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Help Restricting Rows in Result Set.

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Mar 25, 2003
MS Access 2000.

I have this Query:
SELECT [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code], SUM([Receipts.Amount]) AS Total
FROM StudentDataTest INNER JOIN Receipts ON [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO]=[Receipts].[Folio]
GROUP BY [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].

[b]Folio:[/b] is a Student's Unique ID.
[b]Code:[/b] is a Type of Payment [eg: TUI01 (January Tuition)]
[b]SUM([Receipts.Amount]) AS Total: [/b] gives me the Total of all payments by this Folio for this Code - [eg: a student may make several part-payments for TUI01].

What I want to do is - for example:
If the First 3 characters of Code are 'TUI'then
   If the SUM([Receipts.Amount]) < 320 then
      Display this record.

IE: For each of the various '[Receipts].[ Code]' types I want to only see those payments which are less than the required amount for that Fee. 
Eg: for all the Tuition Fee Payments [the Codes all start with 'TUI'] I only want to see those that SUM up to less than 320.

I have looked at 'Case' & 'If . . . Else' statement examples but have not been able to figure out how to use them for my particular situation.

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.

Sorry - For some reason the last line of my query showed up with an error - here it is again without that weird last character - &quot;
 [/b]&quot; - which I get when I try & enter the word 'Code' with square brackets [] around it. 

SELECT [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code], SUM([Receipts.Amount]) AS Total
FROM StudentDataTest INNER JOIN Receipts ON [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO]=[Receipts].[Folio]
GROUP BY [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code];

Thanks in advance.

I have had a look at this a couple of times and was hoping somebody else would pick it up but.....
You have not said how you want to see these records so I will just give you the outline for isolating them:
Dim strSQL as String
strSQL = &quot;SELECT [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code], SUM([Receipts.Amount]) AS Total
FROM StudentDataTest INNER JOIN Receipts ON [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO]=[Receipts].[Folio]
GROUP BY [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code];&quot;
Dim rst as Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDB.OpenRecordSet(&quot;strSQL&quot;)
Do While Not rst.EOF
If Left(Code,3) = &quot;TUI&quot; And Total < 320 Then
Do something here........
ElseIf Left(Code,3) = &quot;PEN&quot; And Total < 540 Then
Do something here........
Something else.........
End if
Set rst = Nothing

Frank J Hill
FHS Services Ltd.
Thanks Trendsetter,

I'm sorry if I miscommunicated my request.

What I was hoping to get was a way to get the rows I want with the SQL alone.

I want to only see those Sum(Receipts.Amount)
which are less than 320
if the Receipts.Code Like(&quot;TUI%&quot;)

When I open my recordset with the strSQL - I only want it to contain those rows for which the full amount required has not been paid.

I was wondering if SQL 'Case' Statements could be used for the various different types of Fees . . . of which &quot;TUI%&quot; is one. . . or if there is a way to get what I want using 'If . . . Else . . .' in SQL.

I am working in VB but want to find out if it is possible to do this in SQL so that I my recordset has only short payments from the SQL before I start coding in VB.





SELECT [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code], SUM([Receipts.Amount]) AS Total
FROM StudentDataTest INNER JOIN Receipts ON [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO]=[Receipts].[Folio]
WHERE [Receipts].[ Code] LIKE 'TUI*'
GROUP BY [StudentDataTest].[FOLIO], [Receipts].[ Code]
HAVING SUM([Receipts.Amount])<320

If you are using an ADO connection object, ADO recordset object, or SQL Pass Through Query you will need to replace the asterisk mark with percentage mark


This definitely works for that one payment code. Thanks! That's unqualified.

SELECT [StudentDataTest].[Folio], [Receipts].[ Code], SUM([Receipts].[Amount]) AS Total
FROM [StudentDataTest] INNER JOIN [Receipts] ON [StudentDataTest].[Folio]=[Receipts].[Folio]
WHERE [Receipts].[ Code] LIKE 'TUI%'
GROUP BY [StudentDataTest].[Folio], [Receipts].[ Code]
HAVING SUM([Receipts].[Amount])<320
ORDER BY [StudentDataTest].[Folio]

Just so you know - I've finished coding the program using my initial SQL Statement - so there's no urgency.

However, in my initial question what I had wanted was to be able to test for all the different payment codes in the same SQL Statement - and if a payment is of a certain type [eg: HOS03 - March Hostel Fees] and the amount of its 'Sum'med payments is less than the required amount for that fee - then include it in the result set.

Like I said - I've already done this in VB - but I'd still like to know if it can be done in SQL.

I appreciate that I now know how to do it with at least one of the payment codes at a time.



Oh. Then you should seperate the code type into two fields: MainCodeID and SubCodeID, and combined them when needed (SELECT MainCodeID + SubCodeID AS

That way you can easily Group on the MainCodeID, or whatever you want to call it.
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