Long time since I was here. But I don't do too much with VFP since I'm retired.
For home automation I m using Domoticz. Domoticz keeps track of all data using a SQL light3 database.
I want to be able to proces the database-tables and preferably using VFP.
I managed to create a connection thanks to Wil Hentzens publications:
in short
STORE SQLCONNECT('Connect1') TO gnConnHandle
IF gnConnHandle <= 0
= MESSAGEBOX('Cannot make connection', 16, 'SQL Connect Error')
= MESSAGEBOX('Connection made', 48, 'SQL Connect Message')
STORE SQLTABLES(gnConnHandle, 'TABLE', 'mycursor') TO nTables
? nTables
IF nTables = 1
SELECT mycursor
remaining code kept away
Now I get a browse window which has a memo field Table_name.
So I can see all tabe names.
But how do I connect to a table ? I like to update columns and delete some of them.
Can I treat those tables as VFP tables in a way ?
Thanks for your help
Long time since I was here. But I don't do too much with VFP since I'm retired.
For home automation I m using Domoticz. Domoticz keeps track of all data using a SQL light3 database.
I want to be able to proces the database-tables and preferably using VFP.
I managed to create a connection thanks to Wil Hentzens publications:
in short
STORE SQLCONNECT('Connect1') TO gnConnHandle
IF gnConnHandle <= 0
= MESSAGEBOX('Cannot make connection', 16, 'SQL Connect Error')
= MESSAGEBOX('Connection made', 48, 'SQL Connect Message')
STORE SQLTABLES(gnConnHandle, 'TABLE', 'mycursor') TO nTables
? nTables
IF nTables = 1
SELECT mycursor
remaining code kept away
Now I get a browse window which has a memo field Table_name.
So I can see all tabe names.
But how do I connect to a table ? I like to update columns and delete some of them.
Can I treat those tables as VFP tables in a way ?
Thanks for your help