Here is what i am trying to accomplish
Marketing and Sales Revenue Forecast Pipeline Date Report
SBU J2 F2 M2 A2 M2 J2 J2 A2 S2 O2 N2 D2 02T 02Q1 02Q2 02Q3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sum(1-12)
02Q4 03T 04T 05T 06T
Above info will be populated from below metrix
LeadID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 To 60
$ $ $ $ $ $.....
Calculate monthly revenue for each lead = Net Rev/(Duration*12) <--This is done
If Duration is blank then the following rules apply:
If Net Revenue < $1M, then Duration = 1 year
If Net Revenue = $1-10M, then Duration = 2 years
If Net Revenue > $10M, then Duration = 5 years <--This is done
Then insert monthly revenue in the cell corresponding to 1 + the month of award date. For example, if the award date was June 2002, then the first cell filled would be # 7.
Each cell following the initial cell would also be filled with the monthly revenue for Duration*12 cells, so if the duration was 1 year and the award date was June 2002, the monthly revenue would go into cells 7-18 this would take the amounths respectively in the top first metrix and total accordingly. Say the award month was feb02 then the 3rd cell will get the first monthly amount then if the duration is 1 year then this montly amonth will be entered in each month till cell 15 (12 months) the 2002 total would be (if say 100$) 100*10 months and 2003 total would be 100*3
I have set the report up where i can now have a monthly amounth showing accordingly wiht the award exp month but i can not get these monthly amounth distrubuted so it can show on the following cells to reflect to top metrix depending on duration*12??? Pls help...
Down to some number…so we can fit at least 500 leads
Marketing and Sales Revenue Forecast Pipeline Date Report
SBU J2 F2 M2 A2 M2 J2 J2 A2 S2 O2 N2 D2 02T 02Q1 02Q2 02Q3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sum(1-12)
02Q4 03T 04T 05T 06T
Above info will be populated from below metrix
LeadID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 To 60
$ $ $ $ $ $.....
Calculate monthly revenue for each lead = Net Rev/(Duration*12) <--This is done
If Duration is blank then the following rules apply:
If Net Revenue < $1M, then Duration = 1 year
If Net Revenue = $1-10M, then Duration = 2 years
If Net Revenue > $10M, then Duration = 5 years <--This is done
Then insert monthly revenue in the cell corresponding to 1 + the month of award date. For example, if the award date was June 2002, then the first cell filled would be # 7.
Each cell following the initial cell would also be filled with the monthly revenue for Duration*12 cells, so if the duration was 1 year and the award date was June 2002, the monthly revenue would go into cells 7-18 this would take the amounths respectively in the top first metrix and total accordingly. Say the award month was feb02 then the 3rd cell will get the first monthly amount then if the duration is 1 year then this montly amonth will be entered in each month till cell 15 (12 months) the 2002 total would be (if say 100$) 100*10 months and 2003 total would be 100*3
I have set the report up where i can now have a monthly amounth showing accordingly wiht the award exp month but i can not get these monthly amounth distrubuted so it can show on the following cells to reflect to top metrix depending on duration*12??? Pls help...
Down to some number…so we can fit at least 500 leads