I'm trying to run this load against DB2 from a command line:
db2 "load from APPROPS2001.TXT of asc method L (22 25,1 20,54 58,63 65,59 61,76 76,62 62,84 103,164 183,424 435,460 471,82 82) messages msgs.txt insert into nysa.bp10t_appropriation (BUDGET_YR, APPR_ID, AGENCY_CODE, FUND_TYPE, PROG_CODE, OBJECT_CODE, PURPOSE_CODE, ADJ_FUND_AMT, DOB_REQ_AMT, DOB_REQ_FTE, CUR_FTE, EDIT_USERID)"
Is there any way I can specify in my load statement for DB2 to not load the rows where EDIT_USERID is equal to a certain value?
I'd like to reject the rows where EDIT_USERID is equal to 'D'.
Can I do this in the same statement?
Also, when I ran this load the first time, it put db2 in a logging state and wouldn't let anyone make changes to the table until it performed a backup.
Do I have any alternatives to avoid this problem?
Can I specify an exception table where I can put my rejected records so that it doesn't cause this problem for everyone?
- does anyone have any syntax for this?
Thanks In Advance.
db2 "load from APPROPS2001.TXT of asc method L (22 25,1 20,54 58,63 65,59 61,76 76,62 62,84 103,164 183,424 435,460 471,82 82) messages msgs.txt insert into nysa.bp10t_appropriation (BUDGET_YR, APPR_ID, AGENCY_CODE, FUND_TYPE, PROG_CODE, OBJECT_CODE, PURPOSE_CODE, ADJ_FUND_AMT, DOB_REQ_AMT, DOB_REQ_FTE, CUR_FTE, EDIT_USERID)"
Is there any way I can specify in my load statement for DB2 to not load the rows where EDIT_USERID is equal to a certain value?
I'd like to reject the rows where EDIT_USERID is equal to 'D'.
Can I do this in the same statement?
Also, when I ran this load the first time, it put db2 in a logging state and wouldn't let anyone make changes to the table until it performed a backup.
Do I have any alternatives to avoid this problem?
Can I specify an exception table where I can put my rejected records so that it doesn't cause this problem for everyone?
- does anyone have any syntax for this?
Thanks In Advance.