We have recently upgraded from OTM 2.20 to TM 4.00.01
All we really used OTM for was to manage our ITG based trunks and generate the Corporate directory for the CS1000M.
However we need to move away from Windows 2000 in which it used to run so upgraded to TM 4.
It is up & running and talking to the switch. I wonder if anyone could offer a bit of advice on a few items.
I have been able to retrieve a card & set inventory from the CS1000, however how do you manage the settings on a phone? In OTM it was possible to retrieve a set and make changes - I can't find that in TM. Do I need to use the web interface? I get a login page if I point a web browser at the TM 4 server however after defining a user ID under Security I still can't login to the web interface - I get an eror about authentication when I try.
Also the CND application is also loaded, however is there any way to have TM 4 retrieve the list of names back from the switch in the same way OTM did under CPND and then use that to generate the CorpDir?
Any help and tips appreciated.
We have recently upgraded from OTM 2.20 to TM 4.00.01
All we really used OTM for was to manage our ITG based trunks and generate the Corporate directory for the CS1000M.
However we need to move away from Windows 2000 in which it used to run so upgraded to TM 4.
It is up & running and talking to the switch. I wonder if anyone could offer a bit of advice on a few items.
I have been able to retrieve a card & set inventory from the CS1000, however how do you manage the settings on a phone? In OTM it was possible to retrieve a set and make changes - I can't find that in TM. Do I need to use the web interface? I get a login page if I point a web browser at the TM 4 server however after defining a user ID under Security I still can't login to the web interface - I get an eror about authentication when I try.
Also the CND application is also loaded, however is there any way to have TM 4 retrieve the list of names back from the switch in the same way OTM did under CPND and then use that to generate the CorpDir?
Any help and tips appreciated.