I have a huge file of 50 pages. I want to divide into 25 files of 2 pages each. The code i have copies one page at a time. How can i select 2 pages at a time?
On MS Word:
Copy and Run the code
Select the file with at least 4 pages long to divide and save.
File is saved at C:\
See Code Below:
'Macro recorded/Edited 10/07/07
Sub FileOpenTest()
Dim FileToOpen
Dim FileToSave
Dim szFileName As String
Dim wrdDoc As Document
'''This is just to demonstrate the below library function.
szFileName = FileOpenCustom1("", "*.Doc")
'''In reality it would be more productive to pass a document object back.
If szFileName <> "" Then
Set wrdDoc = Word.Documents(szFileName)
' disabled
' MsgBox wrdDoc.Path + Chr$(13) + wrdDoc.Name
FileToOpen = wrdDoc.Name
'Modified oct 6 2007
'Parse out .txt and replace with .doc
FileToSave = Left(wrdDoc.Name, Len(wrdDoc.Name) - 4) & ".doc"
Dim varDocOne As Variant
Documents.Open FileName:=FileToOpen, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:= _
"", Revert:=False, WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", _
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Number of Pages")
'Select and copy the text to the clipboard
With ActiveDocument
End With
' Open new document to paste the content of the clipboard into.
' Removes the break that is copied at the end of the page, if any.
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:\"
DocNum = DocNum + 1
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="Test_" & DocNum & ".doc"
' Move the selection to the next page in the document
Next i
ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
'Message displayed on completing the macro
MsgBox "Files have been saved at the specified location."
End If
End Sub
''' Function: FileOpenCustom
Function FileOpenCustom1(pszInitDir As String, pszFilter As String) As String
Dim dlgFileOpen As Word.Dialog
Dim szCurDir As String
Dim szdlgFullName As String
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
'''Store the current document path
szCurDir = Application.Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath)
'''If pszInitDir is empty use the default path.
If pszInitDir <> "" Then
ChDir pszInitDir
pszInitDir = szCurDir
End If
'''Initailize and reference the dialog object.
Set dlgFileOpen = Word.Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen)
With dlgFileOpen
'''Update the dialog object.
'''Set the filter
.Name = pszFilter
'''Display and execute the dialog.
If .Show() <> False Then
'''If the user didn't cancel...
'''The active document is the one just opened.
Set wrdDoc = ActiveDocument
'''Cheat and use the document object to do the parsing.
'''Return the name of the document.
FileOpenCustom1 = wrdDoc.Name
End If
End With
'''Restore the default path setting.
With Application.Options
If .DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath) <> szCurDir Then
.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath) = szCurDir
End If
End With
End Function
On MS Word:
Copy and Run the code
Select the file with at least 4 pages long to divide and save.
File is saved at C:\
See Code Below:
'Macro recorded/Edited 10/07/07
Sub FileOpenTest()
Dim FileToOpen
Dim FileToSave
Dim szFileName As String
Dim wrdDoc As Document
'''This is just to demonstrate the below library function.
szFileName = FileOpenCustom1("", "*.Doc")
'''In reality it would be more productive to pass a document object back.
If szFileName <> "" Then
Set wrdDoc = Word.Documents(szFileName)
' disabled
' MsgBox wrdDoc.Path + Chr$(13) + wrdDoc.Name
FileToOpen = wrdDoc.Name
'Modified oct 6 2007
'Parse out .txt and replace with .doc
FileToSave = Left(wrdDoc.Name, Len(wrdDoc.Name) - 4) & ".doc"
Dim varDocOne As Variant
Documents.Open FileName:=FileToOpen, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:= _
"", Revert:=False, WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", _
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Number of Pages")
'Select and copy the text to the clipboard
With ActiveDocument
End With
' Open new document to paste the content of the clipboard into.
' Removes the break that is copied at the end of the page, if any.
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:\"
DocNum = DocNum + 1
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="Test_" & DocNum & ".doc"
' Move the selection to the next page in the document
Next i
ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
'Message displayed on completing the macro
MsgBox "Files have been saved at the specified location."
End If
End Sub
''' Function: FileOpenCustom
Function FileOpenCustom1(pszInitDir As String, pszFilter As String) As String
Dim dlgFileOpen As Word.Dialog
Dim szCurDir As String
Dim szdlgFullName As String
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
'''Store the current document path
szCurDir = Application.Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath)
'''If pszInitDir is empty use the default path.
If pszInitDir <> "" Then
ChDir pszInitDir
pszInitDir = szCurDir
End If
'''Initailize and reference the dialog object.
Set dlgFileOpen = Word.Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen)
With dlgFileOpen
'''Update the dialog object.
'''Set the filter
.Name = pszFilter
'''Display and execute the dialog.
If .Show() <> False Then
'''If the user didn't cancel...
'''The active document is the one just opened.
Set wrdDoc = ActiveDocument
'''Cheat and use the document object to do the parsing.
'''Return the name of the document.
FileOpenCustom1 = wrdDoc.Name
End If
End With
'''Restore the default path setting.
With Application.Options
If .DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath) <> szCurDir Then
.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath) = szCurDir
End If
End With
End Function