I have aquired an Old Siemens Hicom 300H release 6.6 model 80ep. The hard drive is toast and the backups are suspect. The SWU has remained up and functioning as expected. When I do a recovery on the drive it appears to complete succesfully but when it comes to the option of reloading the SWU I chose not to because of not knowing whether the back up is good or the recovery is good. The problem the system has is that I have to restart the system to access the com port or the IP address to do config. When using LC WINN if I do an extended list the system restarts and a message appears that says it restarted because of cnfg call. I also cannot do a backup as the A1 will restart. The system will do an EXE-UPDAT:BP,ALL;
with no errors. I need assistance please
with no errors. I need assistance please