When I run this vbscript on a webpage, it sends an email with the information gathered on the webpage. In the process, it renames the Inbox in Outlook. How did I do that?
Please help!
Please help!
Dim ConstSubject
Dim ConstComment
Dim ConstCount
Dim ConstRecpCount
Dim WSHShell
Dim FileNames
Dim ConstFile1
Dim ConstFile2
Dim ConstFile3
Dim ConstFile4
Dim ConstFile5
Dim ConstRep1
Dim ConstRep2
Dim ConstRep3
Dim ConstRep4
Dim ConstRep5
Sub cmdCreate_OnClick
Dim ToText
Dim Name
Dim Fax
Dim myOlApp
Dim myItem
If ConstCount = 0 then
Exit Sub
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 0 then
Exit Sub
End If
ConstComment = document.FORM1.txtComment.value
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
myOlApp.ActiveWindow = 0
If ConstRecpCount = 1 Then
myItem.To = ConstRep1
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 2 Then
myItem.To = ConstRep1
myItem.CC = ConstRep2
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 3 Then
myItem.To = ConstRep1
myItem.CC = ConstRep2 & chr(59) & ConstRep3
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 4 Then
myItem.To = ConstRep1
myItem.CC = ConstRep2 & chr(59) & ConstRep3 & chr(59) & ConstRep4
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 5 Then
myItem.To = ConstRep1
myItem.CC = ConstRep2 & chr(59) & ConstRep3 & chr(59) & ConstRep4 & chr(59) & ConstRep5
End If
myItem.Subject= ConstSubject
myItem.Body = chr(13) & chr(13) & ConstComment
Set myAttachments = myItem.Attachments
If ConstCount = 1 Then
myAttachments.Add ConstFile1
End If
If ConstCount = 2 Then
myAttachments.Add ConstFile1
myAttachments.Add ConstFile2
End If
If ConstCount = 3 Then
myAttachments.Add ConstFile1
myAttachments.Add ConstFile2
myAttachments.Add ConstFile3
End If
If ConstCount = 4 Then
myAttachments.Add ConstFile1
myAttachments.Add ConstFile2
myAttachments.Add ConstFile3
myAttachments.Add ConstFile4
End If
If ConstCount = 5 Then
myAttachments.Add ConstFile1
myAttachments.Add ConstFile2
myAttachments.Add ConstFile3
myAttachments.Add ConstFile4
myAttachments.Add ConstFile5
End If
WSHShell.AppActivate myItem
WSHShell.SendKeys ("%(s)")
End Sub
Sub RecipList
Dim TempName
Dim TempFax
Dim LenCount
ConstRecpCount = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.length
If ConstRecpCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please include a recipient"
Exit Sub
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 1 Then
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 2 Then
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 3 Then
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 4 Then
End If
If ConstRecpCount = 5 Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Rep1
Dim TempName
Dim TempFax
Dim LenCount
LenCount = Len(document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.innertext)
TempName = Left (document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.innertext, LenCount-13)
TempFax = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.value
ConstRep1 = "/Name=" & TempName & "/fax=" & TempFax & "/<fax@faxit.travp.net>"
End Sub
Sub Rep2
Dim TempName
Dim TempFax
Dim LenCount
LenCount = Len(document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.innertext)
TempName = Left (document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.innertext, LenCount-13)
TempFax = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.value
ConstRep2 = "/Name=" & TempName & "/fax=" & TempFax & "/<fax@faxit.travp.net>"
End Sub
Sub Rep3
Dim TempName
Dim TempFax
Dim LenCount
LenCount = Len(document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext)
TempName = Left (document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext, LenCount-13)
TempFax = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.value
ConstRep3 = "/Name=" & TempName & "/fax=" & TempFax & "/<fax@faxit.travp.net>"
End Sub
Sub Rep4
Dim TempName
Dim TempFax
Dim LenCount
LenCount = Len(document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext)
TempName = Left (document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext, LenCount-13)
TempFax = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.value
ConstRep4 = "/Name=" & TempName & "/fax=" & TempFax & "/<fax@faxit.travp.net>"
End Sub
Sub Rep5
Dim TempName
Dim TempFax
Dim LenCount
LenCount = Len(document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext)
TempName = Left (document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext, LenCount-13)
TempFax = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.value
ConstRep5 = "/Name=" & TempName & "/fax=" & TempFax & "/<fax@faxit.travp.net>"
End Sub
Sub CheckFileList
ConstCount = document.FORM1.lstFile.length
If ConstCount = 0 then
MsgBox "Please attach a file"
Exit Sub
End If
If ConstCount = 1 then
ConstFile1 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.innertext
End If
If ConstCount = 2 Then
ConstFile1 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.innertext
ConstFile2 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.innertext
End If
If ConstCount = 3 Then
ConstFile1 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.innertext
ConstFile2 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.innertext
ConstFile3 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext
End If
If ConstCount = 4 Then
ConstFile1 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.innertext
ConstFile2 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.innertext
ConstFile3 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext
ConstFile4 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext
End If
If ConstCount = 5 Then
ConstFile1 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.innertext
ConstFile2 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.innertext
ConstFile3 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext
ConstFile4 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext
ConstFile5 = document.FORM1.lstFile.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innertext
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdAddR_OnClick
Dim optOption
Dim lstIndex
Dim lstCount
lstIndex = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.selectedIndex
Set optOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
lstCount = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.length
ConstSubject = document.FORM1.txtSubject.value
If lstCount = 5 then
MsgBox "You have Exceeded the Maximum of Five (5) Recipients", , "Fax It"
document.FORM1.txtName.value = empty
document.FORM1.txtFax.value = empty
Exit Sub
lstCount = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.length
optOption.text = document.FORM1.txtName.value & " @ " & document.FORM1.txtFax.value
optOption.value = document.FORM1.txtFax.value
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.add optOption
ConstSubject = document.FORM1.txtSubject.value
document.FORM1.txtName.value = empty
document.FORM1.txtFax.value = empty
document.FORM1.txtSubject.value = empty
lstCount = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.length
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdRemoveR_OnClick
Dim lstIndex
dim LenCount
lstIndex = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.selectedIndex
document.FORM1.txtFax.value = document.FORM1.lstRecipients.value
LenCount = Len(document.FORM1.lstRecipients.item.text)
document.FORM1.txtName.value = Left (document.FORM1.lstRecipients.item.text, LenCount-13)
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.remove lstIndex
document.FORM1.txtSubject.value = ConstSubject
End Sub
Sub cmdCancel_OnClick
End Sub
Sub cmdAddF_OnClick
Dim optOption
Dim lstIndex
Dim lstCount
Set optOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
lstIndex = document.FORM1.lstForms.selectedIndex
If lstCount >= 5 then
MsgBox "You have Exceeded the Maximum of Five (5) files", , "Fax It"
Exit Sub
If document.FORM1.txtFile.value = "" then
lstCount = document.FORM1.lstFile.length
optOption.text = document.FORM1.lstForms.value
optOption.value = document.FORM1.lstForms.value
document.FORM1.lstFile.add optOption
FileNames = optOption.text
lstCount = document.FORM1.lstFile.length
optOption.text = document.FORM1.txtFile.value
optOption.value = document.FORM1.txtFile.value
document.FORM1.lstFile.add optOption
FileNames = optOption.value
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdRemoveF_OnClick
Dim lstIndex
lstIndex = document.FORM1.lstFile.selectedIndex
document.FORM1.lstFile.remove lstIndex
End Sub
Sub reset1_OnClick
End Sub
Sub ClearForm
document.FORM1.lstFile.remove 4
document.FORM1.lstFile.remove 3
document.FORM1.lstFile.remove 2
document.FORM1.lstFile.remove 1
document.FORM1.lstFile.remove 0
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.remove 4
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.remove 3
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.remove 2
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.remove 1
document.FORM1.lstRecipients.remove 0
document.FORM1.txtFile.value = "Empty"
End Sub