I am new to CF and I am writing an a pplication with CF, and I dont know how is the compatibilty between Javascript and CF, I mean can I use cfselect in my script and other elements or should I use cfscript, my problem write now is
function getprov(){
var pairs ;
var provin ;
var idx ;
idx = document.URL.indexOf("?");
if (idx != -1){
pairs = document.URL.substring(idx+1,document.URL.length).split ("&");
alert( pairs);
idx = unescape(pairs);
var j= idx.indexOf("=");
alert ("j"+ j);
var i = pairs.length;
alert("i"+ i);
provin = pairs.substr(j,i);
alert ("provin =" + prov);
document.getElementById(province).VALUE = provin;}
document.getElementById("province").VALUE = "AL";
}first is error object does not support properity, pairs.length, second i = 1, which is not suppose to be , by the way I am trying to get URL variable and set and option in cfselect box according to it. thanks
I am new to CF and I am writing an a pplication with CF, and I dont know how is the compatibilty between Javascript and CF, I mean can I use cfselect in my script and other elements or should I use cfscript, my problem write now is
function getprov(){
var pairs ;
var provin ;
var idx ;
idx = document.URL.indexOf("?");
if (idx != -1){
pairs = document.URL.substring(idx+1,document.URL.length).split ("&");
alert( pairs);
idx = unescape(pairs);
var j= idx.indexOf("=");
alert ("j"+ j);
var i = pairs.length;
alert("i"+ i);
provin = pairs.substr(j,i);
alert ("provin =" + prov);
document.getElementById(province).VALUE = provin;}
document.getElementById("province").VALUE = "AL";
}first is error object does not support properity, pairs.length, second i = 1, which is not suppose to be , by the way I am trying to get URL variable and set and option in cfselect box according to it. thanks