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HELP on reloading a page with new data

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Aug 7, 2001
i have an .asp page which executes a SQL query. Everything is working fine with the sql and the returned recordset. Now, I am trying to display the recordset 1000 rows at a time. My goal is to display the first 1000 rows, then add some buttons (depending on how many records returned) so user can click on it to load the rest. I can add those buttons dynamically as the page is loaded. The problem I have is loading the rest of the rows.
here's what i have:

'count is the # of buttons
<% sub display(pageNo)
'some response.write to display 1000 rows

<% sub main
call display 'to display 1st 1000 rows by default
do while i <= count
<input type=&quot;button&quot; name=&quot;cmdDisplay&quot; value=&quot;<% =count %>&quot; onClick=&quot;display(<%=count%>)&quot;>
i = i + 1

No matter which button I click, nothing happens!!

what if you run &quot;display&quot; on serverside instead of client-side. submit your page on this button click. and keep record what is the next record count to display and refresh your page from that count.

If I have understood correctly, I guess you are trying to navigate between your results displaying 1000 at one time. and you do not want to display 1000 buttons calling, your display(<%=count%>) function.

kind of
<%do while i <= count
response.write &quot;record &quot; & i
i = i + 1
<form name=navigate action=thispage?start=1000 method=post>
<input type=submit name=display>
thanks for all the quick responses!!

i tried out the code in the article about paging recordsets, but I got the following error
&quot;ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E7D)
Operation is not allowed on an object referencing a closed or invalid connection.&quot;
when I clicked on previous/next link.
and it is pointing at the line &quot;rs.ActiveConnection = cnn&quot; where rs is the recordset and cnn is the Connection object.
i think that's because my cnn is based on a user input from a previous page. is there anyway i can save/pass this value on?

Here's the piece of code which I wrote, and it works just fine with &quot;good old&quot; PUBS.
Of course, you need to replace some parts of connection string with your own data.

<%@ LANGUAGE=&quot;VBSCRIPT&quot; %>
'Set how many records per page we want
Const NumPerPage = 10

'Retrieve what page we're currently on
Dim CurPage,oconn,ors,strconn,strsql
If Request.QueryString(&quot;CurPage&quot;) = &quot;&quot; then
CurPage = 1 'We're on the first page
CurPage = Request.QueryString(&quot;CurPage&quot;)
End If

strconn = &quot;driver={SQL Server};server=server2000;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs;&quot;
Set oconn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
oconn.Open strconn

'Explicitly Create a recordset object

Set ors = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)

'Set the cursor location property
ors.CursorLocation = 3

'Set the cache size = to the # of records/page
ors.CacheSize = NumPerPage

'Open our recordset

strSQL = &quot;SELECT au_id,au_lname FROM authors ORDER BY au_id&quot;
ors.Open strsql, oconn

ors.PageSize = NumPerPage

'Get the max number of pages
dim TotalPages
TotalPages = ors.PageCount

'Set the absolute page
ors.AbsolutePage = CurPage

'Counting variable for our recordset
dim count

<B>Name - Salary</B><BR>
'Set Count equal to zero
Count = 0
Do While Not ors.EOF And Count < ors.PageSize
Response.Write(ors(&quot;au_id&quot;) & &quot; - &quot; & ors(&quot;au_lname&quot;) & &quot;<BR>&quot;)
Count = Count + 1

'Print out the current page # / total pages
Response.Write(&quot;Page &quot; & CurPage & &quot; of &quot; & TotalPages & &quot;<P>&quot;)

'Display Next / Prev buttons
if CurPage > 1 then
'We are not at the beginning, show the prev button
Response.Write(&quot;<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=PREV ONCLICK=&quot;&quot;document.location.href='paged_rs.asp?curpage=&quot; & curpage - 1 & &quot;';&quot;&quot;>&quot;)
End If

if CInt(CurPage) <> CInt(TotalPages) then
'We are not at the end, show a next button
Response.Write(&quot;<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=NEXT ONCLICK=&quot;&quot;document.location.href='paged_rs.asp?curpage=&quot; & curpage + 1 & &quot;';&quot;&quot;>&quot;)
End If



So try it and I hope it'll work out OK.
thanks for your reply!

i did exactly the same thing as you showed them, but i am now getting an error saying that
&quot;ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.&quot;

and i found out that my recordset has no records whenever i click on the prev/next links.

help please!!!
i finally got it to work, i didn't pass on one of the needed variables causing the rs to be empty.

thanks for all your help!!!!

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