I have a report that adds a bunch of dollar figures together it worksfine except if one of the fields is empty that sub wont show nor will it show in the total but it will add it to the grand total just not display it the details
How can a value of zero be adding to the Grand Total? I don't follow. Do you mean the record is counted?
If you're not getting a display, you probably have a null. Use a formula field with something like
if isnull({value}) then 0
else {value}
It helps to give your Crystal version - 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 11 or whatever. Methods sometimes change between versions, and higher versions have extra options.
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Windows XP & Crystal 10
the value im having prob with is null and im adding a variety of ticket prices together per sales person but if there is no price entered it wont show anything but if i add all the subtotals together that the report displays it equals less than the grand total so the results that arnt being displayed are being added together in the grand total
im kinda new to crystal can you please explain your code for me
Crystal will stop processing when it hits a null, and will display nothing for it. This can be useful - e.g. an amount was not entered, rather than the amount was entered as zero.
If your sub-totals are less than the grand total, you must somehow be missing some of the sub-totals. It depends what you're doing.
You can find the basics of totals at FAQ767-6524. If it's still not clear, please explain exactly what totalling method you are using. Please post any formulas.
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Windows XP & Crystal 10
The simplest solution would be to go to file->report options->check "convert nulls to default values". Otherwise you need to replace the amount fields in the detail section with formulas like:
if isnull({table.amt}) then
0 else
Then insert your group and grand total summaries on these formulas.
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