I need help to update values in my file1.txt. I need a script to check and match the ID in file1.txt and match against ID in file2.txt. If matched, the value for START should be updated by the values in $3 (file2.txt) and remains those unmatched. I tried a code something like this:
but, my output screwed as there are unmatched IDs that i need them to be remained unchanged in the file1.txt
My files are-
The output should remain those unmatched ID and supposed to be like this:
The START values for P_6, P_10 and P_133 should be updated with new values from file2.txt, while the values of START for ID P_200, P_60 and P_9 should remain unchanged as there are no match in file2 for all of them. i have thousands of data to work on and your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks
I need help to update values in my file1.txt. I need a script to check and match the ID in file1.txt and match against ID in file2.txt. If matched, the value for START should be updated by the values in $3 (file2.txt) and remains those unmatched. I tried a code something like this:
awk 'NR==FNR{if ($0~/exNum 1/) {rp[++cnt]=$3};next};
/START/ {$2 = rp[++xtr]}
' file2 file1
but, my output screwed as there are unmatched IDs that i need them to be remained unchanged in the file1.txt
My files are-
ID P_200
START 12412
END 12444
ID P_6
START 235411
END 18763
ID P_10
START 631012
END 32814
ID P_60
START 3112
END 3281
ID P_9
START 5812
END 6112
ID P_133
START 389417
END 314124
ex 37193 37735 P_10
S 37193 37735 P_10 exNum 5
ex 37862 38019 P_10
S 37862 38019 P_10 exNum 4
ex 38076 38835 P_10
S 38076 38835 P_10 exNum 3
ex 38880 39050 P_10
S 38880 39050 P_10 exNum 2
ex 39093 39644 P_10
S 39093 39644 P_10 exNum 1
ex 21204 22151 P_6
S 21204 22151 P_6 exNum 2
ex 22217 22765 P_6
S 22217 22765 P_6 exNum 1
ex 42657 42674 P_133
S 42657 42674 P_133 exNum 1
The output should remain those unmatched ID and supposed to be like this:
ID P_200
START 12412
END 12444
ID P_6
START 22765
END 18763
ID P_10
START 39644
END 32814
ID P_60
START 3112
END 3281
ID P_9
START 5812
END 6112
ID P_133
START 42674
END 314124
The START values for P_6, P_10 and P_133 should be updated with new values from file2.txt, while the values of START for ID P_200, P_60 and P_9 should remain unchanged as there are no match in file2 for all of them. i have thousands of data to work on and your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks