I have completely forgotten how to convert hexadecimals and while this question isn't directly related to TCP/IP (it is a MAC address), I figured someone here might still be able to help me. It relates to an issue I am having with my VMWare machine. So on to my question...
ethernet[n].address = 00:50:56:XX:YY:ZZ
In this line, XX must be a valid hexadecimal number between 00h and 3Fh, and YY and ZZ must be valid hexadecimal numbers between 00h and FFh.
Could some one please at the very least give me a couple of examples that would work here. Thanks so much for any and all help in advance.
ethernet[n].address = 00:50:56:XX:YY:ZZ
In this line, XX must be a valid hexadecimal number between 00h and 3Fh, and YY and ZZ must be valid hexadecimal numbers between 00h and FFh.
Could some one please at the very least give me a couple of examples that would work here. Thanks so much for any and all help in advance.