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HELP needed waking up SMS!!!!

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Mar 21, 2000
I've got a very frustrating issue where NONE of the SMS Components for any of my primary and secondary site servers have updated since 5/17/06. As a possible result of this nothing in the admin console appears to be consistent. For instance:
1. The number of collections constantly fluctuates from 5500 to as low as 100 systems. My Heartbeat option is set to 1 week and my delete options are all set to 28 days.

2. I can't see any updates on new packages or advertisements.

3. When removing a secondary site server, MP, for testing and viewing either of the SCHED, SITESTAT, SENDER, or COMPSUMM log files I see absolutely NO changes throughout the entire removal process. There last update was back in 2005 way before I even started working at this location.

I've done a site reset on the Primary and it shows the new date on the components but notice thatiIf I start SMS Service Manager and query the components the following components are ALWAYS STOPPING:


If I check the Component Status on a few of my troubled secondary site servers I see errors with the same components:


The one thing I've done on ALL of my secondary site servers is ran the MPList and MPCert tests and they returned the correct responses indicating that they're communicating with the site server.

As I'm frantically going through my MP troubleshooting procedures I'm wondering if anyone can assist with any of the others issues I mentioned above? The issue has gotten critical as I've got technicians in the field that either see a few or don't see anything in Collections making it impossible to remote in and resolve user issues.

ANY responses are appreciated.
JP, You have to add the Systems Management permissions AND extend the schema, they aren't the same thing entirely.

Hope this Helps.

Neil J Cotton
njc Information Systems
Systems Consultant
thats what i meant. Exactsh or whatever its called does not do everything to AD that you need for SMS to work.
Ok guys I'm about to steps from doing something crazy!!!
I upgrade the primary w2k3 sp1 site server to SP2 after successfully upgrading the SQL database to SP4. I check the SMSSetup.log file and it shows:

<06-09-2006 10:11:50> SMS Setup completed successfully!

So I wait to allow SMS Executive and Componanent Services time to work themselves out before proceeding to check the following files in the SMS\Logs folder and see that the log dates haven't changed and still show 4\26\06 or 5\17\06 as the last date: &^#%$#


Attempting to start SMS Service Manager I get "Error communicating with the specified SMS Site Server. "

What am I missing??#^$%#^
make sure you entered the correct site name when you installed sms 2003 sp2, it seems to not be able to connect. did you use the server name or the site (3 digit) name?
SMS SP2 doesn't prompt for you to enter a name as this was an upgrade. I thought the SMSSetup.log file indicating a successful installation proved connectivity? I am still able to connect to the database in the console. I'm doing a site reset now to see if this'll work. I'm not understanding why most of the component services on this server are not updating.
you dont have the services running under some strange account right?
What services? Everything's running under the Local System Account. Wondering if changing this password will help?
if its local system you dont wanna change the pasword really..
No I don't wanna change this I basically need to figure out why it's, SMS, still little like a pile of crap even after an SP2 upgrade and site reset. And to add insult to injury I continue to get this "Error communicating with the specified SMS Site server.

is there any error number or anything like that? try looking for the exact error with google... could be answers there
The SP2 upgrade helped a great deal and I'm no longer experiencing this issue. I appreciate all of the suggestions submitted for this thread.
Huh? on the 9th you said it was a pile of crap after the SP2 upgrade, then on the 20th you said the SP2 upgrade helped a great deal?

What was the problem then? Had you not applied SP2 yet?
Sorry for the confusion but for a brief moment everything was well after the SP2 upgrade. About a week or two later the problems started happening all over again this time starting with the site server constantly hanging. Whereas in my original thread I stated I couldn't get the services to update, after installing SP2 the server seemed to have a hard time keeping up with SMS. By this I mean the server would come to a screeching halt and become totally inaccessible remotely or internally for long periods at a time and at various times throughout the day. I'd have to wait for it to clear before checking on the problem. The ONLY indicators to this were event ID's 2021 & 2019. The other problem was that the collections started loosing clients again for no apparent reason. Because of the way the server was configured there wasn't enough room left on the partitions to handle the growth so another server has since been brought into the picture.

I do apologize for the confusion and at the same time say thanks for the assistance. I had been trying to work through these ongoing issues and constantly running into issue after issue. Hopefully I can take this new server and start from scratch and try to get off to a right start.

Thanks again for the patience and please keep up the good work

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