I have created a report using the designer in VB6.0. The report was created using 2 tables and utilitzing the ADO(Active Data Object). I have linked the tables and set the fields in question in the "Details" section of the report. The problem in when the report is viewed in the CRViewer using a SQL statement, many of my string fields are showing data from wrong fields.
For example a field named "ShipName" may actually have data from "ShipCity" etc. Only about half of the fields are wrong. These fields are in the first table added to the connection. I can't get any fields from the second table to show up. If I use data from the second table, when the report is loading I get a "File Not Found" error.
I have even tried creating a VIEW so I wouldn't have to link any tables but about half of the data fields are showing me the wrong data. At any time if I browse the data, everything looks fine.
In case someone has a better idea, all I need to do is pass different SQL statements through the same report. Currently I'm using the following
(SO is ADODB.Recordset)
(PassSQL is Global string equal to SQL statement being passed.)
If SO.State = 1 Then SO.Close
SO.Open PassSQL, SoftbaseDB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Call Report.Database.SetDataSource(SO)
Help please!!
Gary Comstock
For example a field named "ShipName" may actually have data from "ShipCity" etc. Only about half of the fields are wrong. These fields are in the first table added to the connection. I can't get any fields from the second table to show up. If I use data from the second table, when the report is loading I get a "File Not Found" error.
I have even tried creating a VIEW so I wouldn't have to link any tables but about half of the data fields are showing me the wrong data. At any time if I browse the data, everything looks fine.
In case someone has a better idea, all I need to do is pass different SQL statements through the same report. Currently I'm using the following
(SO is ADODB.Recordset)
(PassSQL is Global string equal to SQL statement being passed.)
If SO.State = 1 Then SO.Close
SO.Open PassSQL, SoftbaseDB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Call Report.Database.SetDataSource(SO)
Help please!!
Gary Comstock