have a 406v2, analog 8 (Extn), digital 16v2 with 60R1 power supply
35 users built
113 hunt groups
121 incoming call routes
have an issue with a agents' HgEna (hunt group enable) button not working and there is no "G" in the display
the normal phone is a 4424 but have swapped with a 5420 same result changed ports and logged in, button still will not light or indicate a change in status
they were at 3.2.59 upgraded to 4.2.14 upgraded to resolve system issues of calls dropping, half connections, Queues not releasing calls to available agents
SysMon shows the button being pressed
47472228mS CMExtnEvt: ConferenceRoom: ProcessShortCode feature=HuntGroupEnable id=
but no light on 4424, removed user merged rebuilt
same result, reboot did not clear this
removed user, backed up system, defaulted system, problem still occurs
programed a new config, 5hours later,applied to another processor
still happening on test processor
tested using different phone added to same groups as problem user same thing
removed the different phone added test group and still happens
is there a limit to amount of hunt groups ?
there are no nameing conflicts
have user doesn't exist errors
and Informational errors about incoming call route's going to voice mail
35 users built
113 hunt groups
121 incoming call routes
have an issue with a agents' HgEna (hunt group enable) button not working and there is no "G" in the display
the normal phone is a 4424 but have swapped with a 5420 same result changed ports and logged in, button still will not light or indicate a change in status
they were at 3.2.59 upgraded to 4.2.14 upgraded to resolve system issues of calls dropping, half connections, Queues not releasing calls to available agents
SysMon shows the button being pressed
47472228mS CMExtnEvt: ConferenceRoom: ProcessShortCode feature=HuntGroupEnable id=
but no light on 4424, removed user merged rebuilt
same result, reboot did not clear this
removed user, backed up system, defaulted system, problem still occurs
programed a new config, 5hours later,applied to another processor
still happening on test processor
tested using different phone added to same groups as problem user same thing
removed the different phone added test group and still happens
is there a limit to amount of hunt groups ?
there are no nameing conflicts
have user doesn't exist errors
and Informational errors about incoming call route's going to voice mail