Hi guys,
What does tpb and scn means in clarion and what's the cause of systems prompt that c:\xxxxx\xxxxx file could not be opened?
Thanks a lot in advance guys...
SCN files are created whenever you use the TOPSCAN utility program to scan a TOPSPEED file and change the display formatting i.e. columns visible, column picture formats, etc.
TPB files(maybe) be a backup of the TPS file whenever a backup is made by the TPSFIX utility program before rebuilding.
As for the system prompts you have to be more specific as to the exact message being shown & when & in which program before I can try to reply that.
Thanks a lot shankarj.
On error that prompts, the file is ; wsfiles:journal could not be opened then after that i used tpsfix to fix the problem. The first fix it says there record size mismatch then i performed tpsfix again on that file; still there is a prompt for the record size mismatch. Is there a way that i can fix it permanently?..thanks a lot again...
Hi guys,
can anyone please help me how to filter a report by date range coz i'm everytime i used the or statement the date range filter was affected. Thanks a lot...
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