I load the txt file into excel format with delimited set with TAB and other | character
Delete the lines down to and including Row27 and select the first cell.
I run the clean macro first removing unwanted text.
Running the second macro does the following: -
It creates a seperate sheet with the information formatted horizontally.
What I would like to do is have the second row which has number in places sometimes and not in others, put into comments on the line above. giving the association.
In doing this the second line becomes redundant and the remaining lines can be moved up 1.
I would like to know how this can be achived.
I have included a zip file with the relevant information.
Can someone assist me please.
Delete the lines down to and including Row27 and select the first cell.
I run the clean macro first removing unwanted text.
Running the second macro does the following: -
It creates a seperate sheet with the information formatted horizontally.
What I would like to do is have the second row which has number in places sometimes and not in others, put into comments on the line above. giving the association.
In doing this the second line becomes redundant and the remaining lines can be moved up 1.
I would like to know how this can be achived.
I have included a zip file with the relevant information.
Can someone assist me please.