I've been stuck on this for a while as a newb, so please forgive me in advance. Any help would be very appreciated.
I wrote a little script to query a sql server database.
Everything works except the fact that more than one recordset can be returned, and each record can have more than one "Standard" or STAND_ID. How can I get the multiple values of this field for each record and string them into one element/field (this is for transmitting to FileNet with XML code).
Here is a snip of the code -
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "Driver={SQL
objConn.Open strConnection
Set objRS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQLQuery = "SELECT a.TestNumber, a.MTE, a.Cust_MTE, a.Manufacturer, a.Model, a.Serial, " & _
"a.Description, a.CustomerName, a.CustomerType, a.Technician, a.Inspector, a.CalDate, a.DueDate, " & _
"a.AsFoundCode, a.AsReturnCode, a.PO_Number, a.CompletedDate, a.CustomerID, a.Vendor, " & _
"a.QCApprovedBy, a.QCApprovedDate, b.CalProcedure, b.Rev_No, c.STAND_ID " & _
"FROM LIMS_Cal_StandardsUsed AS c RIGHT JOIN (LIMS_Assets_CalProcsDef AS b " & _
"INNER JOIN LIMS_CalRecord AS a ON b.MTE_PUI = a.MTE_PUI) ON c.TNPUI = a.PUI " & _
"WHERE (((a.TestNumber)='" & strPDFNumber & "'))"
objRS.Open strSQLQuery, objConn
'Take the names from the recordset
strTestNumber = objRS(0)
strMTE = objRS(1)
strCustMTE = objRS(2)
strSerial = objRS(5)
strCustType = objRS(8)
strCalDate = objRS(11)
strDueDate = objRS(12)
strInstruction = objRS(21)
strStandard = objRS(23)
if strStandard = "" Then
strStandard = "NONE"
end if
XML Portion - Each record returned from the query above can have more
than one Standard.
'idmDocMvCustom2 - Reference
with DocElem.appendChild(Request.createElement("property"))
.setAttribute "label", "Reference (M)"
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strCalDate
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strStatus
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strInstruction
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strStandard
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strTestNumber
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strCustMTE
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strSerial
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strCustType
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = "Calibrated By:
" & strInspector
end with
I wrote a little script to query a sql server database.
Everything works except the fact that more than one recordset can be returned, and each record can have more than one "Standard" or STAND_ID. How can I get the multiple values of this field for each record and string them into one element/field (this is for transmitting to FileNet with XML code).
Here is a snip of the code -
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "Driver={SQL
objConn.Open strConnection
Set objRS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQLQuery = "SELECT a.TestNumber, a.MTE, a.Cust_MTE, a.Manufacturer, a.Model, a.Serial, " & _
"a.Description, a.CustomerName, a.CustomerType, a.Technician, a.Inspector, a.CalDate, a.DueDate, " & _
"a.AsFoundCode, a.AsReturnCode, a.PO_Number, a.CompletedDate, a.CustomerID, a.Vendor, " & _
"a.QCApprovedBy, a.QCApprovedDate, b.CalProcedure, b.Rev_No, c.STAND_ID " & _
"FROM LIMS_Cal_StandardsUsed AS c RIGHT JOIN (LIMS_Assets_CalProcsDef AS b " & _
"INNER JOIN LIMS_CalRecord AS a ON b.MTE_PUI = a.MTE_PUI) ON c.TNPUI = a.PUI " & _
"WHERE (((a.TestNumber)='" & strPDFNumber & "'))"
objRS.Open strSQLQuery, objConn
'Take the names from the recordset
strTestNumber = objRS(0)
strMTE = objRS(1)
strCustMTE = objRS(2)
strSerial = objRS(5)
strCustType = objRS(8)
strCalDate = objRS(11)
strDueDate = objRS(12)
strInstruction = objRS(21)
strStandard = objRS(23)
if strStandard = "" Then
strStandard = "NONE"
end if
XML Portion - Each record returned from the query above can have more
than one Standard.
'idmDocMvCustom2 - Reference
with DocElem.appendChild(Request.createElement("property"))
.setAttribute "label", "Reference (M)"
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strCalDate
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strStatus
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strInstruction
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strStandard
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strTestNumber
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strCustMTE
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strSerial
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = strCustType
.appendChild(Request.createElement("value")).text = "Calibrated By:
" & strInspector
end with