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Help! My table isn't working right in netscape!!!

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Technical User
Apr 15, 2001
Hi, I put a table with a white beackground on my webpage. I centered it on the page with the align option, and then I used the layout frames inside the table for the pictures, text, etc. I made my background a blue-green, so that it would look like there was a border around the white table. In internet explorer this looks fine
But in netscape 4.77 and 6.1 the page and all of its contents are centered as if they are in a table, but the table has no white background. The blue-green background of the page itself is the only thing that you see (background wise). The images on the page all have a white background and this results in a very unattractive webpage!

I am using dreamweaver 3.0

Can someone please help? Why am I not getting a background color in my table? Is there any way to have the browser redirect to a different version of the page if the user is using netscape? How would I go about doing this? Thank you in advance for any help that you can give

-Brent Nelson
there is a mistake in my post. I am using Dreamweaver 4. Sorry! Please help me if you can!
Hello there, I don't have time to explain how to fix it but I can tell you to edit your browser list that you preview it in. That way it is tested in as many browsers as possible so you know what effects will work and what will not. Macromedia has a great help site, and the Dreamweaver bible is highly recommended.
jackie O :)

Thank you for replying.

While I am still trying to find something to fix it, I have since put Netscape as one of my browsers to be previewed in. If you could please go into detail on how to fix this I would be greatful.

If I could make a suggestion, Stop using all the columnspans, and use nested tables instead (just make sure you have a close TD or TR for each TD/TR..., netscape is overly pickey on this), I am assuming you also built the page in fireworks... It has been my experience that Fireworks is an excellent graphics program, and as long as you plan to make no changes to the fireworks code it's okay for html. just don't change it, If you want to make changes to it, then just make the graphics in fireworks and do the rest in dreamweaver....

Mike J
Hello sbrentn!

As I see ALMOST everything is fine now, but...
Some advices:

1) creating sites you must ALWAYS preview it in both IE and NN;
2) IE and NN differently show tables - sometimes IE do it better, sometimes NN. Please notice that some properties (bgimage, bgcolor, class, etc.) that you apply to TABLE tag may work in one browser and doesn't work in another. The same situation with TD tag. So sometimes you have to apply same properties both to TABLE and TD tags. It's very important;
3) one more good helping thing - try to use necessary number of enclosed tables instead of columnspans (MJewell has written about it). It often very helps. Take for example last picture on your page - it's aligned right in IE and not in NN. Why? Because of columnspans. Try to rebuild this page using enclosed tables to fix it (I tried and it worked!).

Good Luck!
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