden;vertical-align:top;'&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='/library/toolbar/images/curve.gif' BORDER=0&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idMSMenuPane' STYLE='position:absolute;top:0;left:250;height:20;width:10;background-color:black;float:right;' NOWRAP&gt;&lt;!--MS_MENU_TITLES--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" + <br>
"&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idRow2' STYLE='position:relative;left:250;height:40;'&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idADSBanner' STYLE='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:40;width:200;vertical-align:top;overflow:hidden;'&gt;&lt;!--BEG_ADS_BANNER--&gt;&lt;!--END_ADS_BANNER--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idMSCBanner' STYLE='position:absolute;top:0;left:200;height:40;width:112;vertical-align:top;overflow:hidden;' ALIGN=RIGHT&gt;&lt;!--BEG_MSC_BANNER--&gt;&lt;!--END_MSC_BANNER--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idRow3' STYLE='position:relative;height:20;width:100%'&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV ID='idICPMenuPane' STYLE='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:20;background-color:black;' NOWRAP&gt;&lt;!--ICP_MENU_TITLES--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript'&gt;" + <br>
" var ToolbarMenu = StartMenu;" + <br>
"&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;" + <br>
"&lt;DIV WIDTH=100%&gt;";<br>
// Define event handlers<br>
window.onresize = resizeToolbar;<br>
// Intialize global variables<br>
ToolbarBGColor = "white"; // toolbar background color<br>
MSFont = "xx-small Verdana";<br>
ICPFont = "bold xx-small Verdana";<br>
aDefMSColor[0] = aCurMSColor[0] = "black"; // bgcolor;<br>
aDefMSColor[1] = aCurMSColor[1] = "white"; // text font color<br>
aDefMSColor[2] = aCurMSColor[2] = "red"; // mouseover font color<br>
aDefICPColor[0] = aCurICPColor[0] = "#6699CC"; // bgcolor;<br>
aDefICPColor[1] = aCurICPColor[1] = "white"; // text font color<br>
aDefICPColor[2] = aCurICPColor[2] = "red"; // mouseover font color<br>
// The hard-coded numbers in functions - drawToolbar() & resizeToolbar()<br>
// correspond to the dimension of the four gif files:<br>
// ICP_BANNER: 60h x 250w<br>
// ADS_BANNER: 40h x 200w<br>
// MSC_BANNER: 40h x 112w<br>
// Curve: 20h x 18w<br>
function drawToolbar()<br>
HTMLStr += "&lt;/DIV&gt;";<br>
ToolbarLoaded = true;<br>
MSMenuWidth = Math.max(idMSMenuPane.offsetWidth, (200+112));<br>
ToolbarMinWidth = (250+18) + MSMenuWidth;<br>
idToolbar.style.backgroundColor = ToolbarBGColor;<br>
idMSMenuPane.style.backgroundColor = aDefMSColor[0];<br>
idICPMenuPane.style.backgroundColor = aDefICPColor[0];<br>
for (i = 0; i &lt; TotalMenu; i++) <br>
thisMenu = document.all(arrMenuInfo.IDStr);<br>
if (thisMenu != null)<br>
if (arrMenuInfo.IDStr == LastMSMenu && arrMenuInfo.type == "R")<br>
//Last MSMenu has to be absolute width<br>
arrMenuInfo.type = "A";<br>
arrMenuInfo.unit = 200;<br>
if (arrMenuInfo.type == "A")<br>
thisMenu.style.width = arrMenuInfo.unit;<br>
else <br>
thisMenu.style.width = Math.round(arrMenuInfo.width * arrMenuInfo.unit) + 'em';<br>
function resizeToolbar()<br>
if (ToolBar_Supported == false) return;<br>
w = Math.max(ToolbarMinWidth, document.body.clientWidth) - ToolbarMinWidth;<br>
idMSMenuCurve.style.left = (250+w);<br>
idMSMenuPane.style.left = (250+w+18);<br>
idMSMenuPane.style.width = MSMenuWidth;<br>
idADSBanner.style.left = (w+18);<br>
idMSCBanner.style.left = (w+18+200);<br>
idMSCBanner.style.width = (MSMenuWidth - 200);<br>
idICPMenuPane.style.width = ToolbarMinWidth + w;<br>
function setToolbarBGColor(color)<br>
{ <br>
ToolbarBGColor = color;<br>
if (ToolbarLoaded == true)<br>
idToolbar.style.backgroundColor = ToolbarBGColor;<br>
} <br>
function setMSMenuFont(sFont)<br>
{ MSFont = sFont;<br>
function setICPMenuFont(sFont)<br>
{ ICPFont = sFont;<br>
function setDefaultMSMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor)<br>
{ <br>
if (bgColor != "") aDefMSColor[0] = bgColor;<br>
if (fontColor != "") aDefMSColor[1] = fontColor;<br>
if (mouseoverColor != "") aDefMSColor[2] = mouseoverColor;<br>
function setDefaultICPMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor)<br>
{ <br>
if (bgColor != "") aDefICPColor[0] = bgColor;<br>
if (fontColor != "") aDefICPColor[1] = fontColor;<br>
if (mouseoverColor != "") aDefICPColor[2] = mouseoverColor;<br>
function setICPMenuColor(MenuIDStr, bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor)<br>
{ <br>
if (ToolbarLoaded == false) return;<br>
// Reset previous ICP Menu color if any<br>
if (CurICPMenu != "")<br>
PrevID = CurICPMenu.substring(4);<br>
CurICPMenu = "";<br>
setICPMenuColor(PrevID, aDefICPColor[0], aDefICPColor[1], aDefICPColor[2]);<br>
var id = "AM_" + "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
var thisMenu = document.all(id);<br>
if (thisMenu != null)<br>
CurICPMenu = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
aCurICPColor[0] = bgColor;<br>
aCurICPColor[1] = fontColor;<br>
aCurICPColor[2] = mouseoverColor;<br>
// Change menu color<br>
if (bgColor != "")<br>
thisMenu.style.backgroundColor = bgColor;<br>
if (fontColor != "")<br>
thisMenu.style.color = fontColor;<br>
// Change subMenu color<br>
id = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
thisMenu = document.all(id);<br>
if (thisMenu != null)<br>
if (bgColor != "")<br>
thisMenu.style.backgroundColor = bgColor;<br>
if (fontColor != "")<br>
i = 0;<br>
id = "AS_" + "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
thisMenu = document.all.item(id,i);<br>
while (thisMenu != null)<br>
thisMenu.style.color = fontColor;<br>
i += 1;<br>
thisMenu = document.all.item(id,i);<br>
function setAds(Gif,Url,AltStr)<br>
{ setBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr,"&lt;!--BEG_ADS_BANNER--&gt;","&lt;!--END_ADS_BANNER--&gt;");<br>
function setICPBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr)<br>
{ setBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr,"&lt;!--BEG_ICP_BANNER--&gt;","&lt;!--END_ICP_BANNER--&gt;");<br>
function setMSBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr)<br>
{ tempGif = "/library/toolbar/images/" + Gif;<br>
function setBanner(BanGif, BanUrl, BanAltStr, BanBegTag, BanEndTag)<br>
begPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(BanBegTag);<br>
endPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(BanEndTag) + BanEndTag.length;<br>
SubStr = HTMLStr.substring(begPos, endPos);<br>
SrcStr = "";<br>
if (BanUrl != "")<br>
SrcStr += "&lt;A Target='_top' HREF='" + formatURL(BanUrl, BanGif) + "'&gt;";<br>
SrcStr += "&lt;IMG SRC='" + BanGif + "' ALT='" + BanAltStr + "' BORDER=0&gt;";<br>
if (BanUrl != "")<br>
SrcStr += "&lt;/A&gt;";<br>
SrcStr = BanBegTag + SrcStr + BanEndTag;<br>
HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function setICPSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit)<br>
{ tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
setSubMenuWidth(tempID, WidthType, WidthUnit);<br>
function setMSSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit)<br>
{ tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
setSubMenuWidth(tempID, WidthType, WidthUnit);<br>
function setSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit)<br>
var fFound = false;<br>
if (TotalMenu == MaxMenu)<br>
alert("Unable to process menu. Maximum of " + MaxMenu + " reached.");<br>
for (i = 0; i &lt; TotalMenu; i++)<br>
if (arrMenuInfo.IDStr == MenuIDStr)<br>
fFound = true;<br>
if (!fFound)<br>
arrMenuInfo = new menuInfo(MenuIDStr);<br>
TotalMenu += 1;<br>
if (!fFound && WidthType.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEFAULT") != -1)<br>
arrMenuInfo.type = "A";<br>
arrMenuInfo.unit = 160;<br>
arrMenuInfo.type = (WidthType.toUpperCase().indexOf("ABSOLUTE") != -1)? "A" : "R";<br>
arrMenuInfo.unit = WidthUnit;<br>
// This function creates a menuInfo object instance.<br>
function menuInfo(MenuIDStr)<br>
this.IDStr = MenuIDStr;<br>
this.type = "";<br>
this.unit = 0;<br>
this.width = 0;<br>
this.count = 0;<br>
function updateSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr)<br>
for (i = 0; i &lt; TotalMenu; i++)<br>
if (arrMenuInfo.IDStr == MenuIDStr)<br>
if (arrMenuInfo.width &lt; MenuIDStr.length) <br>
arrMenuInfo.width = MenuIDStr.length;<br>
arrMenuInfo.count = arrMenuInfo.count + 1;<br>
function addICPMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr)<br>
{ <br>
if (addICPMenu.arguments.length &gt; 4)<br>
TargetStr = addICPMenu.arguments[4];<br>
TargetStr = "_top";<br>
tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
addMenu(tempID, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, true); <br>
function addMSMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr)<br>
{ <br>
TargetStr = "_top";<br>
tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
addMenu(tempID, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, false); <br>
LastMSMenu = tempID;<br>
function addMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, bICPMenu)<br>
cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont;<br>
cColor0 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[0] : aDefMSColor[0];<br>
cColor1 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1];<br>
cColor2 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[2] : aDefMSColor[2];<br>
tagStr = bICPMenu? "&lt;!--ICP_MENU_TITLES--&gt;" : "&lt;!--MS_MENU_TITLES--&gt;";<br>
MenuStr = newLineChar;<br>
if (bICPMenu == false && LastMSMenu != "")<br>
MenuStr += "&lt;SPAN STYLE='font:" + cFont + ";color:" + cColor1 + "'&gt;¦&nbsp;&lt;/SPAN&gt;"; <br>
MenuStr += "&lt;A TARGET='" + TargetStr + "' TITLE='" + MenuHelpStr + "'" +<br>
" ID='AM_" + MenuIDStr + "'" +<br>
" STYLE='text-decoration:none;cursor:hand;font:" + cFont + ";background-color:" + cColor0 + ";color:" + cColor1 + ";'";<br>
if (MenuURLStr != "")<br>
if (bICPMenu)<br>
MenuStr += " HREF='" + formatURL(MenuURLStr, ("ICP_" + MenuDisplayStr)) + "'";<br>
MenuStr += " HREF='" + formatURL(MenuURLStr, ("MS_" + MenuDisplayStr)) + "'";<br>
MenuStr += " HREF='' onclick='window.event.returnValue=false;'";<br>
MenuStr += " onmouseout=" + char34 + "mouseMenu('out' ,'" + MenuIDStr + "'); hideMenu();" + char34 + <br>
" onmouseover=" + char34 + "mouseMenu('over','" + MenuIDStr + "'); doMenu('"+ MenuIDStr + "');" + char34 + "&gt;" +<br>
"&nbsp;" + MenuDisplayStr + "&nbsp;&lt;/a&gt;";<br>
if (bICPMenu)<br>
MenuStr += "&lt;SPAN STYLE='font:" + cFont + ";color:" + cColor1 + "'&gt;&nbsp;¦&lt;/SPAN&gt;";<br>
MenuStr += tagStr;<br>
HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(tagStr, MenuStr); <br>
function addICPSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr)<br>
{ <br>
if (addICPSubMenu.arguments.length &gt; 3)<br>
TargetStr = addICPSubMenu.arguments[3];<br>
TargetStr = "_top";<br>
tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
addSubMenu(tempID,SubMenuStr,SubMenuURLStr,TargetStr,true); <br>
function addMSSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr)<br>
{ <br>
TargetStr = "_top";<br>
tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
addSubMenu(tempID,SubMenuStr,SubMenuURLStr,TargetStr,false); <br>
function addSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr, TargetStr, bICPMenu)<br>
cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont;<br>
cColor0 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[0] : aDefMSColor[0];<br>
cColor1 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1];<br>
cColor2 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[2] : aDefMSColor[2];<br>
var MenuPos = MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MENU");<br>
if (MenuPos == -1) { MenuPos = MenuIDStr.length; }<br>
InstrumentStr = MenuIDStr.substring(0 , MenuPos) + "¦" + SubMenuStr;;<br>
URLStr = formatURL(SubMenuURLStr, InstrumentStr);<br>
var LookUpTag = "&lt;!--" + MenuIDStr + "--&gt;";<br>
var sPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(LookUpTag);<br>
if (sPos &lt;= 0)<br>
HTMLStr += newLineChar + newLineChar +<br>
"&lt;SPAN ID='" + MenuIDStr + "'" +<br>
" STYLE='display:none;position:absolute;width:160;background-color:" + cColor0 + ";padding-top:0;padding-left:0;padding-bottom:20;z-index:9;'" +<br>
" onmouseout='hideMenu();'&gt;";<br>
if (Frame_Supported == false ¦¦ bICPMenu == false)<br>
HTMLStr += "&lt;HR STYLE='position:absolute;left:0;top:0;color:" + cColor1 + "' SIZE=1&gt;";<br>
HTMLStr += "&lt;DIV STYLE='position:relative;left:0;top:8;'&gt;";<br>
TempStr = newLineChar +<br>
"&lt;A ID='AS_" + MenuIDStr + "'" +<br>
" STYLE='text-decoration:none;cursor:hand;font:" + cFont + ";color:" + cColor1 + "'" +<br>
" HREF='" + URLStr + "' TARGET='" + TargetStr + "'" +<br>
" onmouseout=" + char34 + "mouseMenu('out' ,'" + MenuIDStr + "');" + char34 + <br>
" onmouseover=" + char34 + "mouseMenu('over','" + MenuIDStr + "');" + char34 + "&gt;" +<br>
"&nbsp;" + SubMenuStr + "&lt;/A&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" + LookUpTag;<br>
if (sPos &lt;= 0)<br>
HTMLStr += TempStr + "&lt;/DIV&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt;";<br>
HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(LookUpTag, TempStr); <br>
updateSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr); <br>
function addICPSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr)<br>
{ <br>
tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
function addMSSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr)<br>
{ <br>
tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr;<br>
function addSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr, bICPMenu)<br>
var LookUpTag = "&lt;!--" + MenuIDStr + "--&gt;";<br>
var sPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(LookUpTag);<br>
if (sPos &gt; 0)<br>
cColor = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1];<br>
TempStr = newLineChar + "&lt;HR STYLE='color:" + cColor + "' SIZE=1&gt;" + LookUpTag;<br>
HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(LookUpTag, TempStr);<br>
function mouseMenu(id, MenuIDStr) <br>
IsMSMenu = (MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MS_") != -1);<br>
IsMouseout = (id.toUpperCase().indexOf("OUT") != -1);<br>
if (IsMouseout)<br>
color = IsMSMenu? aDefMSColor[1] : aDefICPColor[1];<br>
if (MenuIDStr == CurICPMenu && aCurICPColor[1] != "") <br>
color = aCurICPColor[1];<br>
color = IsMSMenu? aDefMSColor[2] : aDefICPColor[2];<br>
if (MenuIDStr == CurICPMenu && aCurICPColor[2] != "") <br>
color = aCurICPColor[2];<br>
window.event.srcElement.style.color = color;<br>
function doMenu(MenuIDStr) <br>
var thisMenu = document.all(MenuIDStr);<br>
if (ToolbarMenu == null ¦¦ thisMenu == null ¦¦ thisMenu == ToolbarMenu) <br>
window.event.cancelBubble = true;<br>
return false;<br>
// Reset dropdown menu<br>
window.event.cancelBubble = true;<br>
ToolbarMenu.style.display = "none";<br>
ToolbarMenu = thisMenu;<br>
IsMSMenu = (MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MS_") != -1);<br>
// Set dropdown menu display position<br>
x = window.event.srcElement.offsetLeft +<br>
if (MenuIDStr == LastMSMenu) <br>
x += (window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth - thisMenu.style.posWidth);<br>
x2 = x + window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth;<br>
y = (IsMSMenu)? <br>
(idRow1.offsetHeight) :<br>
(idRow1.offsetHeight + idRow2.offsetHeight + idRow3.offsetHeight);<br>
thisMenu.style.top = y;<br>
thisMenu.style.left = x;<br>
thisMenu.style.clip = "rect(0 0 0 0)";<br>
thisMenu.style.display = "block";<br>
// delay 2 millsecond to allow the value of ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight be set<br>
window.setTimeout("showMenu()", 2);<br>
return true;<br>
function showMenu() <br>
if (ToolbarMenu != null) <br>
{ <br>
IsMenuDropDown = (Frame_Supported && IsMSMenu == false)? false : true;<br>
if (IsMenuDropDown == false)<br>
y = (y - ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight - idRow3.offsetHeight);<br>
if (y &lt; 0) y = 0;<br>
ToolbarMenu.style.top = y;<br>
y2 = y + ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight;<br>
ToolbarMenu.style.clip = "rect(auto auto auto auto)";<br>
function hideMenu()<br>
if (ToolbarMenu != null && ToolbarMenu != StartMenu) <br>
// Don't hide the menu if the mouse move between the menu and submenus<br>
cY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;<br>
if ( (event.clientX &gt;= (x+5) && event.clientX &lt;= x2) &&<br>
((IsMenuDropDown == true && cY &gt; (y-10) && cY &lt;= y2) ¦¦<br>
(IsMenuDropDown == false && cY &gt;= y && cY &lt;= (y2+10)) ))<br>
window.event.cancelBubble = true;<br>
return; <br>
ToolbarMenu.style.display = "none";<br>
ToolbarMenu = StartMenu;<br>
window.event.cancelBubble = true;<br>
function hideElement(elmID)<br>
for (i = 0; i &lt; document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++)<br>
obj = document.all.tags(elmID);<br>
if (! obj ¦¦ ! obj.offsetParent)<br>
// Find the element's offsetTop and offsetLeft relative to the BODY tag.<br>
objLeft = obj.offsetLeft;<br>
objTop = obj.offsetTop;<br>
objParent = obj.offsetParent;<br>
while (objParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY")<br>
objLeft += objParent.offsetLeft;<br>
objTop += objParent.offsetTop;<br>
objParent = objParent.offsetParent;<br>
// Adjust the element's offsetTop relative to the dropdown menu<br>
objTop = objTop - y;<br>
if (x &gt; (objLeft + obj.offsetWidth) ¦¦ objLeft &gt; (x + ToolbarMenu.offsetWidth))<br>
else if (objTop &gt; ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight)<br>
else if (IsMSMenu && (y + ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight) &lt;= 80)<br>
obj.style.visibility = "hidden";<br>
function showElement(elmID)<br>
for (i = 0; i &lt; document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++)<br>
obj = document.all.tags(elmID);<br>
if (! obj ¦¦ ! obj.offsetParent)<br>
obj.style.visibility = "";<br>
function formatURL(URLStr, InstrumentStr)<br>
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var ParamPos2 = URLStr.lastIndexOf("?");<br>
var ParamPos3 = URLStr.toLowerCase().indexOf("target=");<br>
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if (ParamPos4 &gt;= 0)<br>
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Bookmark = URLStr.substr(ParamPos4);<br>
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tempStr = "&MSCOMTB=";<br>
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tempStr = "?MSCOMTB=";<br>
else if (ParamPos1 &lt; ParamPos2)<br>
tempStr = "&MSCOMTB=";<br>
tempStr = URL + tempStr + InstrumentStr.replace(" ","%20") + Bookmark;<br>
return tempStr;<br>
} //--&gt;<br>
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var ToolBar_Supported = ToolBar_Supported ;<br>
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// Customize toolbar background color<br>
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addMSSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Events"," addMSSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Newsletters","/isapi/goregwiz.asp?target=/REGWIZ/forms/subscribe.asp");<br>
addMSSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Profile Center","/isapi/goregwiz.asp?target=/REGWIZ/forms/Pic.asp");<br>
addMSSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Training & Certification","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/train_cert/");<br>
//Lock MSMenu so that ICP can't add make changes to it<br>
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var ToolBar_Supported = ToolBar_Supported ;<br>
if (ToolBar_Supported != null && ToolBar_Supported == true)<br>
//To Turn on/off Frame support, set Frame_Supported = true/false.<br>
Frame_Supported = false;<br>
// Customize default ICP menu color - bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor<br>
setDefaultICPMenuColor("#6699CC", "white", "red");<br>
// Customize toolbar background color<br>
// display ICP Banner<br>
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//***** Add ICP menus *****<br>
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//Events & Training<br>
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addICPMenu("SubscribeMenu", "Subscribe", "","/isapi/goregwiz.asp?target=/REGWIZ/forms/Pic.asp");<br>
addICPSubMenu("SubscribeMenu","Manage Your Profile","/isapi/goregwiz.asp?target=/REGWIZ/forms/Pic.asp");<br>
addICPSubMenu("SubscribeMenu","Privacy, Security &amp; Safety","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/info/privacy_security.htm");<br>
//About Microsoft<br>
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addICPSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Company Overview","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/mscorp/");<br>
addICPSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Press News","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/presspass/");<br>
addICPSubMenu("MicrosoftMenu","Investor Relations","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/msft/");<br>
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addICPSubMenu("InternationalMenu","U.S. Web Sites & Offices","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/usa/");<br>
//About Our Site<br>
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addICPSubMenu("SiteMenu","Inside Our Site","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/backstage/");<br>
//addICPSubMenu("SiteMenu","Visitor Guide","/isapi/gomscom.asp?target=/misc/visitorguide_IE4.htm");<br>
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This page must be viewed with IE4 or above, and with Active Scripting enabled.<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt;<br>
DownLevelDiv.style.display ='none';<br>
setICPBanner("/library/homepage/images/bnr_all.gif","","microsoft.com Home");<br>
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" &lt;!--CATEGORY_LINKS--&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;!--TOP_LINKS--&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;TD WIDTH=436 VALIGN=TOP&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=117 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--TOP_BANNER--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" + <br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='/library/homepage/images/1ptrans.gif' WIDTH=10&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
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" &lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TABLE&gt;"+<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD COLSPAN=5&gt;&lt;HR SIZE=1 WIDTH=100% COLOR='#CCCCCC'&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
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" &lt;TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--BULLET_1--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=198 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;!--HEADLINE_1--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=20&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='/library/homepage/images/1ptrans.gif' WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=1&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--BULLET_2--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=198 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;!--HEADLINE_2--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--BULLET_3--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=198 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;!--HEADLINE_3--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=20&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='/library/homepage/images/1ptrans.gif' WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=1&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--BULLET_4--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=198 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;!--HEADLINE_4--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--BULLET_5--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=198 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;!--HEADLINE_5--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=20&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='/library/homepage/images/1ptrans.gif' WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=1&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;!--BULLET_6--&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=198 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;!--HEADLINE_6--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD COLSPAN=5&gt;&lt;HR SIZE=1 WIDTH=100% COLOR='#CCCCCC'&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TABLE&gt;"+<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=208 ROWSPAN=2 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;!--STANDARD_LINK--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=20 ROWSPAN=2&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='/library/homepage/images/1ptrans.gif' WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=1&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TD WIDTH=208 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;DIV STYLE='font-size:9px; font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica'&gt;&lt;!--PROMO_BANNER_1--&gt;&lt;!--PROMO_MSG_1--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD WIDTH=208 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;DIV STYLE='font-size:9px; font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica'&gt;&lt;!--PROMO_BANNER_2--&gt;&lt;!--PROMO_MSG_2--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD COLSPAN=3&gt;&lt;HR SIZE=1 WIDTH=100% COLOR='#CCCCCC'&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD COLSPAN=3 VALIGN=TOP&gt;&lt;font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=1&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;!--LASTUPDATE--&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;!--COPYRIGHT--&gt;&lt;P&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
" &lt;/TABLE&gt;";<br>
" &lt;/TD&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;/TR&gt;" +<br>
function showHomePage(PageIDStr)<br>
function setHomePageLinkTitle(TitleStr)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--HOMEPAGE_LINKS--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
hpLinkWidth = TitleStr.length;<br>
SrcStr = TitleStr + "&lt;BR&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;SELECT NAME='target' onChange='goHomePage(this);'&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;!--HOMEPAGE_LINK--&gt;" +<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function addHomePageLink(LinkStr, LinkUrl, defaultSelection)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--HOMEPAGE_LINK--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
hpLinkCnt += 1;<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;OPTION VALUE='" + hpLinkCnt + "'";<br>
if (defaultSelection) SrcStr += " SELECTED";<br>
SrcStr += "&gt;" + LinkStr;<br>
//Make the select box the same width as the link title.<br>
for (i = LinkStr.length+1; i &lt; hpLinkWidth+2; i++)<br>
SrcStr += "&nbsp;";<br>
SrcStr += SubStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr);<br>
hpStr += "&lt;A ID=ID_HPLink" + hpLinkCnt + " STYLE='display:none' HREF='" + LinkUrl + "'&gt;1&lt;/A&gt;";<br>
function addCategory(CatIDStr, CatStr, defaultShow)<br>
sImg = defaultShow? "minus.gif" : "plus.gif";<br>
sStyle = defaultShow? "black" : "none";<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--CATEGORY_LINKS--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;DIV STYLE='cursor:hand;'" +<br>
" ID=C_" + CatIDStr +<br>
" onClick=clickCategory(" + char34 + CatIDStr + char34 + ") NOWRAP&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;IMG SRC='/library/homepage/images/" + sImg + "' ALT='*'" +<br>
" ID=I_" + CatIDStr +<br>
" onClick=clickCategory(" + char34 + CatIDStr + char34 + ") ALIGN=middle BORDER=0&gt;&nbsp;" +<br>
"&lt;A STYLE='color:black;text-decoration:none;'" +<br>
" HREF='noop' " +<br>
" onfocus=" + char34 + "window.status='';" + char34 + <br>
" onmouseover=" + char34 + "window.status='';" + char34 + <br>
" onclick=" + char34 + "window.event.returnValue = false;" + char34 + "&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;B&gt;" + CatStr + "&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/A&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV STYLE='display:" + sStyle + ";'" +<br>
" ID=T_" + CatIDStr + <br>
" onClick=" + char34 + "window.event.cancelBubble=true;" + char34 + "&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;DIV STYLE='margin-left:12;'&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=1&gt;&lt;!--" + CatIDStr + "--&gt;" + "&lt;/DIV&gt;" +<br>
"&lt;/DIV&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;" + SubStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function addCategoryLink(CatIDStr, CatStr, LinkUrl)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--" + CatIDStr + "--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;A HREF='" + LinkUrl + "'&gt;" + CatStr + "&lt;/A&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" + SubStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function setTopLinkTitle(TitleStr)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--TOP_LINKS--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;B&gt;" + TitleStr + "&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;DIV STYLE='margin-left:12;'&gt;&lt;!--TOP_LINK--&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;";<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function addTopLink(LinkStr, LinkUrl)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--TOP_LINK--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;A HREF='" + LinkUrl + "'&gt;" + LinkStr + "&lt;/A&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" + SubStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function addStandardLink(TextStr, LinkStr, LinkUrl)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--STANDARD_LINK--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = TextStr;<br>
if (LinkStr != "")<br>
x = TextStr.indexOf(LinkStr);<br>
if (x &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = TextStr.substring(0, x);<br>
SrcStr += "&lt;A HREF='" + LinkUrl + "'&gt;" + LinkStr + "&lt;/A&gt;";<br>
x += LinkStr.length;<br>
SrcStr += TextStr.substring(x);<br>
SrcStr += "&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" + SubStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function addCopyRightMsg(MsgStr, MsgUrl)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--COPYRIGHT--&gt;";<br>
SrcStr = "";<br>
if (FirstCRMsg)<br>
SrcStr = "&#169;";<br>
FirstCRMsg = false;<br>
if (MsgUrl == "")<br>
SrcStr += MsgStr;<br>
SrcStr += "&lt;A HREF='" + MsgUrl + "'&gt;" + MsgStr + "&lt;/A&gt;";<br>
SrcStr += SubStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function setTopStory(HeadlineStr, StoreStr, LinkUrl, Gif, GifAltStr)<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;A HREF='" + LinkUrl + "'&gt;&lt;IMG SRC='" + Gif + "' ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=117 HEIGHT=85 ALT=" + char34 + GifAltStr + char34 + " BORDER=0&gt;&lt;/A&gt;";<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace("&lt;!--TOP_BANNER--&gt;", SrcStr); <br>
SrcStr = "&lt;A HREF='" + LinkUrl + "'&gt;&lt;B&gt;" + HeadlineStr + "&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/A&gt;&lt;BR&gt;" + StoreStr;<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace("&lt;!--TOP_STORY--&gt;", SrcStr); <br>
function setHeadlineTitle(TitleStr)<br>
SubStr = "&lt;!--HEADLINE_TITLE--&gt;";<br>
if (hpStr.indexOf(SubStr) &gt;= 0)<br>
SrcStr = "&lt;B&gt;" + TitleStr + "&lt;/B&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;";<br>
hpStr = hpStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); <br>
function setHeadline(placementNo, HeadlineStr, LinkUrl)<br>
if (placementNo &lt; 1 ¦¦ placementNo &gt; 6) return<br>
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"Find out why Office 2000 is the best thing to happen to the corporate intranet, even if you don't have one yet. Visit the Office Web site to try a multimedia demo of Office 2000 and then order it online. If you missed Monday's launch event, you can tune into a replay of Steve Ballmer's exciting keynote speech.",<br>
"Office 2000")<br>
setPromotion(1,"What's your opinion on Microsoft?",<br>
"Freedom to Innovate")<br>
setPromotion(2,"Office 2000 upgrading made easy",<br>
"Upgrading Office 2000")<br>
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setTopStory("It's Official: Microsoft Office 2000 is Here!",<br>
"Find out why Office 2000 is the best thing to happen to the corporate intranet, even if you don't have one yet. Visit the Office Web site to try a multimedia demo of Office 2000 and then order it online. If you missed Monday's launch event, you can tune into a replay of Steve Ballmer's exciting keynote speech.",<br>
"Office 2000")<br>
setPromotion(1,"What's your opinion on Microsoft?",<br>
"Freedom to Innovate")<br>
setPromotion(2,"What's new in Office 2000?",<br>
"What's new in Office 2000")<br>
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setTopStory("It's Official: Microsoft Office 2000 is Here!",<br>
"Find out why Office 2000 is the best thing to happen to the corporate intranet, even if you don't have one yet. Visit the Office Web site to try a multimedia demo of Office 2000 and then order it online. If you missed Monday's launch event, you can tune into a replay of Steve Ballmer's exciting keynote speech.",<br>
"Office 2000")<br>
setPromotion(1,"What's your opinion on Microsoft?",<br>
"Freedom to Innovate")<br>
setPromotion(2,"What's new in Office 2000?",<br>
"What's new in Office 2000")<br>
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setTopStory("It's Official: Microsoft Office 2000 is Here!",<br>
"Find out why Office 2000 is the best thing to happen to the corporate intranet, even if you don't have one yet. Visit the Office Web site to try a multimedia demo of Office 2000 and then order it online. If you missed Monday's launch event, you can tune into a replay of Steve Ballmer's exciting keynote speech.",<br>
"Office 2000")<br>
setPromotion(1,"What's your opinion on Microsoft?",<br>
"Freedom to Innovate")<br>
setPromotion(2,"What's new in Office 2000?",<br>
"What's new in Office 2000")<br>
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setTopStory("It's Official: Microsoft Office 2000 is Here!",<br>
"Find out why Office 2000 is the best thing to happen to the corporate intranet, even if you don't have one yet. Visit the Office Web site to try a multimedia demo of Office 2000 and then order it online. If you missed Monday's launch event, you can tune into a replay of Steve Ballmer's exciting keynote speech.",<br>
"Office 2000")<br>
setPromotion(1,"What's your opinion on Microsoft?",<br>
"Freedom to Innovate")<br>
setPromotion(2,"Office 2000 upgrading made easy",<br>
"Upgrading Office 2000")<br>
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else if (ID == "IT")<br>
setTopStory("It's Official: Microsoft Office 2000 is Here!",<br>
"Find out why Office 2000 is the best thing to happen to the corporate intranet, even if you don't have one yet. Visit the Office Web site to try a multimedia demo of Office 2000 and then order it online. If you missed Monday's launch event, you can tune into a replay of Steve Ballmer's exciting keynote speech.",<br>
"Office 2000")<br>
setPromotion(1,"What's your opinion on Microsoft?",<br>
"Freedom to Innovate")<br>
setPromotion(2,"What's new in Office 2000?",<br>
"What's new in Office 2000")<br>
setHeadline(1,"How to Deploy and Manage Microsoft Office 2000","/technet/events/agenda/of2kdepl/of2kdepl.htm")<br>
setHeadline(2,"The Importance of Reliability in an e-Commerce World","/technet/avail/ebay.htm")<br>
setHeadline(3,"IT Pros: You've Got the Windows 2000 Beta. Now What?","/windows/server/beta/default_ie.htm")<br>
setHeadline(4,"Capacity Planning for High Availability","/technet/avail/capacity.htm")<br>
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Like I said: there's a LOT there; I just hope someone in here has the time to go through it (sorry, I DON'T).<br>
I hope this will prove helpful,<br>
WOW! You didn't exaggerate the size of these files. They are huge. I'm going to start looking through them right away. Thanks for taking the time to download them.
OK, easy guys. i figured this code out with my limited html and javascript abilities and i think that you gurus can do it too. maybe you need some manipulating lessons? <br>
in the homepage.js file, after it says hpStr, thats the html code of your website. i made my own layout in Frontpage 2000 since i am terrible @ html at the moment. i then pasted the code into the hpStr = making sure i had a " thing @ in the beginning of each line and have a '+' sign @ the end of each line and a ';' on the last line. then where it says those &lt;!--blah--&gt; that signifies where the function should put its data ie. in a table. <br>
to manipulate the links, just open up the navagation.js and then change the first "" marks as your main subject like Help for example. then in the next "" marks you put the name of the link and in the last "" you put the URL. <br>
in your main html document, make sure you have the links to the js files. ie.<br>
&lt;script language="JavaScript" src="file:///e:/homepage.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;<br>
you should be all set then. then in the homepage.js file delte all the extra crap like copyrights... unless you need them. Hope this helps. <br>
Senor Pomidor
Howdy. Been lurking here to see what kind of response this would get, 'cause I'm real curious myself about doing the same thing with a Java applet.<br>
The folks over at internet.com's webreference have some pretty good articles on DHTML hierarchical menus, including several iterations of their own, with source: <br>
Unfortunately, there's a huge problem with both browsers and the way they handle form elements -- some always appear on top of DHTML elements (like menus), no matter what you do about layering: <br>
Good luck! Anybody wanna post a Java Applet?
i realy cant believe, that ANYONE has the time in the world to type all that code, without being locked up :)<br>
One site I &lt;em&gt;REALLY&lt;/em&gt; recommend if you want to do DHTML cross-browser Cascading Menus is (This has step by step instructions for implementing their ever-famous menu) There's not just the menu here, but tutorial after tutorial for revision (after revision) of this menu. This step by step instruction is meant for people just interested in implementing the menu, not learning everything about how it works.<br>
For step 3, you'll want to use this dynomat tool which (is amazing). . .helps authors create the complete in-page script necessary for hierarchical menus through a single, real-time, interactive browser session.<br>
ps. Once again:<br>
for the instructions<br>
for Step 3 of the instructions; trust me!
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