hey everybody
I have downloaded script for a menu. It works perfectly but when i click on the menuitem it opens a new windows.
I want it to open the page in a frame called "main".
Is there anybody who can help me????
here is the script (fw_menu.js):
function Menu(label, mw, mh, fnt, fs, fclr, fhclr, bg, bgh) {
this.version = "990702 [Menu; menu.js]";
this.type = "Menu";
this.menuWidth = mw;
this.menuItemHeight = mh;
this.fontSize = fs||12;
this.fontWeight = "plain";
this.fontFamily = fnt||"arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif";
this.fontColor = fclr||"#000000";
this.fontColorHilite = fhclr||"#ffffff";
this.bgColor = "#555555";
this.menuBorder = 1;
this.menuItemBorder = 1;
this.menuItemBgColor = bg||"#cccccc";
this.menuLiteBgColor = "#ffffff";
this.menuBorderBgColor = "#777777";
this.menuHiliteBgColor = bgh||"#000084";
this.menuContainerBgColor = "#cccccc";
this.childMenuIcon = "arrows.gif";
this.items = new Array();
this.actions = new Array();
this.childMenus = new Array();
this.hideOnMouseOut = true;
this.addMenuItem = addMenuItem;
this.addMenuSeparator = addMenuSeparator;
this.writeMenus = writeMenus;
this.FW_showMenu = FW_showMenu;
this.onMenuItemOver = onMenuItemOver;
this.onMenuItemAction = onMenuItemAction;
this.hideMenu = hideMenu;
this.hideChildMenu = hideChildMenu;
if (!window.menus) window.menus = new Array();
this.label = label || "menuLabel" + window.menus.length;
window.menus[this.label] = this;
window.menus[window.menus.length] = this;
if (!window.activeMenus) window.activeMenus = new Array();
function addMenuItem(label, action) {
this.items[this.items.length] = label;
this.actions[this.actions.length] = action;
function addMenuSeparator() {
this.items[this.items.length] = "separator";
this.actions[this.actions.length] = "";
this.menuItemBorder = 0;
// For NS6.
function FIND(item) {
if (document.all) return(document.all[item]);
if (document.getElementById) return(document.getElementById(item));
function writeMenus(container) {
if (window.triedToWriteMenus) return;
if (!container && document.layers) {
window.delayWriteMenus = this.writeMenus;
var timer = setTimeout('delayWriteMenus()', 250);
container = new Layer(100);
} else if (document.all || document.hasChildNodes) {
document.writeln('<SPAN ID="menuContainer"></SPAN>');
container = FIND("menuContainer"
window.fwHideMenuTimer = null;
if (!container) return;
window.triedToWriteMenus = true;
container.isContainer = true;
container.menus = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<window.menus.length; i++)
container.menus = window.menus;
window.menus.length = 0;
var countMenus = 0;
var countItems = 0;
var top = 0;
var content = '';
var lrs = false;
var theStat = "";
var tsc = 0;
if (document.layers) lrs = true;
for (var i=0; i<container.menus.length; i++, countMenus++) {
var menu = container.menus;
if (menu.bgImageUp) {
menu.menuBorder = 0;
menu.menuItemBorder = 0;
if (lrs) {
var menuLayer = new Layer(100, container);
var lite = new Layer(100, menuLayer);
lite.top = menu.menuBorder;
lite.left = menu.menuBorder;
var body = new Layer(100, lite);
body.top = menu.menuBorder;
body.left = menu.menuBorder;
} else {
content += ''+
'<DIV ID="menuLayer'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;z-index:1;left:10;top:'+ (i * 100) +';visibility:hidden;">\n'+
' <DIV ID="menuLite'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;z-index:1;left:'+ menu.menuBorder +';top:'+ menu.menuBorder +';visibility:hide;" onMouseOut="mouseoutMenu();">\n'+
' <DIV ID="menuFg'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:'+ menu.menuBorder +';top:'+ menu.menuBorder +';visibility:hide;">\n'+
var x=i;
for (var i=0; i<menu.items.length; i++) {
var item = menu.items;
var childMenu = false;
var defaultHeight = menu.fontSize+6;
var defaultIndent = menu.fontSize;
if (item.label) {
item = item.label;
childMenu = true;
menu.menuItemHeight = menu.menuItemHeight || defaultHeight;
menu.menuItemIndent = menu.menuItemIndent || defaultIndent;
var itemProps = 'font-family:' + menu.fontFamily +';font-weight:' + menu.fontWeight + ';fontSize:' + menu.fontSize + ';';
if (menu.fontStyle) itemProps += 'font-style:' + menu.fontStyle + ';';
if (document.all)
itemProps += 'font-size:' + menu.fontSize + ';" onMouseOver="onMenuItemOver(null,this);" onClick="onMenuItemAction(null,this);';
else if (!document.layers) {
itemProps += 'font-size:' + menu.fontSize + 'px;'; // zilla wants 12px.
var l;
if (lrs) {
l = new Layer(800,body);
var dTag = '<DIV ID="menuItem'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:'+ (i * menu.menuItemHeight) +';'+ itemProps +'">';
var dClose = '</DIV>'
if (menu.bgImageUp) {
menu.menuBorder = 0;
menu.menuItemBorder = 0;
dTag = '<DIV ID="menuItem'+ countItems +'" STYLE="background:url('+menu.bgImageUp+');position:absolute;left:0;top:'+ (i * menu.menuItemHeight) +';'+ itemProps +'">';
if (document.layers) {
dTag = '<LAYER BACKGROUND="'+menu.bgImageUp+'" ID="menuItem'+ countItems +'" TOP="'+ (i * menu.menuItemHeight) +'" style="' + itemProps +'">';
dClose = '</LAYER>';
var textProps = 'position:absolute;left:' + menu.menuItemIndent + ';top:1;';
if (lrs) {
textProps +=itemProps;
dTag = "";
dClose = "";
var dText = '<DIV ID="menuItemText'+ countItems +'" STYLE="' + textProps + 'color:'+ menu.fontColor +';">'+ item +' </DIV>\n<DIV ID="menuItemHilite'+ countItems +'" STYLE="' + textProps + 'top:1;color:'+ menu.fontColorHilite +';visibility:hidden;">'+ item +' </DIV>';
if (item == "separator"
content += ( dTag + '<DIV ID="menuSeparator'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:1;top:2;"></DIV>\n<DIV ID="menuSeparatorLite'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:1;top:2;"></DIV>\n' + dClose);
} else if (childMenu) {
content += ( dTag + dText + '<DIV ID="childMenu'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:3;"><IMG SRC="'+ menu.childMenuIcon +'"></DIV>\n' + dClose);
} else {
content += ( dTag + dText + dClose);
if (lrs) {
content = '';
theStat += "-";
if (tsc > 50) {
tsc = 0;
theStat = "";
status = theStat;
if (lrs) {
// focus layer
var focusItem = new Layer(100, body);
focusItem.document.writeln(" "
} else {
content += ' <DIV ID="focusItem'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hide;" onClick="onMenuItemAction(null,this);"> </DIV>\n';
content += ' </DIV>\n </DIV>\n</DIV>\n';
if (document.layers) {
container.clip.width = window.innerWidth;
container.clip.height = window.innerHeight;
container.onmouseout = mouseoutMenu;
container.menuContainerBgColor = this.menuContainerBgColor;
for (var i=0; i<container.document.layers.length; i++) {
proto = container.menus;
var menu = container.document.layers;
container.menus.menuLayer = menu;
container.menus.menuLayer.Menu = container.menus;
container.menus.menuLayer.Menu.container = container;
var body = menu.document.layers[0].document.layers[0];
body.clip.width = proto.menuWidth || body.clip.width;
body.clip.height = proto.menuHeight || body.clip.height;
for (var n=0; n<body.document.layers.length-1; n++) {
var l = body.document.layers[n];
l.Menu = container.menus;
l.menuHiliteBgColor = proto.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.document.bgColor = proto.menuItemBgColor;
l.saveColor = proto.menuItemBgColor;
l.onmouseover = proto.onMenuItemOver;
l.onclick = proto.onMenuItemAction;
l.action = container.menus.actions[n];
l.focusItem = body.document.layers[body.document.layers.length-1];
l.clip.width = proto.menuWidth || body.clip.width + proto.menuItemIndent;
l.clip.height = proto.menuItemHeight || l.clip.height;
if (n>0) l.top = body.document.layers[n-1].top + body.document.layers[n-1].clip.height + proto.menuItemBorder;
l.hilite = l.document.layers[1];
if (proto.bgImageUp) l.background.src = proto.bgImageUp;
l.document.layers[1].isHilite = true;
if (l.document.layers[0].id.indexOf("menuSeparator"
!= -1) {
l.hilite = null;
l.clip.height -= l.clip.height / 2;
l.document.layers[0].document.bgColor = proto.bgColor;
l.document.layers[0].clip.width = l.clip.width -2;
l.document.layers[0].clip.height = 1;
l.document.layers[1].document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor;
l.document.layers[1].clip.width = l.clip.width -2;
l.document.layers[1].clip.height = 1;
l.document.layers[1].top = l.document.layers[0].top + 1;
} else if (l.document.layers.length > 2) {
l.childMenu = container.menus.items[n].menuLayer;
l.document.layers[2].left = l.clip.width -13;
l.document.layers[2].top = (l.clip.height / 2) -4;
l.document.layers[2].clip.left += 3;
l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu;
body.document.bgColor = proto.bgColor;
body.clip.width = l.clip.width +proto.menuBorder;
body.clip.height = l.top + l.clip.height +proto.menuBorder;
var focusItem = body.document.layers[n];
focusItem.clip.width = body.clip.width;
focusItem.Menu = l.Menu;
focusItem.top = -30;
focusItem.onmousedown = onMenuItemDown;
menu.document.bgColor = proto.menuBorderBgColor;
var lite = menu.document.layers[0];
lite.document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor;
lite.clip.width = body.clip.width +1;
lite.clip.height = body.clip.height +1;
menu.clip.width = body.clip.width + (proto.menuBorder * 3) ;
menu.clip.height = body.clip.height + (proto.menuBorder * 3);
} else {
if ((!document.all) && (container.hasChildNodes)) {
} else {
if (!FIND("menuLayer0"
) return;
var menuCount = 0;
for (var x=0; x<container.menus.length; x++) {
var menuLayer = FIND("menuLayer" + x);
container.menus[x].menuLayer = "menuLayer" + x;
menuLayer.Menu = container.menus[x];
menuLayer.Menu.container = "menuLayer" + x;
menuLayer.style.zIndex = 1;
var s = menuLayer.style;
s.top = s.pixelTop = -300;
s.left = s.pixelLeft = -300;
var menu = container.menus[x];
menu.menuItemWidth = menu.menuWidth || menu.menuIEWidth || 140;
menuLayer.style.backgroundColor = menu.menuBorderBgColor;
var top = 0;
for (var i=0; i<container.menus[x].items.length; i++) {
var l = FIND("menuItem" + menuCount);
l.Menu = container.menus[x];
if (l.addEventListener) { // ns6
l.style.width = menu.menuItemWidth;
l.style.height = menu.menuItemHeight;
l.style.top = top;
l.addEventListener("mouseover", onMenuItemOver, false);
l.addEventListener("click", onMenuItemAction, false);
l.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutMenu, false);
} else { //ie
l.style.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth;
l.style.pixelHeight = menu.menuItemHeight;
l.style.pixelTop = top;
top = top + menu.menuItemHeight+menu.menuItemBorder;
l.style.fontSize = menu.fontSize;
l.style.backgroundColor = menu.menuItemBgColor;
l.style.visibility = "inherit";
l.saveColor = menu.menuItemBgColor;
l.menuHiliteBgColor = menu.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.action = container.menus[x].actions;
l.hilite = FIND("menuItemHilite" + menuCount);
l.focusItem = FIND("focusItem" + x);
l.focusItem.style.pixelTop = l.focusItem.style.top = -30;
var childItem = FIND("childMenu" + menuCount);
if (childItem) {
l.childMenu = container.menus[x].items.menuLayer;
childItem.style.pixelLeft = childItem.style.left = menu.menuItemWidth -11;
childItem.style.pixelTop = childItem.style.top =(menu.menuItemHeight /2) -4;
//childItem.style.pixelWidth = 30 || 7;
//childItem.style.clip = "rect(0 7 7 3)";
l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu;
var sep = FIND("menuSeparator" + menuCount);
if (sep) {
sep.style.clip = "rect(0 " + (menu.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 1 0)";
sep.style.width = sep.style.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth;
sep.style.backgroundColor = menu.bgColor;
sep = FIND("menuSeparatorLite" + menuCount);
sep.style.clip = "rect(1 " + (menu.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 2 0)";
sep.style.width = sep.style.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth;
sep.style.backgroundColor = menu.menuLiteBgColor;
l.style.height = l.style.pixelHeight = menu.menuItemHeight/2;
l.isSeparator = true
top -= (menu.menuItemHeight - l.style.pixelHeight)
} else {
l.style.cursor = "hand"
menu.menuHeight = top-1;
var lite = FIND("menuLite" + x);
var s = lite.style;
s.height = s.pixelHeight = menu.menuHeight +(menu.menuBorder * 2);
s.width = s.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth + (menu.menuBorder * 2);
s.backgroundColor = menu.menuLiteBgColor;
var body = FIND("menuFg" + x);
s = body.style;
s.height = s.pixelHeight = menu.menuHeight + menu.menuBorder;
s.width = s.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth + menu.menuBorder;
s.backgroundColor = menu.bgColor;
s = menuLayer.style;
s.width = s.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth + (menu.menuBorder * 4);
s.height = s.pixelHeight = menu.menuHeight+(menu.menuBorder*4);
if (document.captureEvents) {
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMenuItemOver, false);
if (document.layers && window.innerWidth) {
window.onresize = NS4resize;
window.NS4sIW = window.innerWidth;
window.NS4sIH = window.innerHeight;
document.onmouseup = mouseupMenu;
window.fwWroteMenu = true;
status = "";
function NS4resize() {
if (NS4sIW < window.innerWidth ||
NS4sIW > window.innerWidth ||
NS4sIH > window.innerHeight ||
NS4sIH < window.innerHeight )
function onMenuItemOver(e, l) {
l = l || this;
a = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (document.layers) {
if (a) {
a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden";
if (a.Menu.bgImageOver) {
a.background.src = a.Menu.bgImageUp;
a.focusItem.top = -100;
a.clicked = false;
if (l.hilite) {
l.document.bgColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.zIndex = 1;
l.hilite.visibility = "inherit";
l.hilite.zIndex = 2;
l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 1;
l.focusItem.zIndex = this.zIndex +2;
if (l.Menu.bgImageOver) {
l.background.src = l.Menu.bgImageOver;
l.focusItem.top = this.top;
} else if (l.style && l.Menu) {
if (a) {
a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (a.Menu.bgImageUp) {
a.style.background = "url(" + a.Menu.bgImageUp +"
if (l.isSeparator) return;
l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.zIndex = 1; // magic IE 4.5 mac happy doohicky. jba
if (l.Menu.bgImageOver) {
l.style.background = "url(" + l.Menu.bgImageOver +"
if (l.hilite) {
l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.hilite.style.visibility = "inherit";
l.focusItem.style.top = l.focusItem.style.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop;
l.focusItem.style.zIndex = l.zIndex +1;
} else {
return; // not a menu - magic IE 4.5 mac happy doohicky. jba
window.ActiveMenuItem = l;
function onMenuItemAction(e, l) {
l = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (!l) return;
if (l.action) {
eval("" + l.action);
window.ActiveMenuItem = 0;
function FW_clearTimeout()
if (fwHideMenuTimer) clearTimeout(fwHideMenuTimer);
fwHideMenuTimer = null;
fwDHFlag = false;
function FW_startTimeout()
fwStart = new Date();
fwDHFlag = true;
fwHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("fwDoHide()", 1000);
function fwDoHide()
if (!fwDHFlag) return;
var elapsed = new Date() - fwStart;
if (elapsed < 1000) {
fwHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("fwDoHide()", 1100-elapsed);
fwDHFlag = false;
window.ActiveMenuItem = 0;
function FW_showMenu(menu, x, y, child) {
if (!window.fwWroteMenu) return;
if (document.layers) {
if (menu) {
var l = menu.menuLayer || menu;
l.left = 1;
l.top = 1;
if (this.visibility) l = this;
window.ActiveMenu = l;
} else {
var l = child;
if (!l) return;
for (var i=0; i<l.layers.length; i++) {
if (!l.layers.isHilite)
l.layers.visibility = "inherit";
if (l.layers.document.layers.length > 0)
FW_showMenu(null, "relative", "relative", l.layers);
if (l.parentLayer) {
if (x != "relative"
l.parentLayer.left = x || window.pageX || 0;
if (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width > window.innerWidth)
l.parentLayer.left -= (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width - window.innerWidth);
if (y != "relative"
l.parentLayer.top = y || window.pageY || 0;
if (l.parentLayer.isContainer) {
l.Menu.xOffset = window.pageXOffset;
l.Menu.yOffset = window.pageYOffset;
l.parentLayer.clip.width = window.ActiveMenu.clip.width +2;
l.parentLayer.clip.height = window.ActiveMenu.clip.height +2;
if (l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor) l.parentLayer.document.bgColor = l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor;
l.visibility = "inherit";
if (l.Menu) l.Menu.container.visibility = "inherit";
} else if (FIND("menuItem0"
) {
var l = menu.menuLayer || menu;
if (typeof(l) == "string"
l = FIND(l);
window.ActiveMenu = l;
var s = l.style;
s.visibility = "inherit";
if (x != "relative"
s.left = s.pixelLeft = x || (window.pageX + document.body.scrollLeft) || 0;
if (y != "relative"
s.top = s.pixelTop = y || (window.pageY + document.body.scrollTop) || 0;
l.Menu.xOffset = document.body.scrollLeft;
l.Menu.yOffset = document.body.scrollTop;
if (menu) {
window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = l;
function onMenuItemDown(e, l) {
var a = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (document.layers) {
if (a) {
a.eX = e.pageX;
a.eY = e.pageY;
a.clicked = true;
function mouseupMenu(e)
hideMenu(true, e);
return true;
function mouseoutMenu()
hideMenu(false, false);
return true;
function hideMenu(mouseup, e) {
var a = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (a && document.layers) {
a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor;
a.focusItem.top = -30;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden";
if (mouseup && a.action && a.clicked && window.ActiveMenu) {
if (a.eX <= e.pageX+15 && a.eX >= e.pageX-15 && a.eY <= e.pageY+10 && a.eY >= e.pageY-10) {
setTimeout('window.ActiveMenu.Menu.onMenuItemAction();', 2);
a.clicked = false;
if (a.Menu.bgImageOver) {
a.background.src = a.Menu.bgImageUp;
} else if (window.ActiveMenu && FIND("menuItem0"
) {
if (a) {
a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (a.Menu.bgImageUp) {
a.style.background = "url(" + a.Menu.bgImageUp +"
if (!mouseup && window.ActiveMenu) {
if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu) {
if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu.hideOnMouseOut) {
function PxToNum(pxStr)
{ // pxStr == 27px, we want 27.
if (pxStr.length > 2) {
n = Number(pxStr.substr(0, pxStr.length-2));
function hideChildMenu(hcmLayer) {
var l = hcmLayer;
for (var i=0; i < l.Menu.childMenus.length; i++) {
var theLayer = l.Menu.childMenus;
if (document.layers) {
theLayer.visibility = "hidden";
} else {
theLayer = FIND(theLayer);
theLayer.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (l.childMenu) {
var childMenu = l.childMenu;
if (document.layers) {
childMenu.zIndex = l.parentLayer.zIndex +1;
childMenu.top = l.top + l.parentLayer.top + l.Menu.menuLayer.top + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3;
if (childMenu.left + childMenu.clip.width > window.innerWidth) {
childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left - childMenu.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left + 15;
l.Menu.container.clip.left -= childMenu.clip.width;
} else {
childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left + l.parentLayer.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left -5;
var w = childMenu.clip.width+childMenu.left-l.Menu.container.clip.left;
if (w > l.Menu.container.clip.width)
l.Menu.container.clip.width = w;
var h = childMenu.clip.height+childMenu.top-l.Menu.container.clip.top;
if (h > l.Menu.container.clip.height) l.Menu.container.clip.height = h;
l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 0;
childMenu.visibility = "inherit";
} else if (FIND("menuItem0"
) {
childMenu = FIND(l.childMenu);
var menuLayer = FIND(l.Menu.menuLayer);
var s = childMenu.style;
s.zIndex = menuLayer.style.zIndex+1;
if (document.all) { // ie case.
s.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop + menuLayer.style.pixelTop + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3;
s.left = s.pixelLeft = (menuLayer.style.pixelWidth) + menuLayer.style.pixelLeft -5;
} else { // zilla case
var top = PxToNum(l.style.top) + PxToNum(menuLayer.style.top) + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3;
var left = (PxToNum(menuLayer.style.width)) + PxToNum(menuLayer.style.left) -5;
s.top = top;
s.left = left;
childMenu.style.visibility = "inherit";
} else {
window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = childMenu;
function hideActiveMenus() {
if (!window.activeMenus) return;
for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) {
if (!activeMenus) continue;
if (activeMenus.visibility && activeMenus.Menu) {
activeMenus.visibility = "hidden";
activeMenus.Menu.container.visibility = "hidden";
activeMenus.Menu.container.clip.left = 0;
} else if (activeMenus.style) {
var s = activeMenus.style;
s.visibility = "hidden";
s.left = -200;
s.top = -200;
if (window.ActiveMenuItem) {
hideMenu(false, false);
window.activeMenus.length = 0;
I hope it wasn't to long
I have downloaded script for a menu. It works perfectly but when i click on the menuitem it opens a new windows.
I want it to open the page in a frame called "main".
Is there anybody who can help me????
here is the script (fw_menu.js):
function Menu(label, mw, mh, fnt, fs, fclr, fhclr, bg, bgh) {
this.version = "990702 [Menu; menu.js]";
this.type = "Menu";
this.menuWidth = mw;
this.menuItemHeight = mh;
this.fontSize = fs||12;
this.fontWeight = "plain";
this.fontFamily = fnt||"arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif";
this.fontColor = fclr||"#000000";
this.fontColorHilite = fhclr||"#ffffff";
this.bgColor = "#555555";
this.menuBorder = 1;
this.menuItemBorder = 1;
this.menuItemBgColor = bg||"#cccccc";
this.menuLiteBgColor = "#ffffff";
this.menuBorderBgColor = "#777777";
this.menuHiliteBgColor = bgh||"#000084";
this.menuContainerBgColor = "#cccccc";
this.childMenuIcon = "arrows.gif";
this.items = new Array();
this.actions = new Array();
this.childMenus = new Array();
this.hideOnMouseOut = true;
this.addMenuItem = addMenuItem;
this.addMenuSeparator = addMenuSeparator;
this.writeMenus = writeMenus;
this.FW_showMenu = FW_showMenu;
this.onMenuItemOver = onMenuItemOver;
this.onMenuItemAction = onMenuItemAction;
this.hideMenu = hideMenu;
this.hideChildMenu = hideChildMenu;
if (!window.menus) window.menus = new Array();
this.label = label || "menuLabel" + window.menus.length;
window.menus[this.label] = this;
window.menus[window.menus.length] = this;
if (!window.activeMenus) window.activeMenus = new Array();
function addMenuItem(label, action) {
this.items[this.items.length] = label;
this.actions[this.actions.length] = action;
function addMenuSeparator() {
this.items[this.items.length] = "separator";
this.actions[this.actions.length] = "";
this.menuItemBorder = 0;
// For NS6.
function FIND(item) {
if (document.all) return(document.all[item]);
if (document.getElementById) return(document.getElementById(item));
function writeMenus(container) {
if (window.triedToWriteMenus) return;
if (!container && document.layers) {
window.delayWriteMenus = this.writeMenus;
var timer = setTimeout('delayWriteMenus()', 250);
container = new Layer(100);
} else if (document.all || document.hasChildNodes) {
document.writeln('<SPAN ID="menuContainer"></SPAN>');
container = FIND("menuContainer"
window.fwHideMenuTimer = null;
if (!container) return;
window.triedToWriteMenus = true;
container.isContainer = true;
container.menus = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<window.menus.length; i++)
container.menus = window.menus;
window.menus.length = 0;
var countMenus = 0;
var countItems = 0;
var top = 0;
var content = '';
var lrs = false;
var theStat = "";
var tsc = 0;
if (document.layers) lrs = true;
for (var i=0; i<container.menus.length; i++, countMenus++) {
var menu = container.menus;
if (menu.bgImageUp) {
menu.menuBorder = 0;
menu.menuItemBorder = 0;
if (lrs) {
var menuLayer = new Layer(100, container);
var lite = new Layer(100, menuLayer);
lite.top = menu.menuBorder;
lite.left = menu.menuBorder;
var body = new Layer(100, lite);
body.top = menu.menuBorder;
body.left = menu.menuBorder;
} else {
content += ''+
'<DIV ID="menuLayer'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;z-index:1;left:10;top:'+ (i * 100) +';visibility:hidden;">\n'+
' <DIV ID="menuLite'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;z-index:1;left:'+ menu.menuBorder +';top:'+ menu.menuBorder +';visibility:hide;" onMouseOut="mouseoutMenu();">\n'+
' <DIV ID="menuFg'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:'+ menu.menuBorder +';top:'+ menu.menuBorder +';visibility:hide;">\n'+
var x=i;
for (var i=0; i<menu.items.length; i++) {
var item = menu.items;
var childMenu = false;
var defaultHeight = menu.fontSize+6;
var defaultIndent = menu.fontSize;
if (item.label) {
item = item.label;
childMenu = true;
menu.menuItemHeight = menu.menuItemHeight || defaultHeight;
menu.menuItemIndent = menu.menuItemIndent || defaultIndent;
var itemProps = 'font-family:' + menu.fontFamily +';font-weight:' + menu.fontWeight + ';fontSize:' + menu.fontSize + ';';
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if (document.all)
itemProps += 'font-size:' + menu.fontSize + ';" onMouseOver="onMenuItemOver(null,this);" onClick="onMenuItemAction(null,this);';
else if (!document.layers) {
itemProps += 'font-size:' + menu.fontSize + 'px;'; // zilla wants 12px.
var l;
if (lrs) {
l = new Layer(800,body);
var dTag = '<DIV ID="menuItem'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:'+ (i * menu.menuItemHeight) +';'+ itemProps +'">';
var dClose = '</DIV>'
if (menu.bgImageUp) {
menu.menuBorder = 0;
menu.menuItemBorder = 0;
dTag = '<DIV ID="menuItem'+ countItems +'" STYLE="background:url('+menu.bgImageUp+');position:absolute;left:0;top:'+ (i * menu.menuItemHeight) +';'+ itemProps +'">';
if (document.layers) {
dTag = '<LAYER BACKGROUND="'+menu.bgImageUp+'" ID="menuItem'+ countItems +'" TOP="'+ (i * menu.menuItemHeight) +'" style="' + itemProps +'">';
dClose = '</LAYER>';
var textProps = 'position:absolute;left:' + menu.menuItemIndent + ';top:1;';
if (lrs) {
textProps +=itemProps;
dTag = "";
dClose = "";
var dText = '<DIV ID="menuItemText'+ countItems +'" STYLE="' + textProps + 'color:'+ menu.fontColor +';">'+ item +' </DIV>\n<DIV ID="menuItemHilite'+ countItems +'" STYLE="' + textProps + 'top:1;color:'+ menu.fontColorHilite +';visibility:hidden;">'+ item +' </DIV>';
if (item == "separator"
content += ( dTag + '<DIV ID="menuSeparator'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:1;top:2;"></DIV>\n<DIV ID="menuSeparatorLite'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:1;top:2;"></DIV>\n' + dClose);
} else if (childMenu) {
content += ( dTag + dText + '<DIV ID="childMenu'+ countItems +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:3;"><IMG SRC="'+ menu.childMenuIcon +'"></DIV>\n' + dClose);
} else {
content += ( dTag + dText + dClose);
if (lrs) {
content = '';
theStat += "-";
if (tsc > 50) {
tsc = 0;
theStat = "";
status = theStat;
if (lrs) {
// focus layer
var focusItem = new Layer(100, body);
focusItem.document.writeln(" "
} else {
content += ' <DIV ID="focusItem'+ countMenus +'" STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hide;" onClick="onMenuItemAction(null,this);"> </DIV>\n';
content += ' </DIV>\n </DIV>\n</DIV>\n';
if (document.layers) {
container.clip.width = window.innerWidth;
container.clip.height = window.innerHeight;
container.onmouseout = mouseoutMenu;
container.menuContainerBgColor = this.menuContainerBgColor;
for (var i=0; i<container.document.layers.length; i++) {
proto = container.menus;
var menu = container.document.layers;
container.menus.menuLayer = menu;
container.menus.menuLayer.Menu = container.menus;
container.menus.menuLayer.Menu.container = container;
var body = menu.document.layers[0].document.layers[0];
body.clip.width = proto.menuWidth || body.clip.width;
body.clip.height = proto.menuHeight || body.clip.height;
for (var n=0; n<body.document.layers.length-1; n++) {
var l = body.document.layers[n];
l.Menu = container.menus;
l.menuHiliteBgColor = proto.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.document.bgColor = proto.menuItemBgColor;
l.saveColor = proto.menuItemBgColor;
l.onmouseover = proto.onMenuItemOver;
l.onclick = proto.onMenuItemAction;
l.action = container.menus.actions[n];
l.focusItem = body.document.layers[body.document.layers.length-1];
l.clip.width = proto.menuWidth || body.clip.width + proto.menuItemIndent;
l.clip.height = proto.menuItemHeight || l.clip.height;
if (n>0) l.top = body.document.layers[n-1].top + body.document.layers[n-1].clip.height + proto.menuItemBorder;
l.hilite = l.document.layers[1];
if (proto.bgImageUp) l.background.src = proto.bgImageUp;
l.document.layers[1].isHilite = true;
if (l.document.layers[0].id.indexOf("menuSeparator"
l.hilite = null;
l.clip.height -= l.clip.height / 2;
l.document.layers[0].document.bgColor = proto.bgColor;
l.document.layers[0].clip.width = l.clip.width -2;
l.document.layers[0].clip.height = 1;
l.document.layers[1].document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor;
l.document.layers[1].clip.width = l.clip.width -2;
l.document.layers[1].clip.height = 1;
l.document.layers[1].top = l.document.layers[0].top + 1;
} else if (l.document.layers.length > 2) {
l.childMenu = container.menus.items[n].menuLayer;
l.document.layers[2].left = l.clip.width -13;
l.document.layers[2].top = (l.clip.height / 2) -4;
l.document.layers[2].clip.left += 3;
l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu;
body.document.bgColor = proto.bgColor;
body.clip.width = l.clip.width +proto.menuBorder;
body.clip.height = l.top + l.clip.height +proto.menuBorder;
var focusItem = body.document.layers[n];
focusItem.clip.width = body.clip.width;
focusItem.Menu = l.Menu;
focusItem.top = -30;
focusItem.onmousedown = onMenuItemDown;
menu.document.bgColor = proto.menuBorderBgColor;
var lite = menu.document.layers[0];
lite.document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor;
lite.clip.width = body.clip.width +1;
lite.clip.height = body.clip.height +1;
menu.clip.width = body.clip.width + (proto.menuBorder * 3) ;
menu.clip.height = body.clip.height + (proto.menuBorder * 3);
} else {
if ((!document.all) && (container.hasChildNodes)) {
} else {
if (!FIND("menuLayer0"
var menuCount = 0;
for (var x=0; x<container.menus.length; x++) {
var menuLayer = FIND("menuLayer" + x);
container.menus[x].menuLayer = "menuLayer" + x;
menuLayer.Menu = container.menus[x];
menuLayer.Menu.container = "menuLayer" + x;
menuLayer.style.zIndex = 1;
var s = menuLayer.style;
s.top = s.pixelTop = -300;
s.left = s.pixelLeft = -300;
var menu = container.menus[x];
menu.menuItemWidth = menu.menuWidth || menu.menuIEWidth || 140;
menuLayer.style.backgroundColor = menu.menuBorderBgColor;
var top = 0;
for (var i=0; i<container.menus[x].items.length; i++) {
var l = FIND("menuItem" + menuCount);
l.Menu = container.menus[x];
if (l.addEventListener) { // ns6
l.style.width = menu.menuItemWidth;
l.style.height = menu.menuItemHeight;
l.style.top = top;
l.addEventListener("mouseover", onMenuItemOver, false);
l.addEventListener("click", onMenuItemAction, false);
l.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutMenu, false);
} else { //ie
l.style.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth;
l.style.pixelHeight = menu.menuItemHeight;
l.style.pixelTop = top;
top = top + menu.menuItemHeight+menu.menuItemBorder;
l.style.fontSize = menu.fontSize;
l.style.backgroundColor = menu.menuItemBgColor;
l.style.visibility = "inherit";
l.saveColor = menu.menuItemBgColor;
l.menuHiliteBgColor = menu.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.action = container.menus[x].actions;
l.hilite = FIND("menuItemHilite" + menuCount);
l.focusItem = FIND("focusItem" + x);
l.focusItem.style.pixelTop = l.focusItem.style.top = -30;
var childItem = FIND("childMenu" + menuCount);
if (childItem) {
l.childMenu = container.menus[x].items.menuLayer;
childItem.style.pixelLeft = childItem.style.left = menu.menuItemWidth -11;
childItem.style.pixelTop = childItem.style.top =(menu.menuItemHeight /2) -4;
//childItem.style.pixelWidth = 30 || 7;
//childItem.style.clip = "rect(0 7 7 3)";
l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu;
var sep = FIND("menuSeparator" + menuCount);
if (sep) {
sep.style.clip = "rect(0 " + (menu.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 1 0)";
sep.style.width = sep.style.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth;
sep.style.backgroundColor = menu.bgColor;
sep = FIND("menuSeparatorLite" + menuCount);
sep.style.clip = "rect(1 " + (menu.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 2 0)";
sep.style.width = sep.style.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth;
sep.style.backgroundColor = menu.menuLiteBgColor;
l.style.height = l.style.pixelHeight = menu.menuItemHeight/2;
l.isSeparator = true
top -= (menu.menuItemHeight - l.style.pixelHeight)
} else {
l.style.cursor = "hand"
menu.menuHeight = top-1;
var lite = FIND("menuLite" + x);
var s = lite.style;
s.height = s.pixelHeight = menu.menuHeight +(menu.menuBorder * 2);
s.width = s.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth + (menu.menuBorder * 2);
s.backgroundColor = menu.menuLiteBgColor;
var body = FIND("menuFg" + x);
s = body.style;
s.height = s.pixelHeight = menu.menuHeight + menu.menuBorder;
s.width = s.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth + menu.menuBorder;
s.backgroundColor = menu.bgColor;
s = menuLayer.style;
s.width = s.pixelWidth = menu.menuItemWidth + (menu.menuBorder * 4);
s.height = s.pixelHeight = menu.menuHeight+(menu.menuBorder*4);
if (document.captureEvents) {
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMenuItemOver, false);
if (document.layers && window.innerWidth) {
window.onresize = NS4resize;
window.NS4sIW = window.innerWidth;
window.NS4sIH = window.innerHeight;
document.onmouseup = mouseupMenu;
window.fwWroteMenu = true;
status = "";
function NS4resize() {
if (NS4sIW < window.innerWidth ||
NS4sIW > window.innerWidth ||
NS4sIH > window.innerHeight ||
NS4sIH < window.innerHeight )
function onMenuItemOver(e, l) {
l = l || this;
a = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (document.layers) {
if (a) {
a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden";
if (a.Menu.bgImageOver) {
a.background.src = a.Menu.bgImageUp;
a.focusItem.top = -100;
a.clicked = false;
if (l.hilite) {
l.document.bgColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.zIndex = 1;
l.hilite.visibility = "inherit";
l.hilite.zIndex = 2;
l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 1;
l.focusItem.zIndex = this.zIndex +2;
if (l.Menu.bgImageOver) {
l.background.src = l.Menu.bgImageOver;
l.focusItem.top = this.top;
} else if (l.style && l.Menu) {
if (a) {
a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (a.Menu.bgImageUp) {
a.style.background = "url(" + a.Menu.bgImageUp +"
if (l.isSeparator) return;
l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.zIndex = 1; // magic IE 4.5 mac happy doohicky. jba
if (l.Menu.bgImageOver) {
l.style.background = "url(" + l.Menu.bgImageOver +"
if (l.hilite) {
l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor;
l.hilite.style.visibility = "inherit";
l.focusItem.style.top = l.focusItem.style.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop;
l.focusItem.style.zIndex = l.zIndex +1;
} else {
return; // not a menu - magic IE 4.5 mac happy doohicky. jba
window.ActiveMenuItem = l;
function onMenuItemAction(e, l) {
l = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (!l) return;
if (l.action) {
eval("" + l.action);
window.ActiveMenuItem = 0;
function FW_clearTimeout()
if (fwHideMenuTimer) clearTimeout(fwHideMenuTimer);
fwHideMenuTimer = null;
fwDHFlag = false;
function FW_startTimeout()
fwStart = new Date();
fwDHFlag = true;
fwHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("fwDoHide()", 1000);
function fwDoHide()
if (!fwDHFlag) return;
var elapsed = new Date() - fwStart;
if (elapsed < 1000) {
fwHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("fwDoHide()", 1100-elapsed);
fwDHFlag = false;
window.ActiveMenuItem = 0;
function FW_showMenu(menu, x, y, child) {
if (!window.fwWroteMenu) return;
if (document.layers) {
if (menu) {
var l = menu.menuLayer || menu;
l.left = 1;
l.top = 1;
if (this.visibility) l = this;
window.ActiveMenu = l;
} else {
var l = child;
if (!l) return;
for (var i=0; i<l.layers.length; i++) {
if (!l.layers.isHilite)
l.layers.visibility = "inherit";
if (l.layers.document.layers.length > 0)
FW_showMenu(null, "relative", "relative", l.layers);
if (l.parentLayer) {
if (x != "relative"
l.parentLayer.left = x || window.pageX || 0;
if (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width > window.innerWidth)
l.parentLayer.left -= (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width - window.innerWidth);
if (y != "relative"
l.parentLayer.top = y || window.pageY || 0;
if (l.parentLayer.isContainer) {
l.Menu.xOffset = window.pageXOffset;
l.Menu.yOffset = window.pageYOffset;
l.parentLayer.clip.width = window.ActiveMenu.clip.width +2;
l.parentLayer.clip.height = window.ActiveMenu.clip.height +2;
if (l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor) l.parentLayer.document.bgColor = l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor;
l.visibility = "inherit";
if (l.Menu) l.Menu.container.visibility = "inherit";
} else if (FIND("menuItem0"
var l = menu.menuLayer || menu;
if (typeof(l) == "string"
l = FIND(l);
window.ActiveMenu = l;
var s = l.style;
s.visibility = "inherit";
if (x != "relative"
s.left = s.pixelLeft = x || (window.pageX + document.body.scrollLeft) || 0;
if (y != "relative"
s.top = s.pixelTop = y || (window.pageY + document.body.scrollTop) || 0;
l.Menu.xOffset = document.body.scrollLeft;
l.Menu.yOffset = document.body.scrollTop;
if (menu) {
window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = l;
function onMenuItemDown(e, l) {
var a = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (document.layers) {
if (a) {
a.eX = e.pageX;
a.eY = e.pageY;
a.clicked = true;
function mouseupMenu(e)
hideMenu(true, e);
return true;
function mouseoutMenu()
hideMenu(false, false);
return true;
function hideMenu(mouseup, e) {
var a = window.ActiveMenuItem;
if (a && document.layers) {
a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor;
a.focusItem.top = -30;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden";
if (mouseup && a.action && a.clicked && window.ActiveMenu) {
if (a.eX <= e.pageX+15 && a.eX >= e.pageX-15 && a.eY <= e.pageY+10 && a.eY >= e.pageY-10) {
setTimeout('window.ActiveMenu.Menu.onMenuItemAction();', 2);
a.clicked = false;
if (a.Menu.bgImageOver) {
a.background.src = a.Menu.bgImageUp;
} else if (window.ActiveMenu && FIND("menuItem0"
if (a) {
a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor;
if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (a.Menu.bgImageUp) {
a.style.background = "url(" + a.Menu.bgImageUp +"
if (!mouseup && window.ActiveMenu) {
if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu) {
if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu.hideOnMouseOut) {
function PxToNum(pxStr)
{ // pxStr == 27px, we want 27.
if (pxStr.length > 2) {
n = Number(pxStr.substr(0, pxStr.length-2));
function hideChildMenu(hcmLayer) {
var l = hcmLayer;
for (var i=0; i < l.Menu.childMenus.length; i++) {
var theLayer = l.Menu.childMenus;
if (document.layers) {
theLayer.visibility = "hidden";
} else {
theLayer = FIND(theLayer);
theLayer.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (l.childMenu) {
var childMenu = l.childMenu;
if (document.layers) {
childMenu.zIndex = l.parentLayer.zIndex +1;
childMenu.top = l.top + l.parentLayer.top + l.Menu.menuLayer.top + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3;
if (childMenu.left + childMenu.clip.width > window.innerWidth) {
childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left - childMenu.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left + 15;
l.Menu.container.clip.left -= childMenu.clip.width;
} else {
childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left + l.parentLayer.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left -5;
var w = childMenu.clip.width+childMenu.left-l.Menu.container.clip.left;
if (w > l.Menu.container.clip.width)
l.Menu.container.clip.width = w;
var h = childMenu.clip.height+childMenu.top-l.Menu.container.clip.top;
if (h > l.Menu.container.clip.height) l.Menu.container.clip.height = h;
l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 0;
childMenu.visibility = "inherit";
} else if (FIND("menuItem0"
childMenu = FIND(l.childMenu);
var menuLayer = FIND(l.Menu.menuLayer);
var s = childMenu.style;
s.zIndex = menuLayer.style.zIndex+1;
if (document.all) { // ie case.
s.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop + menuLayer.style.pixelTop + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3;
s.left = s.pixelLeft = (menuLayer.style.pixelWidth) + menuLayer.style.pixelLeft -5;
} else { // zilla case
var top = PxToNum(l.style.top) + PxToNum(menuLayer.style.top) + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3;
var left = (PxToNum(menuLayer.style.width)) + PxToNum(menuLayer.style.left) -5;
s.top = top;
s.left = left;
childMenu.style.visibility = "inherit";
} else {
window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = childMenu;
function hideActiveMenus() {
if (!window.activeMenus) return;
for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) {
if (!activeMenus) continue;
if (activeMenus.visibility && activeMenus.Menu) {
activeMenus.visibility = "hidden";
activeMenus.Menu.container.visibility = "hidden";
activeMenus.Menu.container.clip.left = 0;
} else if (activeMenus.style) {
var s = activeMenus.style;
s.visibility = "hidden";
s.left = -200;
s.top = -200;
if (window.ActiveMenuItem) {
hideMenu(false, false);
window.activeMenus.length = 0;
I hope it wasn't to long