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help with easy ???(newbie)

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Technical User
Jun 20, 2001
please look at the code beloow and tell my what i have to do, questions follow the code........

Public Sub form_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) Then Text1.Text = Data.Files(1)

FileCopy Text1.Text, "c:\windows\desktop\"
End Sub

the question is. when i drag a file onto the form i want it to copy straight to the address given,in this case it windows\desktop, the problem i have is i dont know how to get the file name in data.files(1) to copy the file so it will be the same name and extension,is there a way to to tell the for that the file name is the string to the right of the last backslash (\).


james cuttance

If I understood your question correctly, the answer is:

Mid$(Data.Files(1), InStrRev(Data.Files(1), "\") + 1)

i tried it but it didnt work maybe im doing somthing wrong.

what i want to do is to copy th file to a directory but when i do i cant get the file name to be the same as the original with the code i am using . if i dran sample.exe then i want it to be sample.exe in the new directory so i have to find away of reading the everything after the last \ which would be the file name in this case. if i change the code to the following.....

FileCopy Text1.Text, "c:\windows\desktop\sample.txt"

then everything i copy is copied as sample dot text even if it is an exe or zip . i hope i have made it more clear .

sorry but i do appreciate the help
try this portion of code:

Do While Not FileNameFound
strFileName = Right(strFullPath, CntFromRight)
If Left(strFileName, 1) = "\" Then
strFileName = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - 1)
FileNameFound = True
End If
CntFromRight = CntFromRight + 1

strFileName = Left(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - 4)

What this does is checks each character starting at the right until it finds a "\". Then is takes the rightmost characters except for the "\" including the File extension. If you want the extension, leave the string alone, however I stripped of the extension by taking the leftmost characters up to 4 less than the string's length. I hope this helps.

Idon't understand that you cannot get my code working. Here's an illustration:

Dim MyFile As String, NewDir As String

NewDir = "c:\temp\"
MyFile = "c:\windows\desktop\sample.txt"

FileCopy MyFile, NewDir & Mid$(MyFile, InStrRev(MyFile, "\") + 1)

If you can't get it working: Try and debug the project. Put a break point at the line with the FileCopy put a watch on everything after the comma. It is showing the correct file and path?

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