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help with script not showing printer name and port

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Nov 25, 2011
Can You tell me why this scrpit not showing me a printer name and printer port, I think I add everything what is need, it showing me everyting but this two things are blank. Thx for reply.

Set colitems6 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk Where Win32_Printer")

 For Each objItem In colItems6
	  PrntrLst = objPrinter.Name
	  vbCrLf = objPrinter.PortName
	 if not ipaddress = "" then
	 objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Drukarka Nazwa: " & PrntrLst &"</FONT><BR>"
	 objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Drukarka Port : " & vbCrLf &"</FONT><BR>"
	 end if

    On Error Resume Next
    do while strcomputer = "" and a < 2
      strcomputer = Inputbox ("Wprowadz adres IP albo Nazwe Komputera","Informacje o Zdalnym Komputerze","IP jest wskazany do wpisania")
      strcomputer = trim(strcomputer)
      a = a + 1
    if not strComputer <> "" then
     wscript.echo "Zaden komputer nie zostal wpisany, koniec skryptu"
    end if
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
    if err.number <> 0 then
     if err.number = -2147217405 then
      wscript.echo "Nie masz dostepu do danych tego komputera"
      wscript.echo "Nie mozna zlokalizowac komputera" &vbcrlf& "Sprawdz IP Address/Nazwe Komputera i sprobuj ponownie"
     end if
    end if
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS")
    Set colItems1 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem")
    Set colItems2 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")
    Set colitems3 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_computersystem")
    Set colitems4 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkLoginProfile")
    Set colitems5 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = 3")
    Set colitems6 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk Where Win32_Printer")
    Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
    objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
    objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
    objExplorer.Width = 800
    objExplorer.Height = 600
    objExplorer.Left = 100
    objExplorer.Top = 100
    objExplorer.Visible = 1
    Do While (objExplorer.Busy)
    Set objDocument = objExplorer.Document
    objDocument.Writeln "<html><head><title>Computer Information</title></head>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<body bgcolor='white'>"
    ' Computer Detals
    For Each objItem In colItems
     serial = objitem.serialnumber
    For Each objItem In colItems1
     hostname = objitem.caption
     make = objitem.manufacturer
     model = objitem.model
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT color='red' size=4>Computer Information For: " & Ucase(hostname) & "</FONT><BR><BR>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'>Serial : " & Serial & "</FONT><BR>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'>Make : " & make & "</FONT><BR>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'>Model : " & Model & "</FONT><BR>"
    For Each objItem In colItems5
     driveletter = objitem.name
     capacity = ((objitem.size / 1024) / 1024) / 1024
     free = ((objitem.FreeSpace / 1024) / 1024) / 1024
     free = FormatNumber (free,2)
     capacity = FormatNumber (capacity,2)
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'>Capacity of " &driveletter& " - " & capacity & "GB</FONT><BR>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'>Free Space on " &driveletter& " - " & Free & "GB</FONT><BR>"
    objDocument.Writeln "<BR><FONT color='Blue' size=4>Please Wait, gathering more information...</FONT><BR><BR>"
    ' User Details
    For Each objItem In colItems3
     loggedon = objitem.username
    For Each objItem In colItems4
     cachedlog = objitem.name
     username = objitem.FullName
     passwordexpire = objitem.passwordexpires
     badpassword = objitem.badpasswordcount
     if loggedon = cachedlog then
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT color='red' size=4>User Information For...</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT color='red' size=4>" & username & "</FONT><BR><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'> User Name :" & loggedon &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Incorrect Password Attempts : " & badpassword &"</FONT><BR>"
      on error resume next
      Set objaccount = GetObject("WinNT://**********/" &objitem.caption & ",user")
      if Err.Number <> 0 Then
       objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'>unable to retrieve password expiration information</FONT><BR>"
       If objAccount.PasswordExpired = 1 Then
        objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='red'>Password has Expired!</FONT><BR>"
        objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'>Password Expires " & objAccount.PasswordExpirationDate & " </FONT><BR><BR>"
       end if
      end if
     end if
    ' Network Adapter Details
    For Each objItem In colItems2
     ipaddress = objitem.ipaddress(0)
     description = objitem.description
     DHCP = objitem.DHCPserver
     Domain = objitem.DNSdomain
	 IPGateway = objItem.DefaultIPGateway(0)
	 mask = objItem.IPSubnet(0)
     mac = objitem.MACaddress
     DNS = objitem.dnsserversearchorder(0)
     DNS1 = objitem.dnsserversearchorder(1)
     DNS2 = objitem.dnsserversearchorder(2)
     wins1 = objitem.winsprimaryserver
     wins2 = objitem.winssecondaryserver
     if not ipaddress = "" then
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT color='red' size=4>Network Adapter Details For...</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT color='red' size=4>" & description & "</FONT><BR><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='Courier' color='black'> IP Address :" & ipaddress &"</FONT><BR>"
	  objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> IP Gateway : " & IPGateway &"</FONT><BR>"
	  objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Maska Podsieci : " & mask &"</FONT><BR>"
	  objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> DHCP Server : " & DHCP &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Domain Name : " & domain &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> MAC Address : " & mac &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Primary DNS : " & DNS &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Secondary DNS : " & DNS1 &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Tertiary DNS : " & DNS2 &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Primary WINS : " & wins1 &"</FONT><BR>"
      objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Secondary WINS : " & WINS2 &"</FONT><BR><BR>"
     end if
	 For Each objItem In colItems6
	  PrntrLst = objPrinter.Name
	  vbCrLf = objPrinter.PortName
	 if not ipaddress = "" then
	 objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Drukarka Nazwa: " & PrntrLst &"</FONT><BR>"
	 objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Drukarka Port : " & vbCrLf &"</FONT><BR>"
	 end if
    objDocument.Writeln "<FONT color='Blue' size=4>Script Finished</FONT><BR><BR>"
[blue]Set colitems6 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk Where Win32_Printer") [/blue]

I'd look really hard at your WMI query ...
Set colitems6 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk Where Win32_Printer")
You are right, I am repair this query:
Set colPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Printer")
But still this not showing me any details about printers, only show me how many printers is installed, example:

Drukarka Nazwa:
Drukarka Port :
Drukarka Nazwa:
Drukarka Port :
Drukarka Nazwa:
Drukarka Port :
Drukarka Nazwa:
Drukarka Port :
Drukarka Nazwa:
Drukarka Port :
Drukarka Nazwa:
Drukarka Port :

	 For Each objItem In colPrinters
	  PrntrLst = objPrinter.Name(0)
	  vbCrLf = objPrinter.PortName(0)
	 if not ipaddress = "" then
	 objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Drukarka Nazwa: " & PrntrLst &"</FONT><BR>"
	 objDocument.Writeln "<FONT face='courier' color='black'> Drukarka Port : " & vbCrLf &"</FONT><BR>"

How to change this ?
I am fix up the script and it works fine. Thx for reply.
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