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Help with Emailing from Access

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Jun 26, 2001
I am building an application that logs calls. I have a form where individual calls are logged as and when they are taken. I need to somehow get the application to e-mail the person who has logged the call with all the details that have been logged. Ideally I would like this to run off a button so that when the log has been completed the button is pressed and the record that is being diplayed on the screen is sent! I am fairly new user to Access and not very familiar with the wonders of VB.

We could very well be working on something very similar...
I'm currently trying to develop an Access application that (if I can make it work) will log calls as well.
Being myself a rookie in VB, I believe that the thread you've started will be of help for my project as well. My E-Mail needs are a litle bit different that yours as what I would like to achieve is to press a button, select a date from a calendar-like form, this in turn would send an E-Mail to all the callers logged that day. This E-Mail would redirect the callers to a website-based Cutomer Sat Survey.
I have a form called frmSendMsgDialog which lists high priority defects in a listbox or, depending on an option control, allows the user to select 'Agenda' or 'Minutes' to automatically send out these messages to those individuals in the tblContacts table associated with the meetings. I'll provide the code behind the form and you will have to disassemble it. A 'Send' button is disabled until something is selected in the listbox.

Steve King

Option Compare Database

Const AGENDA As Integer = 1
Const MINUTES As Integer = 2
Const IMMEDIATE As Integer = 3
Const TRBLISTTRB As String = "SELECT [tblTRBSchedule].[TRBID], [tblTRBSchedule].[TRB_Date], " _
& "[tblTRBSchedule].[TRB_Time], [tblTRBSchedule].[Location], " _
& "[tblTRBSchedule].[DateAgendaMailed], [tblTRBSchedule].[DateMinutesMailed] " _
& "FROM [tblTRBSchedule] " _
& "WHERE (((tblTRBSchedule.IsComplete)=False));"
Const TRBLISTIMMEDIATE As String = "SELECT tblIncidentReports.IRNbr, tblIncidentReports.IRTitle, " _
& "tblIncidentReports.Pri, tblIncidentReports.OpenDate " _
& "FROM tblIncidentReports " _
& "WHERE (((tblIncidentReports.Pri) = 3)) " _
& "ORDER BY DecodeYear([IRNbr]) DESC , DecodeSequence([IRNbr]) DESC;"

Dim mstrSQL As String
Dim mstrCaption As String

' Get TRB Information
Dim mintTRBID As Integer
Dim mstrTRB_Date As String
Dim mstrTRB_Time As String
Dim mstrLocation As String
Dim mstrDateAgendaMailed As String
Dim mstrDateMinutesMailed As String

' Get IR Information
Dim mstrIRNbr As String
Dim mstrIRTitle As String

' Get Message Information
Dim mstrSubject As String
Dim mstrBody As String
Dim mstrSalutation As String
Dim mstrAddressee As String
Dim mstrMsgOut As String

' Object Declarations
Dim db As Database
Dim TRBSchedule_Rcd As Recordset
Dim TRBActivities_Rcd As Recordset
Dim TRBParticipant_Rcd As Recordset
Dim ConfigMgr_Rcd As Recordset

' True when a message has been selected
Dim mbMessageSelected As Boolean

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()

Dim bAgenda As Boolean
Dim bMinutes As Boolean
Dim bImmediate As Boolean
Dim strAddressee As String
Dim strBody As String
Dim strSaluation As String
Set db = CurrentDb

strAddressee = ""
strBody = ""
strSubject = ""
strSalutation = ""
bAgenda = False
bMinutes = False

On Error GoTo HandleErr

If Me.fraMsgType = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must select a message type and source prior to sending the message."
GoTo Exit_Proc
End If

Select Case Me.fraMsgType

strSubject = "Dominium TRB Agenda (" & mstrTRB_Date & " " _
& mstrTRB_Time & ")" & vbCrLf

'Getting the list of addressees for the message
' ***** AGENDA (ADDRESSEES) *****
strAddressees = GetAddressees(mintTRBID)

'Getting the agenda items and comments
' Lead in text for the agenda items
strBody = strBody & "The following agenda items will be discussed at the TRB. " _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & GetAgendaItems(mintTRBID)

' ***** AGENDA (IR STATUS) *****
'Getting the scheduled IRs and status
' Lead in text for the incident reports
strBody = strBody & "The following Incident Reports will be reviewed at the " _
& "Technical Review Board:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
'Getting the status of IRs for this TRB
strBody = strBody & GetIRSchedule(mintTRBID)

' ***** MINUTES (ACTION ITEM) *****
'Getting the action items and status
' Lead in text for the incident reports
strBody = strBody & "The following action items are open for review during the TRB. " _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf
'Getting the action item status from the TRB.
strBody = strBody & GetOpenActionItems()

' ***** MINUTES (SALUTATION) *****
'Getting the salutation
strBody = strBody & GetSalutation()


bMinutes = True
strSubject = "Dominium TRB Minutes (" & mstrTRB_Date & " " _
& mstrTRB_Time & ")" & vbCrLf

'Getting the list of addressees for the message
' ***** MINUTES (ADDRESSEES) *****
strAddressees = GetAddressees(mintTRBID)

'Getting the participants for the TRB meeting
' Lead in text for the participants
strBody = strBody & "The following personnel attended the TRB. " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & GetParticipants(mintTRBID)

'Getting the agenda items and comments
' Lead in text for the agenda items
strBody = strBody & "The following agenda items were discussed at the TRB. " _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & GetAgendaItems(mintTRBID)

' ***** MINUTES (IR STATUS) *****
'Getting the scheduled IRs and status
' Lead in text for the incident reports
strBody = strBody & "The following Incident Reports were reviewed at the " _
& "Technical Review Board:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
'Getting the status of IRs for this TRB
strBody = strBody & GetIRStatus(mintTRBID)

'Getting the action items and status
' Lead in text for the incident reports
strBody = strBody & "The following action items were established at the TRB. " _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf
'Getting the action item status from the TRB.
strBody = strBody & GetActionItemStatus(mintTRBID)

' ***** MINUTES (SALUTATION) *****
'Getting the salutation
strBody = strBody & GetSalutation()


'Getting the addressee for the CM Manager
strAddressees = GetCMAddress()

'Defining the subject
' ***** IMMMEDIATE (SUBJECT) *****
strSubject = "Immediate Priority Notification Message (" & mstrIRNbr & ")"

'Building the message
' ***** IMMMEDIATE (BODY) *****
strBody = BuildIRMessage(mstrIRNbr)

Case Else

End Select

' Send out the constructed message
DoCmd.SendObject _
OutputFormat:=acFormatTXT, _
To:=strAddressees, _
Subject:=strSubject, _
MessageText:=strBody, _

If MsgBox("Do you want to log the " & IIf(bAgenda, "agenda", "") _
& IIf(bMinutes, "minutes", "") & IIf(bImmediate, "immediate message", ""), _
vbYesNo + vbInformation) = vbYes Then
If bAgenda Then
mstrSQL = "UPDATE tblTRBSchedule " _
& "SET DateAgendaMailed = #" & Now() & "# " _
& "WHERE TRBID=" & mintTRBID & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL mstrSQL
ElseIf bMinutes Then
mstrSQL = "UPDATE tblTRBSchedule " _
& "SET DateMinutesMailed = #" & Now() & "# " _
& "WHERE TRBID=" & mintTRBID & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL mstrSQL
End If
End If

Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501 ' Cancel
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Proc
End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Set db = CurrentDb
Dim intSelected As Integer

mstrCaption = Me.Caption

Me.Caption = "Select a TRB or Message!"
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
intSelected = CInt(Me.OpenArgs)
Me.fraMsgType = intSelected
End If

End Sub

Private Sub fraMsgType_AfterUpdate()

Dim mstrSQL As String
Dim var

Me.lblBanner.Caption = ""
If mintTRBID > -1 Then
Select Case Me.fraMsgType
Me.TRBList.ColumnCount = 6
Me.TRBList.ColumnWidths = "0" & """" & ";0.5827" & """" & ";0.6" & """" _
& ";1.5938" & """" & ";0" & """" & ";0" & """"
Me.TRBList.ColumnCount = 2
var = Me.TRBList.ColumnWidths
Me.TRBList.ColumnWidths = ".5" & """" & ";1.5" & """"
Case Else

End Select

If mstrSQL <> Me.TRBList.RowSource Then
Me.TRBList.RowSource = mstrSQL
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub TRBList_Click()

Const IRNbr As Integer = 0
Const IRTitle As Integer = 1
Const TRBID As Integer = 0
Const TRBDATE As Integer = 1
Const TRBTIME As Integer = 2
Const LOCATION As Integer = 3
Const DATEOFAGENDA As Integer = 4
Const DATEOFMINUTES As Integer = 5

' Reinit those variables which may already be built
mstrAddressee = &quot;&quot;
mstrBody = &quot;&quot;
mstrSubject = &quot;&quot;
mstrSalutation = &quot;&quot;
mstrIRNbr = &quot;&quot;
mstrIRTitle = &quot;&quot;
mbMessageSelected = True

Select Case Me.fraMsgType
With Me.TRBList
mintTRBID = .Column(TRBID)
mstrTRB_Date = .Column(TRBDATE)
mstrTRB_Time = .Column(TRBTIME)
mstrLocation = .Column(LOCATION)
mstrDateAgendaMailed = .Column(DATEOFAGENDA)
mstrDateMinutesMailed = .Column(DATEOFMINUTES)
Me.lblBanner.Caption = &quot; &quot; _
& Format(CDate(mstrTRB_Date), &quot;dd-mmm-yy&quot;) & &quot; TRB &quot; _
& &quot;(Agenda: &quot; & IIf(Len(mstrDateAgendaMailed) > 0, Format(mstrDateAgendaMailed, &quot;dd-mmm-yy&quot; & &quot; -- &quot;), &quot;None -- &quot;) _
& &quot;Minutes: &quot; & IIf(Len(mstrDateMinutesMailed) > 0, Format(mstrDateMinutesMailed, &quot;dd-mmm-yy&quot;) & &quot;)&quot;, &quot;None)&quot;)

End With

mintTRBID = -1
mstrTRB_Date = &quot;&quot;
mstrTRB_Time = &quot;&quot;
mstrLocation = &quot;&quot;
With Me.TRBList
mstrIRNbr = .Column(IRNbr)
mstrIRTitle = .Column(IRTitle)
End With
Case Else
End Select
Me.cmdSend.Enabled = True

End Sub

Public Sub TurnOnSend()

If Me.fraMsgType <> 0 And mbMessageSelected Then
Me.cmdSend.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub
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