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Help with SSH to Cisco Device

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Oct 27, 2002
Greetings all,
I have almost got this working but I am missing something very simple I am sure. I had never used subs in my perl scripts so this is new to me. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

When I run my script here is the error I get:

login failed: ********************************************************************
Couldn't connect to switchname

below is my script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w


#print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n";

#require "cgi-lib.pl";

use Date::Calc qw(:all);

use Text::Wrap;

use CGI::Pretty qw/:standard :cgi-lib/;

use Getopt::Long;

use Net::Telnet;

use Net::SSH::Perl;

#use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

use strict;



#($year,$month,$day) = Today();

#$date = join ('',Today());


my @switch=();


my $user='userid';

my $swipwd='password';

my $switch='switchname';



     my $ns_ssh = ConnectToVPN($user, $swipwd, $switch);

      if ($ns_ssh) {


      my @version = $ns_ssh->cmd("show version");

      print @version;

      print "\n";



print "\n";


#================= SUBS =====================

sub ConnectToVPN {

   my ($user, $swipwd, $switch) = @_;

   my $vpn_prompt = '/[>] $/';

   ## Start ssh program.

   my $vpn_pty = &spawn("ssh", "-l", $user, $switch);

   #, "-F", "/home/vpn/newvpncheck/config");  

   # spawn() defined below

   ## Create a Net::Telnet object to perform I/O on ssh's tty.

   my $vpn_ssh = new Net::Telnet (-fhopen => $vpn_pty,

                               -prompt => $vpn_prompt,

                               -telnetmode => 0,

                               -cmd_remove_mode => 1,

                               -output_record_separator => "\n",


   ## Login to remote host.


   ## Catch key fingerprint and add it if we don't have it.


   if ($vpn_ssh->waitfor(-match => '/yes/', -errmode => "return", -timeout => 5)) {




   my $vpn_test = $vpn_ssh->waitfor(-match => '/password: ?$/i',

                                    -errmode => "return");

   #               or warn  "problem connecting to $vpn_host: ";

   ## exit if we can't connect

   if(!$vpn_test) { print "Couldn't connect to $switch\n"; return; }



   $vpn_test = $vpn_ssh->waitfor(-match => $vpn_ssh->prompt,

                                 -errmode => "return")

                  or warn "login failed: ", $vpn_ssh->lastline;

   if(!$vpn_test) { print "\nCouldn't connect to $switch\n\n"; return; }





sub spawn {

   my(@cmd) = @_;

   my($pid, $pty, $tty, $tty_fd);


   ## Create a new pseudo terminal.

   use IO::Pty ();

   $pty = new IO::Pty or die $!;


   ## Execute the program in another process.

   unless ($pid = fork) {  # child process

      die "problem spawning program: $!\n" unless defined $pid;


   ## Disassociate process from existing controlling terminal.

   use POSIX ();


      or die "setsid failed: $!";


   ## Associate process with a new controlling terminal.


   $tty = $pty->slave;

   $tty_fd = $tty->fileno;

   close $pty;


   ## Make stdio use the new controlling terminal.

   open STDIN, "<&$tty_fd" or die $!;

   open STDOUT, ">&$tty_fd" or die $!;

   open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die $!;

   close $tty;


   ## Execute requested program.

   exec @cmd

      or die "problem executing $cmd[0]\n";

   } # end child process



} # end sub spawn
Found a solution with Net::SSH::Expect.

Thanks for all the help this board gives so often.

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