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Technical User
Jun 6, 2003
Perdón por no dirigirme a ustedes en inglés. Espero que alguién me pueda responder en ESPAÑOL.

Estoy realizando un programa en DELPHI para conectarme a la IBERCOM MD110. Ya puedo conectarme mediante el puerto COM, pero al introducir el usuario y contraseña no puedo ejecutar los comandos.Me sale un Promp, pero no se que tengo que ejecutar después para poder ejecutar comandos en línea.

Si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradecería.
Muchas Gracias.
Hello, Pardon not to direct me to you in English. I hope that alguién can respond to me in SPANISH.

I am making a program in DELPHI to connect me to IBERCOM MD110. Already I can be connected by means of port COM, but when introducing the user and password I cannot execute comandos.Me leaves a Promp, but not that I must execute later to be able to execute commandos in line.

If somebody can help me it would thank for it. Thank you very much.
I send by COM port the following thing:

and he appears promp, but it does not execute any order to me. If I need something or not to execute something more. The user level is authority 5.
With IBERCOM MANAGER 6,0 when connecting is seen to me:



But when I connect with my program:


and I cannot execute nothing

Pardon my english, I`m Brazilian.

In a MD110 system you do not have a username and parrword
just a password.

I`ve tried to build a program in DELPHI and stoped.

But when i was working with this, I had done the same:

- Send by COM port? `S`;
- Pause a litle;
- repeat until eco=`S`;
- then send the password.
and go into a routine that print in a frame the char`s recived and send a key`s pressed. I`ve not buffering commands yet!.

//SMST (Manoel)
does not make lack put username. You need to only put password.

if I connect by hyperterminal when sending the ' S '.. what it requests to me first is a username and later password and your you say to me that single password needs to me.

If you use IBERCOM MANAGER you do not have to form RAI with the username and password, for can connect?

I do not understand as it does not request the username to you.

It is only after BC10 with NIU that you have to supply a username. If you use IPU on BC10 or BC11 you only have to supply password. All releases before BC10 had a password only.

SMST - You probably have an earlier Md110 release
MOIPOWER - It sound as though you login through NIU. What commands are you trying to send? What are the error messages?


Thats right! My MD110 is a BC9 accessed via IPU board.
the MD110 that I have is BC10 with NIU. When I connect myself by hyperterminal, I introduce username and password and shows promp to me niux >, but commando does not let to me introduce anything. I write and he does not show nothing.it not give any error, but no show nothing in the screen.

Thanks you for the request.
When you are sending the SSSSS's make sure that CAPS LOCK is on and you send a ; at the end of the line ie.

I send the SSSSS's on CAPS LOCKS. Then it shows:
Why??.. With Niux> Can I send commands? or is pennding that other?
MIOPower :

which version of delphi do you have?
I've made several applications that communicate with the MD110 (serial/ip). maybe I can sent you some sample code.
At this moment I am writing my own version of Winfiol (same capacities as winfiol but more features :) )
in delphi7. I recommend you use turbopower async pro serial component. this is a very robust serial solution and they have become open source, so you can download it for free!!!

here's the link :



If you send 'SSSSSSSSSSS', then you go to NIU shell (niux).
If you send 'SSSSSSSSSSS;', you go to MD110 MML command shell.

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