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HEX Values

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Feb 5, 2000
Dear All :
I need to create a file contains special structure ...
this file need in each row , combination from 2 or 3 values with Ascii , and 2 or 3 values with HEX ...and also some values with Binary ..

so that it's like this :

name : Mohamed --> ascii
card number : A005DF --> HEX
special Value : 1010101111 --> Binary

how can I create something like this ?

Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
In the case of the latter two items, why store them in a number base at all? Just storing the value as a couple of bytes would be a lot more efficient - and convert to binary / hex in your program when you need to...

this is my problem :
How can I do that !

Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
You'll probably need to loop through each character, using the VB Hex() function, and then another internal loop to check if each bit is on or off. Haven't tested it, but something like:

for i=1 to len(strInput)
strHexOutput=strHexOutput & Hex(mid(strInput,i,1))
for j=7 to 0 step -1
strBinaryOutput=strBinaryOutput & CStr(asc(mid(strInput,i,1)) and 2^j)

You'll may need to trim spaces, pad with 0's, etc...

Hope this helps.
To convert a string containing 0s and 1s only use something like (note you'll have to put error checking for 1s and 0s only and keep length below 31):

Public Function fnBin2Long(Bin As String) As Long
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim strTemp As String
For lngCount = Len(Bin) To 1 Step -1
strTemp = Mid(Bin, Len(Bin) - lngCount + 1, 1)
fnBin2Long = fnBin2Long + (Val(strTemp)) * (2 ^ (lngCount - 1))
Next lngCount
End Function

To convert a hex string to Long just use (for strHex) :

lngConvert = Clng(Val("&H" & strHex))

Then store as Longs

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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
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