I am trying to help someone set up a controlled environment for his home LAN. He has 2 W2K workstations and a linksys router. He has 2 teenage kids who are hardcore gamers. He wants to make it so if they want to game and play around, then he logs them in to a profile that only he knows the password to. Then they would have their own profiles for homework and general use that they could log into at any time, but wouldnt be able to game, or install apps, etc.
He wants it to be as controlled as possible, so that if they are in their restricted profile, they cant access their games and the stuff from other profiles. Given this setup, what would be the best way to do this? I tried this setup using the 'restricted user' setting and it didnt do much really. I tried finding policy setting that would help be couldnt really find them. I am used to a NT domain, where you can really restrict users with policies and proxy settings, but I havent tried to restrict users in this kind of environment before. Do I need a 3rd party app to bring this kind of control? If so, which one do you recommend?
He wants it to be as controlled as possible, so that if they are in their restricted profile, they cant access their games and the stuff from other profiles. Given this setup, what would be the best way to do this? I tried this setup using the 'restricted user' setting and it didnt do much really. I tried finding policy setting that would help be couldnt really find them. I am used to a NT domain, where you can really restrict users with policies and proxy settings, but I havent tried to restrict users in this kind of environment before. Do I need a 3rd party app to bring this kind of control? If so, which one do you recommend?