I managed to do something dumb a few days ago. I was pulling a system out of my employers rack on the top shelf, and the rack started to tip. I saved the rack, but lost the system I was pulling out. Damage physically was minimal, but the system wouldn't boot. One new motherboard later and I could boot, but I would get a BSOD every time I got into windows. I repaired the OS using the install disk, and everything went seemingly fine. Most of my apps still run, but I am having issues with two apps. The most important app I need to get running is the IIS. For whatever reason the RACM service fails on startup, and that's causing problems. It gives me an Access Denied and an error code of "5". Googling provides little to no help here, but I was thinking about one thing in particular that bugged me. The new mobo has a different chipset for the LAN, and thus created a "Local Area Connection 2" I was however able to assign the same IP address, and it seemingly still worked. I think however this is the root of my problems with getting these service failures. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Specifically how to blow away the old network card or anything else you can think of. Thanks!