I am a novice access programmer and am currently working on my first project. My knowledge of VBA is very limited, but I am trying to learn. I've searched in many books and in different forums across the net for the answer to this one, but can't find it anywhere.
I've made a wizard-type application that contains five different pages(forms). In each, the user answers a single question with a phrase. At the end of the wizard, I want the user to be able to click 'finish' and have Access combine their answers to arrive to a single statement. I knew this would result in a long string, but apparently it is too long because I get a run-time error message that says:
"Run-time error 2221: Text is too long to be edited."
Below is the code that I've written for this:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim strObjective As String
strObjective = [Condition] & ", " & [Audience] & " will " & [Behavior] & " " & [Content] & " " & [Degree] & "."
FullObjective.Text = strObjective
End Sub
So, after a long-winded explanation, let me get to my questions:
1) Can a string have more that 255 characters?
2) If so, how do I do it?
3) Is there any on-line help for these run-time errors like there is with VBA?
I've made a wizard-type application that contains five different pages(forms). In each, the user answers a single question with a phrase. At the end of the wizard, I want the user to be able to click 'finish' and have Access combine their answers to arrive to a single statement. I knew this would result in a long string, but apparently it is too long because I get a run-time error message that says:
"Run-time error 2221: Text is too long to be edited."
Below is the code that I've written for this:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim strObjective As String
strObjective = [Condition] & ", " & [Audience] & " will " & [Behavior] & " " & [Content] & " " & [Degree] & "."
FullObjective.Text = strObjective
End Sub
So, after a long-winded explanation, let me get to my questions:
1) Can a string have more that 255 characters?
2) If so, how do I do it?
3) Is there any on-line help for these run-time errors like there is with VBA?