here is what i would like to do
1. as you see the about button moves up when clicked, that is correct. when a button gets clicked it should play (A)Up, (L)Up etc
2. all other buttons should move down (this is from the first page they see) for example, if the links buttons is clicked, it should move up (or play mc AUp) and home, about, stuff, pics, and staff should all move down (they should play the (letter)Forward mc)
3. so now the links button is in the middle of the .swf and all the rest of the buttons have dimmed and moved down.
4. when the user clicks one of those dimmed buttons (let's say about) then the about switches places with the links button.
5. now the about button is moved up (mc AUp) and the links button is dimmed and moved down (mc LForward)
6. now when the home button is pressed all buttons should move to their original positions mc (letter)reverse
i hope you understand this! thank you very much for helping me out, i am slowly but surely learning!
here is what i would like to do
1. as you see the about button moves up when clicked, that is correct. when a button gets clicked it should play (A)Up, (L)Up etc
2. all other buttons should move down (this is from the first page they see) for example, if the links buttons is clicked, it should move up (or play mc AUp) and home, about, stuff, pics, and staff should all move down (they should play the (letter)Forward mc)
3. so now the links button is in the middle of the .swf and all the rest of the buttons have dimmed and moved down.
4. when the user clicks one of those dimmed buttons (let's say about) then the about switches places with the links button.
5. now the about button is moved up (mc AUp) and the links button is dimmed and moved down (mc LForward)
6. now when the home button is pressed all buttons should move to their original positions mc (letter)reverse
i hope you understand this! thank you very much for helping me out, i am slowly but surely learning!