Hi, I've got a large table of data which contains zones, shops, thier sales figures and thier profit figures, My table is currently sorted by Profit (high to low), and I'm filtering the table by sales over £x, and then by one zone at a time.
My problem is that I need to copy the top 5 into another workbook. This I can do manually by copy and paste values, but how would I do it in VBA since the cell range, since the for one example the range is A1
1 contains the column titles, so I need to copy these plus the next 5 rows from the filtered table
Thanks in advance
My problem is that I need to copy the top 5 into another workbook. This I can do manually by copy and paste values, but how would I do it in VBA since the cell range, since the for one example the range is A1
Thanks in advance