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Help!!! forward calls when ringing with a button

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Technical User
Feb 4, 2014
Hi to all the community,
System Avaya Definity G3 V11

I been asked by my boss to configure a digital extension with station 6408D+, what he wants is, when the extension are ringing receiving a call from some number depending of the number in that moment he wants to transfer to a cell phone that call by pressing a button or a combination of buttons, or answer the call if he want to, is there a way to do that.

Thanks in advance i really need help i'm stuck in this for 3 days and i can't figured out the solution.
You could try giving him a send-calls button to a VDN that routes to the cell phone or station with EC500. When the phone rings, he can press the special send-calls button.

Hi Toni268!!

First of all thanks for your comment, i already tried configuring the send-calls button and in that button i put a phantom extension with a remote coverage, and in that way is nos working let me try with a vector and a post again the result.

Thankss any other ideas !!!!
The remote coverage path will work for you using SAC. Just be sure to check all the yes on the first path but no on SAC. Then all no's on the second path except for the SAC. Add the second path on the first one and away you go.

Let me know if you need help.

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[sad]Hi mikeydidit !!!

Sorry but i'm a rookie in this area, could you please be a little more specific i only have 1 coverage path, or could you give me an example, or better if you can give me your mail i can send you images of my configuration, because iam desperate i need to have this done ASAP .

Thanks again and i wait your response . . .

Help!!!! anyone, i need to have this done heeeeeelp !!!
You should be fine with just one cover path as long as your boss does not need voicemail some of the time then you will need two as mikey suggests and he will toggle between the two with feature codes , but if he just needs one cover option on your cover path at "point 1" have your "r x" x= the table dest for your cell phone , then turn everything on inside and outside call to N except DND/SAC/Goto coverage this will be Y and you will be good to go.

[sad]Hi montyzummer

first of all thanks for your comment,

I will try to explain myself from the beggining of my configuration,
first of all what i did is,

I create a Vector like this

Number of the vector 6
route-to number xxxxxxxxxx with cov n if unconditionally

Then i created a VDN like this to call the vector # 6.

Extension: 1005
Name: Test
Vector Number: 6
Meet-me conferencing? n
Allow VDN override? n
TN: 1
Measured: none

I create a "ghost" extension like this

Extension: 29
Type: 6408D+
Port: X
Name: Short Tranfer Calls
and that station have a coverage path like for example 33 like this:
then turn everything on inside and outside call to N except DND/SAC/Goto coverage this will be Y
point1: V1005
who send the call to the VDN 1005 to transfer the call to the cell phone.

then i configured a button in the third tab of the selected extension "change station 4040" command like this

6: send-calls Ext: 29

then if my logic are ok, when i receive a call to the extension 4040 and with the phone ringing y press the previously configured with SAC button, the call must be transfered to the ghost extension 29, and to the cov path of that extension 33 wich is the VDN 1005 will tranfer the call to the cell phone?? am i right?

but with all of this configured i made a test and when i pressed the SAC button nothing happens, please could someone take a look of my configuration and let me know what is wrong or i there is a better way to get this work pleeease let me know.

I hope somebody can help me i really need to have this done.
For testing: Have you tried dialing x29 from both inside and from outside the office and does the cell phone ring both times?
Hi Toni

Yes inside the office i called directly 29 from any extension and the cell rings, and from outside what i did is, i called the principal trunk and answer the PBX asking to dial any extension o call the recepcionist then i call the extension 29 and the call goes ok to the cell phone.

what could be wrong??

I'm wondering if the station or VDN's COS restricts call forward off net?
I made another test, i put a normal extension in the SAC button and does not work too, what do you think is wrong, first of all i think i have to get it work the SAC button because i think in that point is the problem, because the button does not work there is something that needs to be configured to get it work the SAC button???
Do you want to try to do a "list trace station 29" and make a test call to extension 29 and see what the error is in the trace?

Also - Did you ever try what MikeyDidIt suggested?

To get you started:
"change coverage remote" [input cell phone number]
Then in the change coverage path point, input the coverage remote number - "r1
Yes i did what MikeyDidIt suggested, and the same, if i make a call to the ext 29 directly, the call works ok, and yes i also tried with the remote coverage, because all the test i made i think what is not working is specifically the SAC button.

any other ideas? what i need to get it work is the sac button
Here is more of an explanation on mikeydidit's example that should work:

Change coverage remote
Enter in cell phone number "918005551212" [dial the ars access code and 1 and area code if needed]
[if this is entered on line 01: then the coverage remote is "r1", on line 02: then coverage remote is "r2" and so on]

Create a new coverage path "10", Set everything to "NO" except SAC. The first point is "r1" [your coverage remote number]
Enter in your "normal" coverage path number in the 'Next Path Number" field [The one that goes to voice mail]
On extension 29, in Coverage Path 1: put coverage path you created "15"

If you don't press SAC button, calls will go to voice mail normally. If you press SAC then calls should go to the cell phone.

If calls don't route to cell phone, trace it, and also check the COS (Class of Service) for the extension and the incoming/outgoing trunk group.
ok Toni, first for all thanks for your time and tips,

returning to my problem, in the send-calls button only allow me to put an extension nothing else, if i try to put a remote cover, VDN,etc, sends an error, am i doing it wrong or configuring bad the SAC?

or you mean configure a button with the FAC of the SAC wich is #3 for activate SAC and *3 to deactivate... with SAC button do you mean that???
You would leave the send calls button blank.

Join me on a web conference if you want me to explain we can fix this quickly for you:

1. Please join my meeting.

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

United States: +1 (213) 493-0619

Access Code: 349-020-389
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 349-020-389
change coverage remote group 1


01: 918005551212
02: 17: 32:
03: 18: 33:
04: 19: 34:

add coverage path 15

Coverage Path Number: 15
Cvg Enabled for VDN Route-To Party? n Hunt after Coverage? n
Next Path Number: 1 Linkage

Station/Group Status Inside Call Outside Call
Active? n n
Busy? n n
Don't Answer? n n Number of Rings: 3
All? n n
DND/SAC/Goto Cover? y y
Holiday Coverage? n n

Terminate to Coverage Pts. with Bridged Appearances? n
Point1: r1 Point2:
Point3: Point4:
Point5: Point6:

change station 29

Extension: 29 Lock Messages? n BCC: M
Type: 4621 Security Code: * TN: 1
Port: S04518 Coverage Path 1: 15 COR: 1
Name: Username Coverage Path 2: COS: 1
Hunt-to Station:

change station 29 Page 4 of 5
Room: 1 Headset? n
Jack: 2 Speaker? n
Cable: 3 Mounting: d
Floor: Cord Length: 0
Building: Set Color:

List1: personal 1 List2: List3: system

1: call-appr Auto-A/D? n Rg:r 5: abrv-dial List: 3 DC: 24
2: call-appr Auto-A/D? n Rg:r 6: abrv-dial List: 3 DC: 97
3: call-appr Auto-A/D? n Rg:r 7: directory
4: cdr1-alrm 8: send-calls Ext:
Hi tony sorry for the delay, i was repairing some problems jejeje,

with your help and tips you just gave me, right now it's working with the SAC button!!!, i just made test and worked just the way i wanted to, i really appreciate your help and i'm very grateful, i worked in a manufacturing plant in Mexico and i'am in charge of the maintenance and day to day configuration needed by the plant of the PBX, i don't have training and grades all the things i know of avaya is because of research like this, time and experience.

if there is any way to stay in touch an have feedback with you let me know, because in some times the manager asked me a configurations that i don't know how to do it and if i can have someone with more experience or knowledge in this area would be great.

Depending on what you want to do, there is something called vector routing tables "change vrt 1". If it is always the same numbers that trigger the behaviour your boss wants - like forward his girlfriend to the cell, but business stays on the Avaya phone, you can make a vector routing table, with steps like
if ani in table 1
route to digits 9-1-your-cell
route to digits your extn.

Its the same stuff call centers use to close at 5PM "your time" where "your time" is determined based on your area code.

You could probably turn that function on and off too. To say, make all calls ring the desk, and with a key sequence, enable the list of numbers to forward to the cell.
If you have call center functionality, one easy way would be to make him an agent number, put him in split/skill 9 and in the beginning of your vector, you could say

if agents-staffed in split 9 >0, goto step 10
else goto step 20
step 10: if ani in table 1, route to cell
step 20: route to digits extn

That's rudimentary and not exact syntax, but you get the idea.
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