Hi,<br><br>Do anybody how to get work callback with a Windows 98 client and a RAS Cisco 26xx ?<br>The ras has Cisco IOS 12.0 and my config is :<br>username Ted callback-dialstring "1234567" callback-rotary 77 password Rhoda<br>interface async7<br> ip unnumbered ethernet0<br> encapsulation ppp<br> no keepalive<br> async default ip address<br> async mode interactive<br> ppp callback accept<br> ppp authentication pap<br> <br>interface async8<br> ip unnumbered ethernet0<br> encapsulation ppp<br> no keepalive<br> async default ip address<br> async mode interactive<br> ppp callback accept<br> ppp authentication pap<br> <br>interface async9<br> ip unnumbered ethernet0<br> encapsulation ppp<br> no keepalive<br> async default ip address<br> async mode interactive<br> ppp callback accept<br> ppp authentication pap<br> <br>line 7<br> login local<br> modem InOut<br> rotary 77<br> autoselect ppp<br> <br>line 8<br> login local<br> modem InOut<br> rotary 77<br> autoselect ppp<br> <br>line 9<br> login local<br> modem InOut<br> rotary 77<br><br> autoselect ppp<br><br>i call the RAS and get authentication but the call dont hang up and there isnt callback.<br><br>Thanks<br>Mhernand<br>